Ophtalmology Flashcards
middle aaged man who has to hold books at an arm legnth to read DX
physiopatho of presbyopia
lens elasticity problem
Quid of stye
acute small swelling along the margin of upper eyelid
bug causing stye
sta[hyolococcal abcess of the eyelid
first line rx of stye or hordeolum
warm compress
if failure after 48 h of Rx with warm compress for stye next step(2)
visual loss with sensation of a curtain falling down
amaurosis fugax
cause of amaurosis fugax
retinal artery emboli(atherosclerosis)
clue for retinal artery emboli
zone of whitened edematous retina following distribution of retinal arterioles
clue primary open glaucoma(2)
cupping of the optic disc
constricted peripheral vision
rx of primary open glaucoma
laser trabeculoplasty
failure with laser trabeculoplasty in primary open glaucoma
surgical trabeculotomy
conditions predisposing to subconjonctival hemorrage(4)
rubbing eyes vigorously
coughing spell
patient with grippe develops dischrage in the eye dx
viral conjonctivitis
rx of viral conjonctivitis(2)
cold and moist compresses
or antihistaminic
purulent discharge in eyes
bacterial conjonctivitis
bug involved in viral conjunctivitis
rx of bacterial conjuntivitis in lens wearer
patietn with hyperosmolar hyperglycemia develops loss of vision why(2)
hyperosmolarity causes intraaccular hypotension
myopic increase in lens thickness
hiv patient with painfull loss of vision
HSV retinitis
painless keratinitis and retinitis in HIV patient bug in cause
sudden loss of vision with dilated pupil , painfull
acute angle closure glaucoma
rx of acute angle closure glaucoma
definitive rx of acute angle closure glaucoma
laser peripheral iridotomy
lens wearer with red eyes bug en cause(2)
quid of conjounctivitis in lens wearer(3)
medical emergency
remove lens
topical antibio
med used to reduce intraoccular pressure in glaucoma(4)
what drug should not be used in glaucoma
why atropine should not be used in glaucoma(3)
its a mydriatic
pupil is in mydriasis during acute glaucoma
can worsen glaucoma
sudden loss of vision with floating debris on ophtalmoscopy
vitreous hemorrage
clue for vitreous hemorrage
fundus difficult to visualize
female with multiple neurologic presentation that interspaced between time periods and eye problem
Multiple sclerosis
eye problem in MS
optic neuritis
diabetic with decreased of vision acuity next step
ophtalmoscopy in diabetic patient(3)
simple retinopathy
proliferative retinopathy
proliferative and malignant retinopathy
stage 1 retinopathy in diabetics(3)
exsudates and retinal edema
stage 2 retinopathy in diabetics
cotton wool spots
stage 3 retinopathy in diabetics
newly form vessels
how to prevent complication in diabetic retinopathy
argon laser photocoagulation
sensation of curtain coming down in front of eyes what to check?
clue for retinal detachment
flashes of light (photopsia)
quid of photopsia
flashes of light
quid of floaters
spots in the visual field
layers of retina(3)
neurosensory retina
retinal pigment epithelium
clue for dacryocystitis
press the medial canthus pus is seen
bacteria causing dacryocystitis(2)
staph aureus
B hemolytic strep
loss of central vision in patient > 50 ans dx
macular degeneration
how’s navigationnal vision in macular degeneration
it’s not affected
clue optic neuritis(3)
colors are washed out
pain with one eye movement
central scotoma
disease associated with clue optic neuritis
hiv patient develops yellow white pathes of retinal opacification and hemorrages ,no pain low cd4 dx
retinitis a CMV
next step in intra occular foreign body(3)
fluorescein test
and wood lamp examination
or slit lamp
patient with watering red eyes vesicles and dendritic ulcer on cornea dx
keratite herpetic
clue varicella zoster in eye(2)
ocular sign plus
periorbital vesicles
clue for central vein occlusion in fundoscopy(5)
on fundoscopy blood and thunder appearance optic disk swelling retinal hemerrage dilated veins cotton wool spots
clue for central artery occlusion in fundoscopy(3)
painless loss of vision
pallor of the optic disk
cherry red fovea
box car segmentation of blood in the retinal veins
loss of vision in central vein occlusion
loss of vision in central artery occlusion
risk factor for central vein thrombosis(4)
chronic gluacoma
atherosclerotic risk factor
clue for herpes zoster infection in eye(2)
trigeminal distribution rash
occular involvement
quid of sympathetic ophtalmia
damage of one eye after penetrating injury of the other eye
cause of sympathetic ophtalmia
uncovering of hiddens antigens(recognition)
clue for macular degeneration
distorsion of straight lines such that they appear wavy
risk factor for macular degeneration(2)
test for macular degeneration
grid test
first cause f blindness in industrialised country
macular degeneration
management of central retinal vein occlusion
occular massage and huigh flow o2
anatomy of carotid int(2)
artere ophtalmic——artere ciliare
——– central artere retinienne
role of central retinal artery
supply inner retina
role of ciliary branches(2)
supply choroid
ant portion of the globe
patient develops swollen eyelids ,edematous conjonctiva and exsudates in the ant chamber after surgery for cataract
post op endophtalmitis
most common form of endophtalmis
post op endophtalmitis
patient with history of asthma and allergy develops itching of eyes
allergic conjonctivitis
patient with cafe au lait spot develops decrease in vision exophtalmos(2)
optic glioma
neurofibromatosis type 1
quid of cataract
lens opacification
rx of cataract(3)
intracapsular cataract extraction
extracapsular cataract extraction
why you have vision impairement in keratoconjunctivitis
corneal involvement
clue for retinal emboli
it’s like a curtain falling down
patient with glucose in urine develops blurred vision ,why?
it’s a diabetic with hyperosmolar state
keratitis with VZV and HSV
painless retinitis not associated with keratitis orconjunctivitis
CMV retinitis
clue CMV on fundoscopy(2)
fluffy or granular lesions around the retinal vessels
risk factor for vitreous hemorrage
diabetic retinopathy
2 types of presentation of glaucoma
primary open angle glaucoma
acute angle closure glaucoma
primary open angle glaucoma(2)
gradual loss of peripheral vision
over years tunnel vision
influenza in USMLE(3)
mild sore throat
acute angle closure glaucome clue(5)
eye pain in dark space stress after taking drug while fixing light bulb
grid test in macular degeneration
straight lines become curved