Operations Testing Flashcards
Operations testing study and review.
350 - Track Occupancy (Critical Decision) - What is the associated rule? [CRITICAL]
MWOR 6.3.1
350-1 - Main Track Authorization - What are the requirements? [CRITICAL]
- Men and equipment are properly authorized when occupying or fouling a track.
- All information is properly documented when authorized to occupy or foul a track.
350-1 - Track and Time, Track Permits, and Foul time – What are the requirements? [CRITICAL]
- Conditions of authority (behind trains) when applicable
- Name or other identification of authorized track
- Authority limits
- Time limits
- Joint status when applicable (working limits established, flags displayed, time of briefing noted?)
350-1 Track and Time - What is required when there are multiple work groups on the same authority? [CRITICAL]
- EIC of authority must have a Job Safety Briefing with each work group before allowing them to use the authority
- EIC must document the following on the “Multiple Work Groups Using The Same Authority” Form:
1. Authority number
2. Name of each work group using the authority
3. Time acknowledgement received
4. Time authority limits are cleared
350-1 Track and Time - What is required when track and time is given “joint” with another party? [CRITICAL]
When receiving “joint” authority, contact each party listed on the authority and determine the location of any working limits before occupying the overlapping portion of the authority.
350-1 Track and Time - What must be communicated when initially requesting a track and time? [CRITICAL]
Where the track will be fouled.
What must you know relative to the respective territory prior to setting on the track? [CRITICAL]
Any Form B’s that are in effect where you may be fouling.
350-1 Track Warrant - What is required when occupying the track using a Track Warrant? [CRITICAL]
- “X” is marked in the boxes specified
- Conditions of authority (behind trains) when applicable
- Name or other identification of authorized track
- Authority limits
- Joint Status (and/or overlaps) when applicable
- Track released (roll-ups) limits when applicable
- OK time
350-1 Track Bulletin Form B [CRITICAL]
Employee obtains all information concerning all Form B’s that may overlap authority prior to occupying track.
350-1 Working Limits Form (Generally) Requirements [CRITICAL]
Employee properly identifies who is the EIC for each set of working limits and what those working limits are.
350-1 Working Limits Form (Multiple Work Groups) Requirements [CRITICAL]
- Employee in charge is correctly identified for each set of working limits
- working limits are correctly identified
- “At” time is recorded
- “Clear” time is recorded
350-1 Multiple Work Groups Using The Same Authority Requirements [CRITICAL]
- Authority number is correctly identified
- Name of employee in charge of each work gropu using the authority is recorded
- Time acknowledgment received recorded
- Time authority limits cleared recorded
350-2 Protection on other than Main Track (MWOR 6.3.2) Conditions
-Roadway workers have properly established working limits on other than a main track, controlled siding, or any track where a block signal system in effect using one or more of a combination of methods.
350-3 Visual detection of trains (MWOR 6.3.3) [CRITICAL] - Conditions that allow you to utilize visual train detection?
- The work will not affect the movement of trains or engines.
- Maximum authorized timetable speed is used to determine the minimum separation distance.
- Nothing impedes the ability to see the required distance; natural or artificial light, weather, other physical conditions
- Ability to detect approaching on-track movements is not impaired by background noise, workwear, etc.
- All members can move to place of safety within allotted time.
350-3 Visual Detection of Trains (MWOR 6.3.3) [CRITICAL] - Does a lone worker have to fill out a job safety briefing when working by themselves?
Yes. A job safety briefing is required by lone workers or lookouts, along with the statement of on track safety, every time.
350-3 Visual Detection of Trains (MWOR 6.3.3) [CRITICAL] - Does a separate statement of on track safety have to be filled out if the work group moves locations?
Rule 6.3.3 [CRITICAL] - Lone Workers must consider:
- Any adjacent track, including equipment on such tracks, and how they may affect sight distance
- Predetermined place of safety
- Time needed for lone worker to move from work location to place of safety
- Not a control point
- No power operated tools or Roadway Equipment maintenance machines are in use within hearing distance (even unrelated)
Rule 6.11 - Mandatory Directive [CRITICAL] - What must be written on mandatory directives after they expire?
350-4 Adjacent Track Operations [CRITICAL] – What are the requirements for adjacent controlled track?
- Protection is established when necessary
- Work and machine operations cease when a train or on-track equipment is passing
- Roadway workers do not occupy the space between tracks when while a train is passing
- The Sub-Group Coordinator Notification form is used as required to ensure all employees have been notified of an approaching train
350-5 Authority Behind Trains (MWOR 6.2.1) [CRITICAL] – What is required?
Establish radio contact with each train you are behind and confirm:
- confirm train identity by engine initials, number, and direction
- determine the milepost location of the trains
- instruct the crew not to make a reverse movement within the authorized limits without contacting the EIC
350-5 Authority Behind Trains (MWOR 6.2.1) [CRITICAL] – What must you document when you get an authority behind a train?
The following must be documented on the authority form:
- Train ID
- Direction
- Milepost location and time the train crew member was contacted
350-4 Adjacent Track Operations (MWOR 12.1.2-12.4) [CRITICAL] - When can track maintenance continue to be performed while a train is passing on an adjacent controlled track?
When there are working limits established on the adjacent controlled track (Form B) and the trains are running at 25mph or less.
350-6 Reporting Clear of Authority Limits (MWOR 2.14.2) [CRITICAL] - What is required?
Ensure all men and equipment are clear of the authority before reporting clear. Inform the dispatcher that all men and equipment are clear and the authority can be released.
351 Lock Out / Tag Out (E.I. 1.10) [CRITICAL] - When can the test be performed?
This test may be conducted anywhere employees are working with equipment that has potentially hazardous energy sources. These sources may be electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, gravitational or thermal.
351 Lock Out / Tag Out (E.I. 1.10) [CRITICAL] - When is this test an exception?
When the employee is engaged in an activity that requires LOTO and they do not have an approved lock out / tag out device.
351 Lock Out / Tag Out (E.I. 1.10) [CRITICAL] - What do you look for in the test?
Make sure the lock out / tag out kit is present and is:
- marked with the identify of the employee
- a standardized lock. Each lock will have a single, unique key that remains in the possession of the employee (there will be NO master keys)
- Used exclusively for lockout
351 Lock Out / Tag Out (E.I. 1.10) [CRITICAL] - Ways to fail lock out tag out operations test:
When employee neglects to:
- Shut the equipment down
- Turn off the battery switch and lock it in the off position
- Establish protection against other machinery
What is the required PPE for welding/grinding/saw cutting/etc?
Hard hat, safety glasses, impact goggles, face shield, leggings, welding jacket.