Operations Specifications Flashcards
1. What area of operation does each of the parts cover (Part A. B. C. D. E)?
A – General
B – En Route Authorizations and Limitations
C – Airplane Terminal Instrument Procedures and Airport Authorizations and Limitations
D – Maintenance
E – Weight and Balance
- What OpSpec number lists the aircraft that are approved for FAR 135 operation?
D085 – Aircraft listing
- Where are approved aeronautical weather sources listed?
A010. Aviation Weather Information
- Does GCA have an approved “Carry-On Baggage” program?
A097 – Small Cabin Aircraft passenger and baggage weight program.
- What section lists the approved EFB devices?
A061 Electronic Flight Bag Program
- What is the average passenger weight is allowed to use?
A097 – Small Cabin Aircraft passenger and baggage weight
- What is the weight allowance for each bag?
A097 – Small Cabin Aircraft passenger and baggage weight
20 lbs. heavy baggage weight - actual lbs
- What section lists the areas of operation (countries) that is permitted to operate into?
B050 – Authorized Areas of Enroute Operations. Limitations and Provisions
- What section lists the aircraft that are authorized to operate in MNPS airspace?
B039 – Operations in North Atalntic High Level Airspace
- Where would you find countries that the FAA has identified as “Sensitive International Areas?”
B450 – Sensitive International Areas
- Where would the list of approved instrument approaches be found?
C052 – Straight-in Non Precision. APV. and Category I Precision Approach and Landing Minima – All Airports
C075 – Category I IFR Landing Minimums – Circle to land Approach Maneuver
- Find the minimum RVR’s that a “High Minimum” Pilot in Command must use?
C054 – Special Limitations and Provisions for Instrument Approach Procedures and Instrument Flight Rules Landing Minimums
RVR 4500 (1800) ADD 100FT 1/2 Visibility
- Where are the “Alternate Airport IFR Weather Minimums” located?
C055 – Alternate Airport IFR Weather Minimums
One suitable navaid 400ft – 1SM
Two suitable navaid 200ft – ½ SM
- Can GCA operate into Class G airspace?
C064 – Terminal Area IFR Operations in Class G Airspace and air Airports without and Operating Control Tower – Nonscheduled Passengers and All-Cargo Operations
Yes. Need to have IAP. Approved source of weather (on-demand operations). Traffic advisory and airport status and facilities. IFR operations.
- Where would you find out if your aircraft is authorized to conduct an IFR approach using VNAV?
C073 – Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Instrument Approach Procedures IAP Using Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) as a Decision Altitude DA/Decision Height DH
- When on approach into an uncontrolled airport can the PIC cancel IFR? If so. when and under what conditions?
C077 – Terminal Visual Flight Rules. Limitations and Provisions
Yes but the need to have direct communication with air/ground communication facility or agent that provide airport traffic advisory and information that is pertinent to conditions on and around the landing surface and the flight is operated within 10 NM of the destination airport or visual reference with the lading surface is established and can be maintained throughout the approach and landing.
1. visibility +3SM
2. Ceiling 1000ft or greater
3. Cloud clearance
4. Ceiling and cloud clearance to maintain altitudes aplicable to airspace.
5. Controller Airports B.C or D within 10 NM.
- What are the takeoff minimums(Lowest visibility)?
C057 – IFR Takeoff Minimums. 14 CFR Part 135 Airplane Operations – All airports
1 SM or RVR5000
C079 – IFR Lower Than Standard Take Off Minima. 14 CFR Part 135 Airplane Operations – All airports
- Certain airports have special approaches that provide for lower than normal landing minimums. Where are these special authorizations found?
C081 Special Instrument and RNAV Visual Flight Procedures
- How often must aircraft be weighed?
E096 – Aircraft Weighing
36 Months Interval / 3 Years
- What is the lowest landing minimum approved for?
C052 – Straight-in Non Precision. APV. and Category I Precision Approach and Landing Minima – All Airports
200ft– 1800 RVR