define operations
operations refers to the processes involved with the transformation of inputs to outputs.
strategic role of op management
profit max through cost leadership and product diff
cost leadership
aiming to have the lowest costs or to be the most price-competitive in the market
making products that are identical or homogeneous
product differentiation
distinguishing products from competitors in some way.
mutual dependence that functions have with each other
globalisation (influence)
the removal of trade barriers between nations
technology (influence)
the design, construction and/or application of devices, methods, and machinery in the operations process.
how well designed, well made and functional goods are, and the degree of competence with which services are organised and delivered
cost-based competition
determining a business’s break-even point then applying cost advantages over competitors to be cost-competitive and maximise profits.
government policies
legal regulation
the range of laws with which a business must comply with in order to avoid penalty which are dubbed as ‘compliance’. These costs are dubbed ‘compliance’ costs.
environmental sustainability
using sustainable practices in business operations to ensure that future generations are not compromised of access to resources used by the business.
the emphasis of environmental sustainability and social responsibility alongside financial performance of a business.
the difference between legal compliance and ethical responsibility
legal compliance involves doing the minimum in order to avoid penalties or costs which is seldom beneficial to the environment and community. Ethical responsibility involves going beyond legal compliance and doing what’s beneficial for the environment and for the community in an act of good faith and morale. Although costly, ethically responsible businesses benefit from improved media perception and can develop larger customer bases.