Operational Planning Flashcards
Category A = Category B = Category C = Category D = Category E =
Category A = Less than 91kts Category B = 91kts to 120kts Category C = 121kts to 140kts Category D = 141kts to 165kts Category E = 166kts to 211kts
Take-off RVR for an aircraft that meets the 1500ft performance criteria(if not it is 800m, for single also 800m):
Facilities vs RVR/visibility:
RVR/Visibility for NIL:
RVR/Visibility for Runway edge lighting/or centreline:
RVR/Visibility for Runway edge and centreline lighting:
RVR/Visibility for Runway edge and centreline lighting and multiple RVR information:
NOTE: The higher values apply to Cat D
RVR/Visibility for NIL: 500m
RVR/Visibility for Runway edge lighting/or centreline: 250/300m
RVR/Visibility for Runway edge and centreline lighting: 200/250m
RVR/Visibility for Runway edge and centreline lighting and multiple RVR information: 150/200m
NOTE: The higher values apply to Cat D
Take-off Minima:
System minima for a non-precision approach:
(a) An operator must ensure that system minima for non-precision approach procedures, which are based upon the use of ILS without glide path, VOR, VOR/DME and NDB are not lower than the MD?H values given in figure 2-3 below:
Note: The MDH may be higher, and usually is, than the system minima. The system minima is the lowest possible legal MDH for a non-precision approach.
Lowest MDH
Take-off Minima(ICAO):
Precision Approach - Cat 1 operations
(1) General
A category 1 operation is a precision instrument approach procedure which provides for an approach to a decision height not lower than ___ft and a visibility not less than ___m or RVR not less than ___m.
(1) General
A category 1 operation is a precision instrument approach procedure which provides for an approach to a decision height not lower than 200ft and a visibility not less than 800m or RVR not less than 550m.
System Minima(ICAO):
Precision approach - Category 2 operations
(1) General:
(a) A category 2 operation is an ILS approach procedures which provides for an approach to a decision height lower than ___ feet but not lower than ___ feet and a RVR of not less than ___m.
(b) the approval of the _______ is required
(1) General:
(a) A category 2 operation is an ILS approach procedures which provides for an approach to a decision height lower than 200 feet but not lower than 100 feet and a RVR of not less than 300m.
(b) the approval of the director is required
Take-off Minima(ICAO):
Precision approach - Cat 3 operations
(1) General
Cat 3 operations are subdivided into three categories being A, B and C.
Cat 3 A decision height and RVR is -
Cat 3 B decision height and RVR is -
Cat 3 C decision height and RVR is -
A, B and C.
lower than 100ft or with no decision height and with a RVR of not less than 175m(200m South Africa).
lower than 50ft or with no decision height and a RVR lower than 175m(200m SA) but not less than 50m(75m SA).
No DH or RVR limits
Aerodrome lighting facilities :
Runway markings, 720m or more of HI/MI approach lights, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights.
Runway markings, 420 - 719m of HI/MI approach lights, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights.
runway markings, less than 420m of HI/MI approach lights, any length of LI approach lights, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights.
runway markings, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights or no lights at all.
An operator may not use an RVR of less than ? for a visual approach
Take-off Minima:
(1) The lowest minima to be used by an operator for circling are:
Cat A MDH ? -
Cat B MDH ? -
Cat C MDH ? -
Cat D MDH ? -
Cat A MDH 400ft - 1500m
Cat B MDH 500ft - 1600m
Cat C MDH 600ft - 2400m
Cat D MDH 700ft - 3600m
Visual Approach Criteria:
An IFR flight in controlled airspace may be cleared by an ATSU to execute a Visual Approach, whilst still maintaining IFR Flight Plan status, when:
i) The pilot can - and;
ii) The - AND;
iii) The aircraft is -
iv) A Visual Approach may be requested by the pilot or initiated by an ATC. When initiated by the ATC the concurrence of the pilot is required.
i) The pilot can maintain visual reference to the terrain AND
ii) The reported cloud ceiling is above the initial approach level OR the pilot reports at the Initial Approach level or at any time during Instrument Approach procedure that the meteorological conditions are such that with reasonable assurance a Visual Approach and landing can be completed AND
iii) The aircraft is within 25NM of the destination aerodrome.
iv) A Visual Approach may be requested by the pilot or initiated by an ATC. When initiated by the ATC the concurrence of the pilot is required.
VMC Approach:
A VMC Approach enables the pilot to descend below the initial approach altitude while maintaining VMC.
An IFR flight in controlled airspace may be cleared by ATC to execute a VMC Approach, whilst still maintaining IFR Flight Plan status, when:
i) Requested by -
ii) Metrological conditions are such that there is reasonable assurance that a -
iii) The pilot -
During a VMC Approach the ATSU shall remain responsible to provide separation between all aircraft as stipulated below:
BY DAY – Standard separation may be reduced, subject to the agreement of all pilots involved. When such a reduction is permitted, essential traffic information shall be passed and the pilot is responsible for his own separation.
BY NIGHT – ATC shall ensure that standard separation is applied to all flights.
During a VMC Approach the pilot shall remain responsible -
VMC Approach:
A VMC Approach enables the pilot to descend below the initial approach altitude while maintaining VMC.
An IFR flight in controlled airspace may be cleared by ATC to execute a VMC Approach, whilst still maintaining IFR Flight Plan status, when:
i) Requested by the pilot.
ii) Metrological conditions are such that there is reasonable assurance that a VMC Approach and landing can be completed.
iii) The pilot can maintain visual reference to the terrain.
During a VMC Approach the ATSU shall remain responsible to provide separation between all aircraft as stipulated below:
BY DAY – Standard separation may be reduced, subject to the agreement of all pilots involved. When such a reduction is permitted, essential traffic information shall be passed and the pilot is responsible for his own separation.
BY NIGHT – ATC shall ensure that standard separation is applied to all flights.
During a VMC Approach the pilot shall remain responsible for terrain clearance.
The following RT may be used:
Pilot: “ …request VMC Approach…”
Note 1: It is not required to change the IFR status of a flight to VFR when a Visual Approach or VMC approach is made in controlled airspace.
Note 2: Due to the nature of traffic situations at busy aerodromes the reduction of separation may not be feasible.
Note3: To meet the requirements for separation, Reduced Separation in the Vicinity of the Aerodrome may be applied.
2. Changing to VFR
Planning minima:
Explain the planning minima:
May only select a destination or destination alternate aerodrome if the conditions indicate that during a time of 1 hour before to 1 hour after the ETA, the conditions are at or above the applicable planning minima:
- for destination aerodrome:
(i) RVR/Vis must be in accordance with that specified in CAR 91/07.5; and
(ii) for a non-precision approach or a circling approach, the ceiling at or above the MDH;
- for a destination alternate aerodrome:
must in accordance to table 2-10:
Cat II and III: Cat I minima
Cat I: NPA minima and ceiling must be above the MDH
NPA: NPA minima plus 200ft added to MDH and 1000m added to RVR/Vis. Ceiling must be above MDH +. 200ft
Circling: Circling
The LVP RVR and cloud ceiling:
The lowest RVR is less than 600m and cloud ceiling less than 200ft