Operational Environment Flashcards
What is PMESII-PT?
Political Military Economic Social Information Infrastructure Physical environment Time
Define Operational Environment (OE)
The operational environment is a composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of military forces and bear on the decisions of the unit commander.
Full spectrum training must what?
Stress a challenging conventional and unconventional fight on a cluttered battlefield with second and third order effects.
What are the four categories of nation-state actors?
- Core States – basically democratic states which share common values and interests.
- Transition states – larger industrialized countries which may or may not be competitors
- Rogue states – countries that are hostile to us or their neighbors
- Failed or failing states – weaker countries that are losing their ability to meet the needs of the population.
Define noncombatant.
As per FM 1–02, noncombatant is an individual, in an area of combat operations, who is not armed and is not participating in any activity in support of any of the factions or forces involved in come.
Lawful combatants:
- Are individuals authorized by a government to engage in hostilities.
- Maybe a member of the regular Armed Forces on a regular force.
- Must be commanded by a person responsible for subordinates.
- Have fixed distinctive emblems recognizable at a distance, such as uniforms.
- Carry arms openly.
- Conduct his or her combat operations according to the LOW.
- If captured, are entitled to prisoner of war (POW) status and humane treatment
Unlawful combatants:
- Violate LOW and become lawful targets
- Maybe wounded or killed.
- May be captured and tried as war criminals for their LOW violations.