Operating Principles Flashcards
Systems, Habits, and Schedules»_space;> Goals
Establish systems and create habits rather than goals. __Power question:__ How can you systematize this in terms of sustainable habits and schedules?
The 1% Rule
Make a schedule of incremental tasks, habits, or improvements and stick to it. The compounding effect of minor, daily improvements is magic. Change slowly but consistently. Double down on what works, avoid leakage/time losses, measure backward “one last week, two this week”. __Power question:__ What are the 1% activities, the 1% leakages, and where can they be made routine or removed?
Grow Sustainably
Don’t fight natural growth rates. The optimum growth rate over the long-term is rarely the fastest over the short-term.
Environment is Overpowering
You’ll break yourself against an overpowering environment. Choose or create one that favors you and succes. Automate good decisions (e.g. small plates), create habits and routines on the path of least resistance, and remove negative influences. __Power question:__ What can you do to make the environment more supportive?
Stack Habits
Use habits that are already established in your routine as anchors for new habits you want to develop. The basic formula for habit stacking is: “After [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].” __Power question:__ What existing habits can I stack new, desired habits upon?
Avoid Drag
Remove goals, activities, and habits which don’t move you towards your vision. __Power question:__ What things, habits, or environmental factors which, if not addressed, may prevent me from achieving my vision?
Busyness/Motion is not the same as Effective Action
Learn and act upon the difference between the two.
Don’t Multitask
Use Buffett’s 2 Lists, the Ivy Lee Method, or the Eisenhower Box.
Avoid WIP
It’s better to get one thing complete than have three things in play.
Manage Energy, Not Time
Identify and exploit the best times of day for doing specific types of work required. __Power question:__ When is the best time of day/week to do this?
Make the Journey the Reward
Fall in love with the routine, the system, the work. __Power question:__ How can I make the journey the reward, fall in love with the routine, the system, the work?
Seek Deliberate Practice
Time + Focus + Feedback. __Power question:__ How can you make this a form of deliberate practice and get fast feedback i.e. a rapid feedback cycle?
Learn Deliberately
Synthesize, record, reflect, and periodically review what I’ve learned.
Action __Precedes__ Motivation
We procrastinate because we are afraid, uncertain or overwhelmed in terms of knowledge (“I don’t know how to do this”), because we lack confidence (“I’m not qualified/able to do this”), because we’re concerned about our standing amongst others (“What if I fail, what will other people think of me?”) or it’s just too duanting (“This is too big, where do I even start?”). Just start.
Commit to Lifelong Learning
Be a lifelong learner. Don’t ever get satisfied with how much you know. Pursue developmental interests.