Operability and Reportability Flashcards
What is a Degraded Condition?
Degraded Condition
A condition in which the qualification of an SSC or its functional capability is reduced.
Examples of Degraded Conditions are failures, malfunctions, deficiencies,
deviations, LLRT failures, and defective material and equipment.
Examples of conditions that can reduce the capability of a system are aging,
erosion, corrosion, improper operation, and maintenance.
What is Functional/Functionality?
Functionality - A system, structure or component attribute NOT controlled by Technical Specifications.
A SSC is functional or has Functionality when it is capable of performing its function(s), as set forth in the Current Licensing Basis, CLB.
These CLB function(s) may include the capability to perform a necessary and
related support function for an SSC(s) controlled by TSs.
What is a Nonconforming Condition?
Nonconforming Condition
A condition of a SSC that involves a failure to meet the Current Licensing Basis, CLB or a situation in which quality has been reduced because of factors such as improper design, testing, construction, or modification.
The following are examples of nonconforming conditions
- An SSC fails to conform to one or more applicable codes or standards (e.g., the CFR, operating license, TS, UFSAR, and/or licensee commitments).
- An as-built or as-modified SSC does not meet the CLB.
- Operating experience or engineering reviews identify a design inadequacy.
- Documentation required by NRC requirements such as 10 CFR 50.49 is not available or deficient.
Is defined within the specific Technical Specification for the system, structure or component.
What is Fully Qualified?
Fully Qualified
An SSC is fully qualified when it conforms to all aspects of the CLB, including all
applicable codes and standards, design criteria, safety analyses assumptions
and specifications, and licensing commitments.
What is Reasonable Expectation?
Reasonable Expectation
The SSCs may be considered OPERABLE when there is evidence that the
possibility of failure of an SSC has increased, but not to the point of eroding
confidence in the Reasonable Expectation that the SSC remains OPERABLE.
The supporting basis for the Reasonable Expectation of SSC Operability should
provide a high degree of confidence that the SSC remains OPERABLE. It should
be noted that the standard of “Reasonable Expectation” is a high standard, and
there is no such thing as an indeterminate state of Operability; an SSC is either
What are Specified Safety Functions?
Specified Safety Functions
The Specified Function(s) of the system, subsystem, train component or device
(hereafter referred to as system) is that Specified Safety Function(s) discussed in the Current Licensing Basis (CLB) for the facility.
In addition to providing the Specified Safety Function, a system is expected to perform as designed, tested and maintained. When system capability is degraded to a point where it cannot perform with Reasonable Expectation or reliability, the system should be judged INOPERABLE, even if at this instantaneous point in time the system could provide the Specified Safety Function.
When do you notify the Duty Station Manager?
Notify Duty Station Manager when:
Everything except:
Any potential workmen’s protective tagging issue.
Personal accident requiring offsite assistance. Contact regarding Outcome.