Opening Year Losses (s.72) Flashcards
What loss relief is available in the opening years of trade?
Early years trade loss relief, a s.72 claim.
What tax years does Early Years Trade Loss apply to? re: s.72
The first 4 tax years of trading.
What is a s.72 claim set against?
A s.72 claim is carried back against net income of the 3 preceding tax years on a FIFO basis (ie the earliest of the 3 years first)
What is the s.72 claim restriction and what doesn’t it apply to?
The restriction is applies to the amount of loss which can be relieved against non-trading income.
Certain loss relief claims are limited to the greater of:
- £50,000; and
- 25% of the individuals adjusted total income*
There is no restriction on the amount of the loss which can be offset against income from the same trade.
When must a s.72 claim be made?
Claim must be made by the first anniversary of 31 January following the tax year of the loss.