Closing Years Losses (s.89) terminal loss relief Flashcards
What loss relief is available when a trader ceases to trade? re: individuals
Terminal Loss Relief is available under s.89
What does a s.89 claim allow a trader to do?
What is the loss set against?
This allows a loss to be deducted from trading profits in the tax year of cessation and to be carried back to the 3 preceding tax years on a LIFO basis (ie later years first)
Relief is only against trading income.
What is the terminal loss period? How is the terminal loss calculated?
The terminal loss period is usually the final 12 months of trading. We calculate the terminal loss on a tax year basis.
What happens in the preceding tax year if there is no loss but a profit instead? re: calculating the terminal loss
If there is no loss in the preceding tax year, e.g if the results for the period 1 July 2018 to 5 April 2019 give a profit, this profit can be ignored.
When must a s.89 claim be made?
Claim must be made 4 years from the end of the tax year of cessation.
E.G. loss in tax year 19/20, claim made by 5 April 2024.
1. tax year of cessation 19/20
2. 4 years from tax year of cessation 20/21, 21/22, 22/23, 23/24
3. End of the tax year 5 April 2024
Describe the s.89 terminal loss computation? illustration
6 April to cessation
Add: overlap profits b/f to loss
12 months before cessation to 5Apr
Equals Terminal Loss