Open Office Version Flashcards
nadziany (bogaty)Seven years ago Uber launched itself as an app connecting well-heeled users with nearby limousines.
wiodący, czołowy, rzucający się w oczyIt has since become the most prominent tech startup in the world, with a valuation of $70bn.
agresywny, zdeterminowany, ambitnyThe company’s hard-charging culture—embodied in Travis Kalanick, Uber’s co-founder and boss—was celebrated, not questioned.
to embody
uosabiaćThe company’s hard-charging culture—embodied in Travis Kalanick, Uber’s co-founder and boss—was celebrated, not questioned.
to fend off
odpieraćThe firm is fending off accusations of stealing autonomous-car technology.
rzekomoIt is being investigated for allegedly designing software to identify and evade transport regulators.
to evade
unikaćIt is being investigated for allegedly designing software to identify and evade transport regulators.
reminiscent of sth
przypominajÄ…cy coÅ›, przywoÅ‚ujÄ…cy coÅ› Mr Kalanick and his band of brothers created a workplace more reminiscent of a bar than a business.Â
spóźnionyUber is belatedly making efforts to fix things.
podwładnyThe firm will do other things differently, too: more performance reviews, less booze and no sex between a manager and an underling.
nieokreÅ›lony, bezterminowyHe said this week that he will take an indefinite leave of absence, in part to grieve for his mother, who was killed in a recent accident, and in part to “work on himselfâ€.Â
winny, karygodnyHe is culpable for its failings; its culture was created in his image.
to take a toll
zbierać żniwoThe firm’s problems have started to take a toll.
to loom large
spędzać sen z powiekThe spectre of the past will continue to loom large, thanks to litigation and government probes.
śledztwoThe spectre of the past will continue to loom large, thanks to litigation and government probes.
to inflict
wyrządzić, zadać, zadawać One is that a tolerance of casual sexism can inflict real commercial damage.
to be wary of
mieć siÄ™ na bacznoÅ›ci przedAnother is to be wary of the power handed to founders.Â
gafaUber’s missteps would have become clear much sooner with better governance and a visible share price.
nadziany (bogaty)
well-heeledSeven years ago Uber launched itself as an app connecting well-heeled users with nearby limousines.
wiodący, czołowy, rzucający się w oczy
prominentIt has since become the most prominent tech startup in the world, with a valuation of $70bn.
agresywny, zdeterminowany, ambitny
hard-chargingThe company’s hard-charging culture—embodied in Travis Kalanick, Uber’s co-founder and boss—was celebrated, not questioned.
to embody The company’s hard-charging culture—embodied in Travis Kalanick, Uber’s co-founder and boss—was celebrated, not questioned.
to fend offThe firm is fending off accusations of stealing autonomous-car technology.
allegedlyÂIt is being investigated for allegedly designing software to identify and evade transport regulators.
to evadeIt is being investigated for allegedly designing software to identify and evade transport regulators.
przypominający coś, przywołujący coś
reminiscent of sthMr Kalanick and his band of brothers created a workplace more reminiscent of a bar than a business.Â
belatedUber is belatedly making efforts to fix things.
underlingThe firm will do other things differently, too: more performance reviews, less booze and no sex between a manager and an underling.
nieokreślony, bezterminowy
indefiniteÂHe said this week that he will take an indefinite leave of absence, in part to grieve for his mother, who was killed in a recent accident, and in part to “work on himselfâ€.Â
winny, karygodny
culpableÂHe is culpable for its failings; its culture was created in his image.
zbierać żniwo
to take a tollThe firm’s problems have started to take a toll.
spędzać sen z powiek
to loom largeThe spectre of the past will continue to loom large, thanks to litigation and government probes.
probeThe spectre of the past will continue to loom large, thanks to litigation and government probes.
wyrządzić, zadać, zadawać
to inflictOne is that a tolerance of casual sexism can inflict real commercial damage.
mieć się na baczności przed
to be wary ofAnother is to be wary of the power handed to founders.Â
misstepUber’s missteps would have become clear much sooner with better governance and a visible share price.
pula, garnekTo compete with the Vision Fund’s pot of moolah, and with the forays of other unconventional investors, incumbents are having to bulk up.
najazdTo compete with the Vision Fund’s pot of moolah, and with the forays of other unconventional investors, incumbents are having to bulk up.
to bulk up
budować mięśnie, zyskać masę ciałaTo compete with the Vision Fund’s pot of moolah, and with the forays of other unconventional investors, incumbents are having to bulk up.
to be in short supply
brakowaćMr Son is also bringing capital to places where it is still in fairly short supply—to India, to South-East Asia and to several European countries.
tu: sam; zwykły, kompletnyThe concept of portfolio companies collaborating is familiar from private equity, but the fund’s sheer breadth marks it out.
to nurture
wspieraćAnd it may nurture competition against the tech giants.
fraught with
pełen (czegoś), obarczony (czymś)HERMAN NARULA named his company Improbable for a business plan so outlandish and fraught with computing problems that only two outcomes are plausible.
fiasko, klapaBut even if the fund ends up flopping, it will have several lasting effects on technology investing.
to deploy
rozlokowaćThe first is that the deployment of so much cash now will help shape the industries of the future.
to outgun
pokonaćIts money, often handed to entrepreneurs in multiples of the amounts they initially demand and accompanied by the threat that the cash will go to the competition if they balk, gives startups the wherewithal to outgun worse-funded rivals.
to notch up
zdobyćHe has notched up some triumphs in his career, including an early bet on Alibaba.
niezwykÅ‚yHis pursuit of the “singularityâ€, the point at which computer intelligence exceeds the human kind, might make him a visionary—or just an eccentric.
olbrzymiThis combination of gargantuanism, grandiosity and guaranteed payouts may end up in financial disaster.
pretensjonalnośćThis combination of gargantuanism, grandiosity and guaranteed payouts may end up in financial disaster.
przyprawiający o zwrot głowyIndeed, the Vision Fund could mark the giddy top of the tech boom.
pula, garnek
potTo compete with the Vision Fund’s pot of moolah, and with the forays of other unconventional investors, incumbents are having to bulk up.
forayTo compete with the Vision Fund’s pot of moolah, and with the forays of other unconventional investors, incumbents are having to bulk up.
budować mięśnie, zyskać masę ciała
to bulk upTo compete with the Vision Fund’s pot of moolah, and with the forays of other unconventional investors, incumbents are having to bulk up.
to be in short supplyMr Son is also bringing capital to places where it is still in fairly short supply—to India, to South-East Asia and to several European countries.
tu: sam; zwykły, kompletny
sheerThe concept of portfolio companies collaborating is familiar from private equity, but the fund’s sheer breadth marks it out.
to nurtureAnd it may nurture competition against the tech giants.
pełen (czegoś), obarczony (czymś)
fraught withHERMAN NARULA named his company Improbable for a business plan so outlandish and fraught with computing problems that only two outcomes are plausible.
fiasko, klapa
flopBut even if the fund ends up flopping, it will have several lasting effects on technology investing.
to deployThe first is that the deployment of so much cash now will help shape the industries of the future.
to outgunIts money, often handed to entrepreneurs in multiples of the amounts they initially demand and accompanied by the threat that the cash will go to the competition if they balk, gives startups the wherewithal to outgun worse-funded rivals.
to notch upHe has notched up some triumphs in his career, including an early bet on Alibaba.
singularHis pursuit of the “singularityâ€, the point at which computer intelligence exceeds the human kind, might make him a visionary—or just an eccentric.
gargantuanThis combination of gargantuanism, grandiosity and guaranteed payouts may end up in financial disaster.
grandiosityThis combination of gargantuanism, grandiosity and guaranteed payouts may end up in financial disaster.
przyprawiający o zwrot głowy
giddy Indeed, the Vision Fund could mark the giddy top of the tech boom.
to chuck
wyrzucićIf you no longer wanted it, you sold it or chucked it away.
to muscle in
rozpychać się łokciami; wpychać się (np. do kolejki)Some firms found tricks to muscle in on the aftermarket, using warranties, authorised repair shops, and strategies such as selling cheap printers and expensive ink.
rynek części zapasowych, zamienników i dodatkowych akcesoriów (także nieoryginalnych)Some firms found tricks to muscle in on the aftermarket, using warranties, authorised repair shops, and strategies such as selling cheap printers and expensive ink.
to squeeze out
wyciskać (np. sok)But these ways of squeezing out more profit did not challenge the nature of what it means to be an owner.
śliski; drażliwy; delikatny (np. o temacie rozmowy)In the digital age ownership has become more slippery.
pojawienie się, nadejścieSince the advent of smartphones, consumers have been forced to accept that they do not control the software in their devices; they are only licensed to use it.
zły, szkodliwy, wrogiThe trend is not always malign.
to seek
starać się; usiłować; próbowaćManufacturers seeking to restrict what owners do with increasingly complex technology have good reasons to protect their copyright, ensure that their machines do not malfunction, uphold environmental standards and prevent hacking.
to malfunction
psuć sięManufacturers seeking to restrict what owners do with increasingly complex technology have good reasons to protect their copyright, ensure that their machines do not malfunction, uphold environmental standards and prevent hacking.
to uphold
przestrzegaćManufacturers seeking to restrict what owners do with increasingly complex technology have good reasons to protect their copyright, ensure that their machines do not malfunction, uphold environmental standards and prevent hacking.
elementarny, pierwotnyAVA, a customer-service chatbot for Autodesk, has rudimentary emotional intelligence.
prawnie zastrzeżonyAlmost to the day 17 years ago Steve Ballmer, then boss of Microsoft, the world’s biggest software firm, called Linux a “cancerâ€, meaning that the open-source operating system would spell the death of proprietary software.
to gobble up
wchÅ‚aniaćThe founder of SoftBank, a Japanese telecoms and internet firm, has put together an enormous investment fund that is busy gobbling up stakes in the world’s most exciting young companies.Â
to disrupt
zdezorganizować, przerwać, zakłócićThe Vision Fund is disrupting both the industries in which it invests and other suppliers of capital.
mamonaTo compete with the Vision Fund’s pot of moolah, and with the forays of other unconventional investors, incumbents are having to bulk up.
to chuckIf you no longer wanted it, you sold it or chucked it away.
rozpychać się łokciami; wpychać się (np. do kolejki)
to muscle inSome firms found tricks to muscle in on the aftermarket, using warranties, authorised repair shops, and strategies such as selling cheap printers and expensive ink.
rynek części zapasowych, zamienników i dodatkowych akcesoriów (także nieoryginalnych)
aftermarketSome firms found tricks to muscle in on the aftermarket, using warranties, authorised repair shops, and strategies such as selling cheap printers and expensive ink.
wyciskać (np. sok)
to squeeze outBut these ways of squeezing out more profit did not challenge the nature of what it means to be an owner.
śliski; drażliwy; delikatny (np. o temacie rozmowy)
slipperyIn the digital age ownership has become more slippery.
pojawienie się, nadejście
adventSince the advent of smartphones, consumers have been forced to accept that they do not control the software in their devices; they are only licensed to use it.
zły, szkodliwy, wrogi
malignThe trend is not always malign.
starać się; usiłować; próbować
to seekManufacturers seeking to restrict what owners do with increasingly complex technology have good reasons to protect their copyright, ensure that their machines do not malfunction, uphold environmental standards and prevent hacking.
psuć się
to malfunctionManufacturers seeking to restrict what owners do with increasingly complex technology have good reasons to protect their copyright, ensure that their machines do not malfunction, uphold environmental standards and prevent hacking.
to upholdManufacturers seeking to restrict what owners do with increasingly complex technology have good reasons to protect their copyright, ensure that their machines do not malfunction, uphold environmental standards and prevent hacking.
elementarny, pierwotny
rudimentaryAVA, a customer-service chatbot for Autodesk, has rudimentary emotional intelligence.
prawnie zastrzeżony
proprietaryAlmost to the day 17 years ago Steve Ballmer, then boss of Microsoft, the world’s biggest software firm, called Linux a “cancerâ€, meaning that the open-source operating system would spell the death of proprietary software.
to gobble upThe founder of SoftBank, a Japanese telecoms and internet firm, has put together an enormous investment fund that is busy gobbling up stakes in the world’s most exciting young companies.Â
zdezorganizować, przerwać, zakłócić
to disruptThe Vision Fund is disrupting both the industries in which it invests and other suppliers of capital.
moolahTo compete with the Vision Fund’s pot of moolah, and with the forays of other unconventional investors, incumbents are having to bulk up.
punkt zwrotnyThe Year of Living Dangerously. Was 2014 a watershed?
kompromisowyOne of their biggest concerns is “I don’t want to hurt youâ€â€¦ when in reality, I’m into it! (consensually).
tarapatyWalter Russell Mead paints a disturbing portrait of the United States’ geopolitical predicament.
to depict
przedstawićIt is a misreading of the logic and character of the existing world order, which is more stable and expansive than Mead depicts, leading him to overestimate the ability of the “axis of weevils†to undermine it.
przyciągający; interesującyBut even these conflicts are fueled more by weakness—their leaders’ and regimes’—than by strength. They have no appealing brand.
nadrzędneAnd when it comes to their overriding interests, Russia and, especially, China are deeply integrated into the world economy and its governing institutions.
to enforce
egzekwowaćBut it has no enforcement mechanism and its decision-making process is highly politicized and easy for the manipulators to block.
teren, terytorium, obaszar wpływówEach coterie guards its turf jealously, and coordination between them is infrequent.
brak, wadaTheir likes, dislikes, and even shortcomings are something they are thankful for.
to strive
dążyć do czegoś, walczyć o coś, starać się, próbowaćNobody is perfect, but you should always strive to be better and to have more meaningful encounters with people.
tutaj: miejscowy; aktualnyShe had resigned herself to buying tube after tube of topical painkillers - until she discovered the menstrual cup.
to discern
rozpoznaćA hundred years ago it was perhaps already possible to discern the rising powers whose interaction and competition would shape the 20th century.
zastrzeżenieSo caveats abound. Yet as the years roll forward, the chances are that it will increasingly come down once again to the two Asian giants facing each other over a disputed border
to burgeon
rosnąćWitness America’s alliances with Japan and South Korea, its legal obligation to help Taiwan defend itself and its burgeoning friendships with China’s rivals, notably India but also now Vietnam.
to fall out
poróżnić sięRecent weeks have seen China fall out with South Korea (as well as the West) over how to respond to the sinking in March, apparently by a North Korean torpedo, of a South Korean navy ship.
punkt zwrotny
watershedThe Year of Living Dangerously. Was 2014 a watershed?
consensualOne of their biggest concerns is “I don’t want to hurt youâ€â€¦ when in reality, I’m into it! (consensually).
predicamentWalter Russell Mead paints a disturbing portrait of the United States’ geopolitical predicament.
to depictIt is a misreading of the logic and character of the existing world order, which is more stable and expansive than Mead depicts, leading him to overestimate the ability of the “axis of weevils†to undermine it.
przyciÄ…gajÄ…cy; interesujÄ…cy
appealingBut even these conflicts are fueled more by weakness—their leaders’ and regimes’—than by strength. They have no appealing brand.
overridingAnd when it comes to their overriding interests, Russia and, especially, China are deeply integrated into the world economy and its governing institutions.
to enforceBut it has no enforcement mechanism and its decision-making process is highly politicized and easy for the manipulators to block.
teren, terytorium, obaszar wpływów
turfEach coterie guards its turf jealously, and coordination between them is infrequent.
brak, wada
shortcomingTheir likes, dislikes, and even shortcomings are something they are thankful for.
dążyć do czegoś, walczyć o coś, starać się, próbować
to striveNobody is perfect, but you should always strive to be better and to have more meaningful encounters with people.
tutaj: miejscowy; aktualny
topicalShe had resigned herself to buying tube after tube of topical painkillers - until she discovered the menstrual cup.
to discernA hundred years ago it was perhaps already possible to discern the rising powers whose interaction and competition would shape the 20th century.
caveatSo caveats abound. Yet as the years roll forward, the chances are that it will increasingly come down once again to the two Asian giants facing each other over a disputed border
to burgeonWitness America’s alliances with Japan and South Korea, its legal obligation to help Taiwan defend itself and its burgeoning friendships with China’s rivals, notably India but also now Vietnam.
poróżnić się
to fall outRecent weeks have seen China fall out with South Korea (as well as the West) over how to respond to the sinking in March, apparently by a North Korean torpedo, of a South Korean navy ship.
to conceive
pojąćIt is no longer inconceivable that its growth could outpace China’s for a considerable time.
bargaining chip
karta przetargowaIt has the territory it really wants and has maintained its claim to Arunachal Pradesh only as a bargaining chip.
atakGripped by a bout of madness, they overpaid for firms at the top of the economic cycle and loaded them with too much debt.
mrocznyUnsurprisingly, clients are disillusioned. Measuring performance is a depressingly murky affair, but the typical endowment or pension fund saw its private-equity holdings drop by 20-30% in fiscal 2009 alone, and their illiquidity also proved a serious pain during the crisis.
fundacjaUnsurprisingly, clients are disillusioned. Measuring performance is a depressingly murky affair, but the typical endowment or pension fund saw its private-equity holdings drop by 20-30% in fiscal 2009 alone, and their illiquidity also proved a serious pain during the crisis.
kąśliwy; złośliwyThe prickly inner confidence that most buy-out firms have in their DNA can seem insular when applied to other fields.
rocznik (wina)Blackstone’s 2003 buy-out fund had a net internal rate of return (IRR) of nearly 40%. The 2006 vintage had a net IRR of -11.2% as of March.
to abound
obfitować; tu: się mnożyć sięHe’s drawing rock star crowds, but questions abound. As this issue went to press, it was unclear what team he would be riding for when the Tour begins on July 4 in Monaco.
przesÄ…dArmstrong imported industrial-grade efficiency to a romantic sport rich with superstition. He left nothing to chance: Training was no-expenses-spared, beta teammates were handpicked to serve the Lance alpha, every inch of body and bike was examined in a wind tunnel to reduce aerodynamic drag.
to rankle
nurtować, dręczyćStill, the media hype over “clean teams†seemed to rankle Armstrong, as if the subtext was that all others were dirty.
dziewiczyHe’d hired Catlin, he said, to publish his drug test results online. You want a clean rider? Armstrong appeared to be saying. I’ll give you pristine.
leń, skonanyAs a protest, Astana’s riders at the Giro start wearing uniforms that obscure the logos of their deadbeat underwriters. Armstrong begins scrambling to find new sponsors, and it’s possible he’ll be riding for a new team for the Tour de France. Meanwhile, rumors are flying that Contador will jump to another team.
gwarant, ubezpieczyciel, asekurantAs a protest, Astana’s riders at the Giro start wearing uniforms that obscure the logos of their deadbeat underwriters. Armstrong begins scrambling to find new sponsors, and it’s possible he’ll be riding for a new team for the Tour de France. Meanwhile, rumors are flying that Contador will jump to another team.
to scramble
ubiegać sięAs a protest, Astana’s riders at the Giro start wearing uniforms that obscure the logos of their deadbeat underwriters. Armstrong begins scrambling to find new sponsors, and it’s possible he’ll be riding for a new team for the Tour de France. Meanwhile, rumors are flying that Contador will jump to another team.
zasługaAnd because India does not threaten the West, it has powerful friends both on its own merits and as a counterweight to China.
to conceiveIt is no longer inconceivable that its growth could outpace China’s for a considerable time.
karta przetargowa
bargaining chipIt has the territory it really wants and has maintained its claim to Arunachal Pradesh only as a bargaining chip.
boutGripped by a bout of madness, they overpaid for firms at the top of the economic cycle and loaded them with too much debt.
murkyUnsurprisingly, clients are disillusioned. Measuring performance is a depressingly murky affair, but the typical endowment or pension fund saw its private-equity holdings drop by 20-30% in fiscal 2009 alone, and their illiquidity also proved a serious pain during the crisis.
endowmentUnsurprisingly, clients are disillusioned. Measuring performance is a depressingly murky affair, but the typical endowment or pension fund saw its private-equity holdings drop by 20-30% in fiscal 2009 alone, and their illiquidity also proved a serious pain during the crisis.
kąśliwy; złośliwy
pricklyThe prickly inner confidence that most buy-out firms have in their DNA can seem insular when applied to other fields.
rocznik (wina)
vintageBlackstone’s 2003 buy-out fund had a net internal rate of return (IRR) of nearly 40%. The 2006 vintage had a net IRR of -11.2% as of March.
obfitować; tu: się mnożyć się
to aboundHe’s drawing rock star crowds, but questions abound. As this issue went to press, it was unclear what team he would be riding for when the Tour begins on July 4 in Monaco.
superstitionArmstrong imported industrial-grade efficiency to a romantic sport rich with superstition. He left nothing to chance: Training was no-expenses-spared, beta teammates were handpicked to serve the Lance alpha, every inch of body and bike was examined in a wind tunnel to reduce aerodynamic drag.
nurtować, dręczyć
to rankleStill, the media hype over “clean teams†seemed to rankle Armstrong, as if the subtext was that all others were dirty.
pristineHe’d hired Catlin, he said, to publish his drug test results online. You want a clean rider? Armstrong appeared to be saying. I’ll give you pristine.
leń, skonany
deadbeatAs a protest, Astana’s riders at the Giro start wearing uniforms that obscure the logos of their deadbeat underwriters. Armstrong begins scrambling to find new sponsors, and it’s possible he’ll be riding for a new team for the Tour de France. Meanwhile, rumors are flying that Contador will jump to another team.
gwarant, ubezpieczyciel, asekurant
underwriterAs a protest, Astana’s riders at the Giro start wearing uniforms that obscure the logos of their deadbeat underwriters. Armstrong begins scrambling to find new sponsors, and it’s possible he’ll be riding for a new team for the Tour de France. Meanwhile, rumors are flying that Contador will jump to another team.
ubiegać się
to scrambleAs a protest, Astana’s riders at the Giro start wearing uniforms that obscure the logos of their deadbeat underwriters. Armstrong begins scrambling to find new sponsors, and it’s possible he’ll be riding for a new team for the Tour de France. Meanwhile, rumors are flying that Contador will jump to another team.
meritAnd because India does not threaten the West, it has powerful friends both on its own merits and as a counterweight to China.
istotnyIt is giving new opportunities to entrepreneurs and forcing Silicon Valley’s best to stay relevant
absolutny, niekwestionowany As the British entrepreneur tells it, the result will be outright failure or success unmatched.
wciÄ…gajÄ…cyHe wants to create virtual worlds as detailed, immersive and persistent as reality, where millions of people can live as their true selves, earn their main income and interact with artificially intelligent robots.Â
bardzo duży, nietypowej wielkościAn outsize investment in an unconventional business is typical of a fund that itself is both vast and resistant to definition.
pomysł, owoc wyobraźniIt is the brainchild of Masayoshi Son, an unusually risk-loving Japanese telecoms and internet entrepreneur.
to eschew
unikać, powstrzymać się (od czegoś)It eschews many of the practices of private-equity funds, such as shaking up management and applying plenty of debt.
zadziwiajÄ…cy, niesamowityThis is partly because of his belief in mind-boggling futuristic scenarios such as the “singularityâ€, when computer intelligence is meant to overtake the human kind.
to shy away
cofać się, wzbraniać sięBut it is also because Mr Son’s method is to do things rapidly and on a scale other investors would shy away from.
old hand
stary wygaMany old hands of the tech industry snootily dismiss his bets on Yahoo and Alibaba as flukes.
fuksMany old hands of the tech industry snootily dismiss his bets on Yahoo and Alibaba as flukes.
skłonnośćMr Son is bent on proving them wrong.
to beat a retreat
dać sygnał do odwrotuHe spent a decade focusing on SoftBank’s Japanese telecoms and internet-infrastructure businesses and on trying to turn around struggling Sprint, an American mobile-phone operator acquired in 2013 (on April 29th Mr Son beat a retreat, agreeing to merge it with T-Mobile to create an enterprise worth $146bn)
to wean off
odzwyczaić sięMuhammad bin Salman, now Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, was preparing to launch a programme to wean the country off oil and diversify the economy.
sales pitch
zachwalanie towaru przez sprzedawcę, pozyskiwanie klientaMr Son’s sales pitch on how he could use the kingdom’s wealth to grab a stake in future technologies, rather than buying the usual Western trophy assets, saw him leave with a pledge of $45bn.
to set about
przystÄ…pić [do czegoÅ›]Having amassed the wherewithal, Mr Son set about collecting stakes.Â
relevantIt is giving new opportunities to entrepreneurs and forcing Silicon Valley’s best to stay relevant
absolutny, niekwestionowany
outrightAs the British entrepreneur tells it, the result will be outright failure or success unmatched.
immersiveHe wants to create virtual worlds as detailed, immersive and persistent as reality, where millions of people can live as their true selves, earn their main income and interact with artificially intelligent robots.Â
bardzo duży, nietypowej wielkości
outsizeAn outsize investment in an unconventional business is typical of a fund that itself is both vast and resistant to definition.
pomysł, owoc wyobraźni
brainchild It is the brainchild of Masayoshi Son, an unusually risk-loving Japanese telecoms and internet entrepreneur.
unikać, powstrzymać się (od czegoś)
to eschewIt eschews many of the practices of private-equity funds, such as shaking up management and applying plenty of debt.
zadziwiajÄ…cy, niesamowity
mind-bogglingThis is partly because of his belief in mind-boggling futuristic scenarios such as the “singularityâ€, when computer intelligence is meant to overtake the human kind.
cofać się, wzbraniać się
to shy awayBut it is also because Mr Son’s method is to do things rapidly and on a scale other investors would shy away from.
stary wyga
old handMany old hands of the tech industry snootily dismiss his bets on Yahoo and Alibaba as flukes.
flukeMany old hands of the tech industry snootily dismiss his bets on Yahoo and Alibaba as flukes.
bentMr Son is bent on proving them wrong.
dać sygnał do odwrotu
to beat a retreatHe spent a decade focusing on SoftBank’s Japanese telecoms and internet-infrastructure businesses and on trying to turn around struggling Sprint, an American mobile-phone operator acquired in 2013 (on April 29th Mr Son beat a retreat, agreeing to merge it with T-Mobile to create an enterprise worth $146bn)
odzwyczaić się
to wean offMuhammad bin Salman, now Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, was preparing to launch a programme to wean the country off oil and diversify the economy.
zachwalanie towaru przez sprzedawcÄ™, pozyskiwanie klienta
sales pitchMr Son’s sales pitch on how he could use the kingdom’s wealth to grab a stake in future technologies, rather than buying the usual Western trophy assets, saw him leave with a pledge of $45bn.
przystąpić [do czegoś]
to set aboutHaving amassed the wherewithal, Mr Son set about collecting stakes.Â
to startle
zaskoczyćAbout three hours into the trading day, Mr. Musk startled investors by writing on Twitter: “Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.â€
guessing game
zgadywankaIt immediately set off a guessing game of where Mr. Musk would get the funds.
to break the news [to sb]
powiadomićThe way Mr. Musk broke the news added to the drama, disclosing in a casually worded tweet the prospect of a buyout that would be an enormously complicated transaction for a company struggling to generate cash.
niekonsekwentnyIt was a shocker even for investors who are often whipsawed by Mr. Musk’s erratic comments on Twitter—he joked earlier this year about Tesla going bankrupt—and it
intensified a battle between his supporters and a legion of bearish investors who have made Tesla the most heavily shorted stock.
wyczerpujÄ…cy, obszernyCompanies usually spell out the details of such proposed complex transactions in comprehensive, lawyered documents.
rozdrażniony, drażliwyThe surprise tweets on Tuesday came as Mr. Musk’s long-combative stance against Tesla’s short sellers has grown testier in recent months.
to ramp up
zwiększyćMr. Musk has been embattled for several months amid investor concern over whether the company’s Fremont, Calif., factory can ramp up production of the Model 3 sedan.
powódka, powódRegulators, who unlike private plaintiffs can subpoena information before filing a lawsuit, could examine the facts behind Mr. Musk’s statement if Tesla doesn’t follow through with regulatory filings that explain the terms of the deal.
to subpoenaÂ
wezwać do sąduRegulators, who unlike private plaintiffs can subpoena information before filing a lawsuit, could examine the facts behind Mr. Musk’s statement if Tesla doesn’t follow through with regulatory filings that explain the terms of the deal.
przyziemnyTesla bulls and bears can surely agree on one thing: Chief Executive Elon Musk is capable of making the surreal seem mundane.
to beckon
kusić, wabićBeckoning the barbarians.
ekscentrykElon Musk’s latest madcap scheme: taking Tesla private.
to exasperate
irytować“I wish we could be private with Tesla.†So said an exasperated and exhausted Elon Musk to Rolling Stone last November.
bystrzakOf late Mr Musk says his company has been in “production hell†trying to increase output of the Model 3, a whizzy mass-market saloon.
to deride
szydzić [z kogoś, czegoś]Feeling the heat, Mr Musk earlier this year lashed out at share analysts for “bonehead†questions, and has derided the army of short sellers targeting it.
to startleAbout three hours into the trading day, Mr. Musk startled investors by writing on Twitter: “Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.â€
guessing gameIt immediately set off a guessing game of where Mr. Musk would get the funds.
to break the news [to sb]The way Mr. Musk broke the news added to the drama, disclosing in a casually worded tweet the prospect of a buyout that would be an enormously complicated transaction for a company struggling to generate cash.
wyczerpujÄ…cy, obszerny
comprehensiveCompanies usually spell out the details of such proposed complex transactions in comprehensive, lawyered documents.
rozdrażniony, drażliwy
testyThe surprise tweets on Tuesday came as Mr. Musk’s long-combative stance against Tesla’s short sellers has grown testier in recent months.
to ramp upMr. Musk has been embattled for several months amid investor concern over whether the company’s Fremont, Calif., factory can ramp up production of the Model 3 sedan.
powódka, powód
plaintiffRegulators, who unlike private plaintiffs can subpoena information before filing a lawsuit, could examine the facts behind Mr. Musk’s statement if Tesla doesn’t follow through with regulatory filings that explain the terms of the deal.
wezwać do sądu
to subpoenaÂRegulators, who unlike private plaintiffs can subpoena information before filing a lawsuit, could examine the facts behind Mr. Musk’s statement if Tesla doesn’t follow through with regulatory filings that explain the terms of the deal.
mundaneTesla bulls and bears can surely agree on one thing: Chief Executive Elon Musk is capable of making the surreal seem mundane.
kusić, wabić
to beckonBeckoning the barbarians.
madcapElon Musk’s latest madcap scheme: taking Tesla private.
to exasperate“I wish we could be private with Tesla.†So said an exasperated and exhausted Elon Musk to Rolling Stone last November.
whizOf late Mr Musk says his company has been in “production hell†trying to increase output of the Model 3, a whizzy mass-market saloon.
szydzić [z kogoś, czegoś]
to derideFeeling the heat, Mr Musk earlier this year lashed out at share analysts for “bonehead†questions, and has derided the army of short sellers targeting it.
to bear out
potwierdzaćThey will be watching to see if his claim of having “funding secured†is borne out
to contend with
zmagać się zGoogle would need to contend with other obstacles.
wymógWhen Google announced in 2010 that it would no longer censor results on its Chinese service, a prerequisite for operating in the communist state, internet users laid flowers at the search giant’s Beijing headquarters to mourn its exit.
news outlet
serwis informacyjnyThe extent of this blacklist is unknown, even to local internet firms, and it is constantly mutating. It includes social-media websites, like Twitter and Facebook, and news outlets (including The Economist).
to elicit
wywoływaćBig technology firms elicit extreme and conflicting reactions.
to morph
przeistaczać sięSince its founding in 1997, the company has morphed from a DVD-rental service to a streaming-video upstart to the world’s first global TV powerhouse.
potęgaSince its founding in 1997, the company has morphed from a DVD-rental service to a streaming-video upstart to the world’s first global TV powerhouse.
najlepsze czasyIn the heyday of the talkie, Louis B. Mayer, head of the biggest studio, was Hollywood’s lion king.
film z dzwiękiemIn the heyday of the talkie, Louis B. Mayer, head of the biggest studio, was Hollywood’s lion king.
to be on the wane
słabnąćIn the 1980s, with the studio system on the wane, “superagent†Michael Ovitz was often described as the most powerful man in town.
statement of intent
oświadczenie woliThe nine-figure statement of intent was widely derided as profligate, showing that Netflix might be a source of cash but scarcely offered serious competition.
to deride
wyśmiewaćThe nine-figure statement of intent was widely derided as profligate, showing that Netflix might be a source of cash but scarcely offered serious competition.
rozrzutnyThe nine-figure statement of intent was widely derided as profligate, showing that Netflix might be a source of cash but scarcely offered serious competition.
in and of itself
samo w sobieInstead it has become an industry in and of itself
to plough back
reinwestowaćWith an average subscription of $10 a month, those customers represent some $14bn in annual revenue which the company will plough straight back into programming, marketing and technology—along with billions more that it will borrow.
to bear outThey will be watching to see if his claim of having “funding secured†is borne out
zmagać się z
to contend withGoogle would need to contend with other obstacles.
prerequisiteWhen Google announced in 2010 that it would no longer censor results on its Chinese service, a prerequisite for operating in the communist state, internet users laid flowers at the search giant’s Beijing headquarters to mourn its exit.
serwis informacyjny
news outletThe extent of this blacklist is unknown, even to local internet firms, and it is constantly mutating. It includes social-media websites, like Twitter and Facebook, and news outlets (including The Economist).
to elicitBig technology firms elicit extreme and conflicting reactions.
przeistaczać się
to morphSince its founding in 1997, the company has morphed from a DVD-rental service to a streaming-video upstart to the world’s first global TV powerhouse.
powerhouseSince its founding in 1997, the company has morphed from a DVD-rental service to a streaming-video upstart to the world’s first global TV powerhouse.
najlepsze czasy
heydayIn the heyday of the talkie, Louis B. Mayer, head of the biggest studio, was Hollywood’s lion king.
film z dzwiękiem
talkieIn the heyday of the talkie, Louis B. Mayer, head of the biggest studio, was Hollywood’s lion king.
to be on the waneIn the 1980s, with the studio system on the wane, “superagent†Michael Ovitz was often described as the most powerful man in town.
oświadczenie woli
statement of intentThe nine-figure statement of intent was widely derided as profligate, showing that Netflix might be a source of cash but scarcely offered serious competition.
to derideThe nine-figure statement of intent was widely derided as profligate, showing that Netflix might be a source of cash but scarcely offered serious competition.
profligateThe nine-figure statement of intent was widely derided as profligate, showing that Netflix might be a source of cash but scarcely offered serious competition.
samo w sobie
in and of itselfInstead it has become an industry in and of itself
to plough backWith an average subscription of $10 a month, those customers represent some $14bn in annual revenue which the company will plough straight back into programming, marketing and technology—along with billions more that it will borrow.
to entice
kusić, wabićEnticed by such prospects, the market values Netflix at $170bn, which is more than Disney.
dziwacznySome analysts see this as outlandish for a company which is spending far more than it collects in revenues, which has $8.5bn in debt and hasn’t even had that many hit programmes.
zwrotFor Mr Bewkes that was quite a reversal.
pogardaAt the beginning of this decade he poured scorn on the idea that Netflix could be a competitor, comparing it to the “Albanian armyâ€.
kÄ…sekThat company would need two things: a big, broad, frequently renewed range of programming; and an understanding of its consumers deep enough to serve up to each of them the morsels most likely to appeal.
pośpiechOne of the reasons that Netflix is spending in such haste is that Netflixonomics is a winner-takes-most proposition.
to splash out
zaszalećIf you can provide them with entertainment they genuinely enjoy for that length of time, they will have little reason to pay anyone else for further screen-based entertainment—though they may splash out more for sport, and put up with adverts for news, real or fake.
to put up
znosićIf you can provide them with entertainment they genuinely enjoy for that length of time, they will have little reason to pay anyone else for further screen-based entertainment—though they may splash out more for sport, and put up with adverts for news, real or fake.
reklamaIf you can provide them with entertainment they genuinely enjoy for that length of time, they will have little reason to pay anyone else for further screen-based entertainment—though they may splash out more for sport, and put up with adverts for news, real or fake.
to drive up
powodować wzrostAnd the dash towards size has the helpful side-effect of driving up rivals’ production costs at the same time as it eats into their revenues.
wyścig, sprintAnd the dash towards size has the helpful side-effect of driving up rivals’ production costs at the same time as it eats into their revenues.
on top of
opróczWith investors expecting further growth on top of that, its market value would be a lot higher.
to pursue
realizować, wykonaćDecisions about what projects to pursue, and whether to make them, are up to the executives in Hollywood; Mr Sarandos has 20 people working for him who have the coveted power to “green light†a project.
to covet
pożądaćDecisions about what projects to pursue, and whether to make them, are up to the executives in Hollywood; Mr Sarandos has 20 people working for him who have the coveted power to “green light†a project.
specBut the boffins at headquarters in Los Gatos help set the budgets.
kusić, wabić
to enticeEnticed by such prospects, the market values Netflix at $170bn, which is more than Disney.
outlandish Some analysts see this as outlandish for a company which is spending far more than it collects in revenues, which has $8.5bn in debt and hasn’t even had that many hit programmes.
reversalFor Mr Bewkes that was quite a reversal.
scornAt the beginning of this decade he poured scorn on the idea that Netflix could be a competitor, comparing it to the “Albanian armyâ€.
morselThat company would need two things: a big, broad, frequently renewed range of programming; and an understanding of its consumers deep enough to serve up to each of them the morsels most likely to appeal.
hasteOne of the reasons that Netflix is spending in such haste is that Netflixonomics is a winner-takes-most proposition.
to splash outIf you can provide them with entertainment they genuinely enjoy for that length of time, they will have little reason to pay anyone else for further screen-based entertainment—though they may splash out more for sport, and put up with adverts for news, real or fake.
to put upIf you can provide them with entertainment they genuinely enjoy for that length of time, they will have little reason to pay anyone else for further screen-based entertainment—though they may splash out more for sport, and put up with adverts for news, real or fake.
advertIf you can provide them with entertainment they genuinely enjoy for that length of time, they will have little reason to pay anyone else for further screen-based entertainment—though they may splash out more for sport, and put up with adverts for news, real or fake.
powodować wzrost
to drive upAnd the dash towards size has the helpful side-effect of driving up rivals’ production costs at the same time as it eats into their revenues.
wyścig, sprint
dashAnd the dash towards size has the helpful side-effect of driving up rivals’ production costs at the same time as it eats into their revenues.
on top ofWith investors expecting further growth on top of that, its market value would be a lot higher.
realizować, wykonać
to pursueDecisions about what projects to pursue, and whether to make them, are up to the executives in Hollywood; Mr Sarandos has 20 people working for him who have the coveted power to “green light†a project.
to covetDecisions about what projects to pursue, and whether to make them, are up to the executives in Hollywood; Mr Sarandos has 20 people working for him who have the coveted power to “green light†a project.
boffinBut the boffins at headquarters in Los Gatos help set the budgets.
kiczowatyOnce a show is ready for delivery, it is up to executives in Los Gatos like Todd Yellin, vice-president of product, to work out how to get it to the appropriate users and check that they are, in the corny parlance of the company, “delighted†by it.
żargonOnce a show is ready for delivery, it is up to executives in Los Gatos like Todd Yellin, vice-president of product, to work out how to get it to the appropriate users and check that they are, in the corny parlance of the company, “delighted†by it.
to tweak
poprawiaćThe choice can come down to details like the poster art, which Netflix tweaks algorithmically according to the aspects of a film or show that would appeal most to a given user.
to turn down
odrzucićIts quantitative understanding, and personalised marketing, of niche projects has seen Netflix revive cancelled shows with loyal fan bases, such as “Gilmore Girlsâ€, and take up shows others turned down, such as “The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidtâ€.
to dispense [with]
zrezygnować [z czegoś]It has also led millions of American households to dispense with pay-TV.
to commission
zamówićTo stay in the game, cable networks and other streaming services have commissioned hundreds of hours of high-quality scripted programming, providing an unprecedented glut of good television drama.
przesytTo stay in the game, cable networks and other streaming services have commissioned hundreds of hours of high-quality scripted programming, providing an unprecedented glut of good television drama.
podwyzka, narzutNetflix usually buys up exclusive worldwide rights to the shows it makes and acquires, paying a mark-up over production costs.
to forgo
rezygnowaćCreators forgo lucrative licensing of their shows to secondary markets because, in Netflixonomics, there are no secondary markets.
to unwind
rozwijać [się]It is investing more in shows developed outside America, too, and unwinding partnerships with foreign distributors so that it can stream its own wares worldwide.
wyrobyIt is investing more in shows developed outside America, too, and unwinding partnerships with foreign distributors so that it can stream its own wares worldwide.
to pull off
ściągaćDisney is pulling its films off Netflix and launching its own streaming service next year, hoping that its roster of Pixar, Marvel and “Star Wars†movies, not to mention copious princesses, gives it a must-have edge.
wykaz; lista; spisDisney is pulling its films off Netflix and launching its own streaming service next year, hoping that its roster of Pixar, Marvel and “Star Wars†movies, not to mention copious princesses, gives it a must-have edge.
obfityDisney is pulling its films off Netflix and launching its own streaming service next year, hoping that its roster of Pixar, Marvel and “Star Wars†movies, not to mention copious princesses, gives it a must-have edge.
pierszeństwoIn markets that lack net-neutrality protections (such as America), dominant internet providers might decide to give their own streaming services precedence over Netflix.
cornyOnce a show is ready for delivery, it is up to executives in Los Gatos like Todd Yellin, vice-president of product, to work out how to get it to the appropriate users and check that they are, in the corny parlance of the company, “delighted†by it.
parlanceOnce a show is ready for delivery, it is up to executives in Los Gatos like Todd Yellin, vice-president of product, to work out how to get it to the appropriate users and check that they are, in the corny parlance of the company, “delighted†by it.
to tweakThe choice can come down to details like the poster art, which Netflix tweaks algorithmically according to the aspects of a film or show that would appeal most to a given user.
to turn downIts quantitative understanding, and personalised marketing, of niche projects has seen Netflix revive cancelled shows with loyal fan bases, such as “Gilmore Girlsâ€, and take up shows others turned down, such as “The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidtâ€.
zrezygnować [z czegoś]
to dispense [with]It has also led millions of American households to dispense with pay-TV.
to commissionTo stay in the game, cable networks and other streaming services have commissioned hundreds of hours of high-quality scripted programming, providing an unprecedented glut of good television drama.
glutTo stay in the game, cable networks and other streaming services have commissioned hundreds of hours of high-quality scripted programming, providing an unprecedented glut of good television drama.
podwyzka, narzut
mark-upNetflix usually buys up exclusive worldwide rights to the shows it makes and acquires, paying a mark-up over production costs.
to forgoCreators forgo lucrative licensing of their shows to secondary markets because, in Netflixonomics, there are no secondary markets.
rozwijać [się]
to unwindIt is investing more in shows developed outside America, too, and unwinding partnerships with foreign distributors so that it can stream its own wares worldwide.
wareIt is investing more in shows developed outside America, too, and unwinding partnerships with foreign distributors so that it can stream its own wares worldwide.
to pull offDisney is pulling its films off Netflix and launching its own streaming service next year, hoping that its roster of Pixar, Marvel and “Star Wars†movies, not to mention copious princesses, gives it a must-have edge.
wykaz; lista; spis
rosterDisney is pulling its films off Netflix and launching its own streaming service next year, hoping that its roster of Pixar, Marvel and “Star Wars†movies, not to mention copious princesses, gives it a must-have edge.
copiousDisney is pulling its films off Netflix and launching its own streaming service next year, hoping that its roster of Pixar, Marvel and “Star Wars†movies, not to mention copious princesses, gives it a must-have edge.
precedenceIn markets that lack net-neutrality protections (such as America), dominant internet providers might decide to give their own streaming services precedence over Netflix.
zwrot, obrót, zwrot o 180 stopni, woltaAware of such risks, the company is increasingly persuading internet and pay-TV distributors like Comcast, T-Mobile and Sky to bundle its service with theirs, an about-face for some of these incumbents.
oszczerstwoNetflix dropped Mr Spacey from “House of Cards†after allegations of sexual misconduct and recently got rid of a senior executive over his use of a racial slur; there is no way to insure against future scandals.
domniemanyAnd if the economy were to turn, reducing both consumers’ appetite for paid entertainment and investors’ appetite for junk bonds, a company which is valued entirely on the basis of putative profits after 2022 would be badly hit.
to eat into
nadgryźćSuch a setback would slow Netflix’s growth—and give deep-pocketed competitors like Amazon or Apple time to eat into its leads in inventory, tied-up talent and personalisation.
komplikacja, niepowodzenieSome think that, even without such a setback, Netflix’s prospects are being exaggerated.
złośliwyIt was not supposed to be this way. Bitcoin, the first and still the most popular cryptocurrency, began life as a techno-anarchist project to create an online version of cash, a way for people to transact without the possibility of interference from malicious governments or banks.
orędownikProponents believe these features can help solve all sorts of problems, from streamlining bank payments and guaranteeing the provenance of medicines to securing property rights and providing unforgeable identity documents for refugees.
to streamline
usprawnićProponents believe these features can help solve all sorts of problems, from streamlining bank payments and guaranteeing the provenance of medicines to securing property rights and providing unforgeable identity documents for refugees.
pochodzenieProponents believe these features can help solve all sorts of problems, from streamlining bank payments and guaranteeing the provenance of medicines to securing property rights and providing unforgeable identity documents for refugees.
to stoke
podsycaćMany are made by cryptocurrency speculators, who hope that stoking excitement around blockchains will boost the value of their related cryptocurrency holdings.
to shuttle
kursowaćAnd shuttling data continuously between users makes them slower than conventional databases.
on the face of it
na pierwszy rzut okaOn the face of it, that hardly matters: Google+ is a ghost town.
at length
szczegółowoPerhaps to soften such accusations, the rest of the blog post talked at length about better privacy protections for users of Google’s other products.
to come into force
wchodzić w życieThe EU’s General Data Protection Regulation came into force in May, two months after Google found its bug; it requires firms to disclose data breaches within 72 hours or face steep fines.
kuraThe foxes have decided their best bet is to try to help build the henhouse.
zwrot, obrót, zwrot o 180 stopni, wolta
about-faceAware of such risks, the company is increasingly persuading internet and pay-TV distributors like Comcast, T-Mobile and Sky to bundle its service with theirs, an about-face for some of these incumbents.
slurNetflix dropped Mr Spacey from “House of Cards†after allegations of sexual misconduct and recently got rid of a senior executive over his use of a racial slur; there is no way to insure against future scandals.
putativeAnd if the economy were to turn, reducing both consumers’ appetite for paid entertainment and investors’ appetite for junk bonds, a company which is valued entirely on the basis of putative profits after 2022 would be badly hit.
to eat intoSuch a setback would slow Netflix’s growth—and give deep-pocketed competitors like Amazon or Apple time to eat into its leads in inventory, tied-up talent and personalisation.
komplikacja, niepowodzenie
setbackSome think that, even without such a setback, Netflix’s prospects are being exaggerated.
maliciousIt was not supposed to be this way. Bitcoin, the first and still the most popular cryptocurrency, began life as a techno-anarchist project to create an online version of cash, a way for people to transact without the possibility of interference from malicious governments or banks.
proponentProponents believe these features can help solve all sorts of problems, from streamlining bank payments and guaranteeing the provenance of medicines to securing property rights and providing unforgeable identity documents for refugees.
to streamlineProponents believe these features can help solve all sorts of problems, from streamlining bank payments and guaranteeing the provenance of medicines to securing property rights and providing unforgeable identity documents for refugees.
provenanceProponents believe these features can help solve all sorts of problems, from streamlining bank payments and guaranteeing the provenance of medicines to securing property rights and providing unforgeable identity documents for refugees.
to stokeMany are made by cryptocurrency speculators, who hope that stoking excitement around blockchains will boost the value of their related cryptocurrency holdings.
to shuttleAnd shuttling data continuously between users makes them slower than conventional databases.
na pierwszy rzut oka
on the face of itOn the face of it, that hardly matters: Google+ is a ghost town.
at lengthPerhaps to soften such accusations, the rest of the blog post talked at length about better privacy protections for users of Google’s other products.
wchodzić w życie
to come into forceThe EU’s General Data Protection Regulation came into force in May, two months after Google found its bug; it requires firms to disclose data breaches within 72 hours or face steep fines.
henThe foxes have decided their best bet is to try to help build the henhouse.
to let go of
puścićletting go of the wheel. Elon Musk’s grip on Tesla loosens.
częstoThe resulting surge in Tesla’s share price, and Mr Musk’s oft-stated desire to “burn†the short sellers that have targeted his firm, stoked the SEC’s anger.
to iron out
rozwiązaćBut Tesla still has big distribution problems to iron out.
the nuts and bolts [of sth]
praktyczne aspekty [czegoÅ›]But the idea of appointing a new chief operating officer to oversee the nuts and bolts of the business has long hung in the air.
z dalaThe day-to-day running of SpaceX, his thriving rocket business, is handled by Gwynne Shotwell, a talented aerospace veteran, with Mr Musk taking more of a hands-off role
wygórowana (cena)On August 7th it announced it had managed to raise $2.3 billion in the capital markets, although at a steep price.
nadszarpniętyInvestors will take a lot of convincing that it is fully seaworthy, having looked so tattered just days ago
smutnyIn quiet moments veteran hedge-fund managers sound a little wistful these days.
zaszczytThe accolades bestowed upon Alan Greenspan ahead of his retirement on January 31st have a strong whiff of irrational exuberance.
krótkowzrocznośćMonetary myopia
to bestow
obdarzaćThe accolades bestowed upon Alan Greenspan ahead of his retirement on January 31st have a strong whiff of irrational exuberance.
wylewnośćThe accolades bestowed upon Alan Greenspan ahead of his retirement on January 31st have a strong whiff of irrational exuberance.
etatAnd after the accolades have faded, what will economists conclude about his tenure?
ryzykownyFrom dodgy American mortgages to the British high street
to taint
skazićLike a toffee apple with a maggot inside, the debt markets have been tainted by their links with America’s subprime mortgage crisis.
to let go ofletting go of the wheel. Elon Musk’s grip on Tesla loosens.
oftThe resulting surge in Tesla’s share price, and Mr Musk’s oft-stated desire to “burn†the short sellers that have targeted his firm, stoked the SEC’s anger.
to iron outBut Tesla still has big distribution problems to iron out.
praktyczne aspekty [czegoÅ›]
the nuts and bolts [of sth]But the idea of appointing a new chief operating officer to oversee the nuts and bolts of the business has long hung in the air.
z dala
hands-off The day-to-day running of SpaceX, his thriving rocket business, is handled by Gwynne Shotwell, a talented aerospace veteran, with Mr Musk taking more of a hands-off role
wygórowana (cena)
steepOn August 7th it announced it had managed to raise $2.3 billion in the capital markets, although at a steep price.
tatteredInvestors will take a lot of convincing that it is fully seaworthy, having looked so tattered just days ago
wistfulIn quiet moments veteran hedge-fund managers sound a little wistful these days.
accoladeThe accolades bestowed upon Alan Greenspan ahead of his retirement on January 31st have a strong whiff of irrational exuberance.
myopiaMonetary myopia
to bestowThe accolades bestowed upon Alan Greenspan ahead of his retirement on January 31st have a strong whiff of irrational exuberance.
exuberanceThe accolades bestowed upon Alan Greenspan ahead of his retirement on January 31st have a strong whiff of irrational exuberance.
tenureAnd after the accolades have faded, what will economists conclude about his tenure?
dodgyFrom dodgy American mortgages to the British high street
to taintLike a toffee apple with a maggot inside, the debt markets have been tainted by their links with America’s subprime mortgage crisis.
rozprawienie się, atak, zastosowanie sankcji,China’s gaming crackdown should worry the industry elsewhere. Gaming firms’ skill at extracting money from players risks a regulatory backlash.
ostry sprzeciw; gwałtowna reakcja China’s gaming crackdown should worry the industry elsewhere. Gaming firms’ skill at extracting money from players risks a regulatory backlash.
old hat
przeżytekMoral panics over new media are old hat.
zrzędaThe social effects of novels, films, comic books and pop music were condemned by the grumpy reactionaries of the time.
to exasperate
irytować; drażnićExasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted that they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent.
to fret
przejmować sięExasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted that they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent.
apatycznyExasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted that they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent.
nieuzasadnionyThose concerns turned out to be largely misplaced.
to clamp down
ukrócić; podjąć zdecydowane krokiThe government clamped down on the approval of new games earlier this year, and stopped approvals altogether in October.
to fine-tune
wyrególowaćThis allows publishers to monitor exactly how customers are playing games, and fine-tune them to make them as compelling as possible.
istotny, robiący wrażenie, nie do odparciaThis allows publishers to monitor exactly how customers are playing games, and fine-tune them to make them as compelling as possible.
to nag
dręczyćThat has given rise to a “freemium†business model, of which Tencent was a pioneer, whereby games are given away cheaply or free but players are constantly nagged to spend money on in-game items.
to supercharge
wzmocnićAll this has been supercharged by smartphones, which mean people can keep playing—and paying—at all hours of the day.
to placate
udobruchaćTencent is trying to placate the Chinese government. It is expanding its age-verification scheme and limiting screen time for children.
wyrozumiałośćA little voluntary forbearance now could save a lot of regulatory pain later.
rozprawienie siÄ™, atak, zastosowanie sankcji,
crackdownChina’s gaming crackdown should worry the industry elsewhere. Gaming firms’ skill at extracting money from players risks a regulatory backlash.
ostry sprzeciw; gwałtowna reakcja
backlashChina’s gaming crackdown should worry the industry elsewhere. Gaming firms’ skill at extracting money from players risks a regulatory backlash.
old hatMoral panics over new media are old hat.
grumpThe social effects of novels, films, comic books and pop music were condemned by the grumpy reactionaries of the time.
irytować; drażnić
to exasperateExasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted that they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent.
przejmować się
to fretExasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted that they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent.
listlessExasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted that they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent.
misplacedThose concerns turned out to be largely misplaced.
ukrócić; podjąć zdecydowane kroki
to clamp downThe government clamped down on the approval of new games earlier this year, and stopped approvals altogether in October.
to fine-tuneThis allows publishers to monitor exactly how customers are playing games, and fine-tune them to make them as compelling as possible.
istotny, robiący wrażenie, nie do odparcia
compellingThis allows publishers to monitor exactly how customers are playing games, and fine-tune them to make them as compelling as possible.
to nagThat has given rise to a “freemium†business model, of which Tencent was a pioneer, whereby games are given away cheaply or free but players are constantly nagged to spend money on in-game items.
to superchargeAll this has been supercharged by smartphones, which mean people can keep playing—and paying—at all hours of the day.
to placateTencent is trying to placate the Chinese government. It is expanding its age-verification scheme and limiting screen time for children.
forbearanceA little voluntary forbearance now could save a lot of regulatory pain later.
to champion
bronić; opowiadać się zaThe establishment of the European single market, a project championed by Margaret Thatcher, prised open stale domestic markets to dynamic foreign firms.
to lurk
czaić się, czyhaćSeveral old-economy industries with high prices and fat profits lurk beneath the surface of commerce: credit cards, pharmaceutical distribution and credit-checking.
gniewIn some cases public ire opens the door to newcomers, such as Netflix.
skÄ…pyDespite low interest rates, firms have reinvested a stingy share of their bumper profits.