Open Ocean Flashcards
Ocean basin circulation
Major surface ocean currents are driven by combined effect of:
- Major global wind patterns
- Latitudinal variation in the Coriolis force
Ekman spiral forms resulting in ekman transport
N clockwise
S anti
Warm SSTs
Tend to have high surface salinity
Warm and cold core eddies have different temperature and nutrient characteristics
Different ecosystems with their own temperature, nutrients and plankton
Meso-scale eddies
Weather of the ocean
Satellite altimetry, SS heights
Eddies affect top 150m
Pump nutrient rich waters from depth
Stimulate new production
Nutrients and PP
New nutrients enter euphotic zone from outside gyre
New nutrients support new PP
Regenerated nutrients are recycled within the euphotic zone.
Regenerated nutrients supported regenerated production
F-ratio, ratio of nitrate uptake by phytos to total inorganic and organic uptake by phytos
Subtropical gyre production, old
Considered to be oceanic deserts, biomass and production v low.
Inefficient ecosystems with nutrient-limited growth
F-ratios are low ~0.1
New production 10% of total
Subtropical gyre, current view
Dynamic systems, important for production
Episodic nutrient inputs increase annual f ratio to 0.3-0,5
Clearly defined vertical structure
- deep waters, blooms during winter due to mixing and nitrate inputs
Upper waters, blooms in late summer based on N fixing
Deep sub surface chlorophyll maximum
Upper nutrient-limited, light rich, based on regenerated nutrients, f-ratio low 0.1-0.3
Deep light limited, nutrient rich, based on new nutrients, high f 0.4-0.6.
Biogeography of phytoplankton
Regions with different nutrient levels
Chlorophyll maximum at different depths and sub-tropical gyres
Vertical structure of water column and cellular response to different light levels
Small phytoplankton in regions where nutrient levels are low, regeneration
Large phyto species in regions with high levels of nutrients, no need for regeneration
N Fixation
If system has no inputs from other sources
n fixing can supply 60-90% of N required
Carried out by N fixing organisms, cyanobacteria
Trichodesmium is the dominant N fixer
Vertical migration
Can bring nitrate up from depth
Cyanobacteria may migrate between upper and deep waters to mine deep inorganic phosphorous pools
Subtropical gyre food web
Both the microbial loop and classical food chains are present
Under nutrient limitation, microbial dominates
When there is nutrient input, classical dominates briefly
6 trophic levels
Small pelagic forage fish are intermediate
High trophic levels include fast predators, mammals and birds
Low levels of regenerated production are continuously grazed by zooplankton
Top down and bottom up control
Microbial loop
Bacterial production, important food webs
Inputs dissolved OM from plankton
Small heterotrophic zooflagellates link to classic food chain
Mixotrophy is common
Important for remineralization and nutrient cycling, nutrient limiting open ocean