OPAL 2 Flashcards
This Greek philosopher wrote the famous book called “THE REPUBLIC”
this kind of bias occurs when an event or issue is based on one’s cultural standard
it is a judgement based on certain facts
this kind of bias has the tendency to see past events or to or to a ascribe pattern to be historical events
these are arguments based on faulty reasonings
it is an argument presented to oppose a refute another argument
these are statement that express conviction that are not easy explained by facts
this kind of bias is the tendency to look for and really accept information which fits one’s own beliefs or views and to reject ideas or view do against it
confirmation bias
this kind of fallacy is assuming that what is true for the whole is true for its part
fallacy of division
these are series of statements that provides reasons to convince the reader or listener that a claim or opinion is truthful
this kind of bias is the tendency to judge a person’s personality by his or her actions without regard for external factors of influence
correspondence bias
it is learning through a dialectic exchange of ideas rather than a passive transmission of information
socratic method
these are people participating in a dialogue, debate or conversation
these are statements about world or reality
it is the past experience to make a future prediction
these are statements that assumes a claim is true and provides reason to support them
this kind of fallacy is attacking the person presenting the argument instead of the argument itself
ad hominem
this kind of fallacy is assuming that what is true of a part is to for the whole
fallacy of composition
this is a series of statements that provide reasons to convince a person that a claim or opinion is truthful
this kind of bias occurs when a person or group is connected to or has a vested interest in the issue being discussed
conflict of interest
philosophers often grateful with the concept of
this kind of fallacy is using the idea as acceptable because it has been true for long time
appeal to tradition
these are comprised of statements that provide views and certain matter
this kind of fallacy is assuming a ”cause and effect“ relationship between unrelated events
cause and effect
these are statements which need to be examined to determine whether they’re true or false
these are tendencies or influence that affect the views of people
these are statements that assume that claim to be true and provide reasons why the statement is true
this statements go beyond facts and bad conclusions of perspectives regarding certain situations
this kind of fallacy is using emotions such as pity or sympathy
appeal to emotion
this statements express convictions that are not easy and clearly explained by facts
this kind of fallacy is using the idea as acceptable because a lot of people accepted
appeal to popular
these are statements which are also to be real or truthful
these are not necessary errors in reasonings but it refers to the tendencies are influenced which affect the views of people
this is a judgement based on certain facts
these are statements that are not evidently or immediately known to be truth
it is drawing a conclusion based on the explanation that is best explains a state of events rather than from evidence provided by the people
it is a clear awareness and understanding or something
it is a clear awareness and understanding or something
this kind of fallacy is using the death of force on an undesirable event to advance an argument
appeal to force