OP 4008 MCI Flashcards
Who gets triage tags on an MCI
Level 1 (3-14) = Triage tags + EPCR Level 2(15-49) or Level 3 (50 +) Use one of the following *Triage Tag *MCI Patient Record *MCI NonTransport Record
MCI On Scene Report shall include…
Type of Incident
Correct Location
MCI Size up shall include…
Type of incident # of patients Severity of injuries Declaration of an MCI Rescue complexity Hazard Assessment Staging Location ICP Location
MCI Progress Report shall include…
Incident conditions update. # of Patients - updated
MCI Triage Colors / Condition
Initially 2 foot ribbon around arm. Red = immediate Yellow = Delayed Green = Minor Black = DOA Blue = involved - not injured
Who declares an MCI and when?
Incident commander declares an MCI when the # of patients exceeds capacity of the normal response.
MCI 5 tactical elements?
CHRE-V Command Hazards Rescue EMS Victim welfare
MCI Traffic Plan
Communicate a staging location area that will not disrupt the incident.
Definition of MCI
A suddenly occurring event that exceeds the capacity of the routine first response assignment.
Those numbered and included in MCI count are…
Triage Unit Leader Responsibilities
- Determine resources required to conduct triage
- Communicate resource requirements and status reports to Medical Group Sup
- Implement Triage process.
- Coordinate movement of patients to appropriate treatment area.
- Maintain security and control of the Triage Area
- Establish morgue if and assign morgue manager.
What triage system do we use?
START Triage RPM Respiration - 30 or less Immediate Perfusion - Radial pulse Mental Status - Can't follow simple commands
What is Jump Start
Kids under 8
5 rescue breathes
Initial triage count
Mark triage count cards
Medical Group Supervisor responsibilities…
- Manages org.
- Oversees Triage, Treatment, Transport
- Makes request for resources.
- Identifies treatment areas
Triage people base on….
How they present. Not their treatment.
Patient in C-spine doesn’t mean hey are delayed
Treatment area considerations
Safe Location
Out of traffic flow
away from vehicle exhaust
3, 6, 9 rule
Level 1 MCI - 3 Engines
Level 1 MCI - 6 Engines
Level 1 MCI - 9 Engines
Medic engines preferred
After initial triage with ribbons apply triage tag in treatment area.
Then move patients
Treatment Leader responsibilities
- Direct patient loading areas
- Identify treatment areas.
- Coord. with Triage Unit Leader movement of patients to from triage to treatment.
- Ensure enough staffing and resources
- Continue assessment of patients.
- Responsible for movement of pts from treatment to ambulances.
Treatment Area Managers respons…..
- Request and assign personnel to area
- Ensure Treatment of Pts.
- Prioritize patients for transport
Patient Loading coordinator
Link between treatment and transport
Med Comm
Reports to Transportation Unit leader
Person with most knowledge of the incident
Determine and maintain hospital availability status
Level 1 MCI Response Level
1 BC 2 Engines 1 Support Companies 2 Ambulances 1 Amb. Sup
Level 2 MCI Response Level
2 BC 5 Engines 2 Support Companies 1 Squad 5 Ambulances 2 Amb. Sup 1 Div. Chief
Level 3 MCI Response Level
2 BC 10 Engines 2 Support Companies 1 Squad 8 Ambulances 3 Amb. Sup 1 Div. Chief