One-way ANOVAs (W3-4) ✅ Flashcards
Both independent and repeated measure ANOVAs
What is Post hoc test and when to use it?
- Post hoc = Secondary analyses used to assess which IV level mean pairs differ -> basically t-tests with corrections for multiple comparisons
- Only used when the F-value is significant AND IV has >2 levels
- Choice of corrections, vary in their risk of Type I and Type
II errors
-> Bonferroni (high type II error)
-> LSD (high type I error)
-> Tukey (HSD) (high type II but more reasonable)
What is meant by partial h2? Compare it to Cohen’s d?
Partial h2: how much variance in the DV is explained by the manipulation of the IV overall
-> on a scale from 0 to 1 (proportion)
Cohen’s d: the difference between pairs of IV level means, expressed in SD units
-> can take any value (real number)
What is the F-ratio?
Essentially t-ratio for ANOVA
F = var between IVs/var within IVs
-> model variance / residual variance
If homogeneity assumption is violated (significant Levene’s test result) -> report Welch’s F test
What are the names and definitions of variance between IVs and variance within IVs in ANOVA?
Model Sum of Squares (SSM):
sum of squared differences between IV level means and grand mean
Residual Sum of Squares (SSR): sum of squared differences between individual values and corresponding IV level mean
=> F = MSM/MSR
What are the advantages of repeated measure design?
- Recruitment: needs fewer participants to gain the same number of measurements
- Error variance (within IV levels) is reduced
- More power with the same number of participants
–> Easier to find significant difference (avoid Type II error)
–> Resulting F/t value is larger
What is the main disadvantage of repeated measure designs and how to reduce it?
- Main: Order effects
– Practise effects
– Fatigue effects
– Sensitisation
– Carry-over effects - Solution: Counterbalancing
- Alternatives where counterbalancing not possible
– Practice: extensive pre-study practise
– Fatigue: short experiments
– Sensitisation: intervals between exposure to IV levels
– Carry-over effects: include a control group
How to calculate df for one-way independent & repeated measure ANOVAs?
- Independent:
* Between IVs: dfM = k-1
* Within IVs: dfR = n - k - Repeated measure
* Between IVs: dfM = k -1
* Within IVs: dfR = dfM x (n - 1)
When to use each type of post-hoc analysis?
- When assumptions of equal variance is not met -> Tukey’s HSD and Bonferroni
- Number of Comparisons:
-> Bonferroni (large)
-> Tukey’s HSD (moderate)
-> LSD (small) - If needed strict control for Type I Error -> Bonferroni or Tukey’s HSD.
- General rule:
- Bonferroni for RM ANOVA
- Tukey for Independent ANOVA