Definitions of terms ✅ Flashcards
Week 1 general stats definitions
What are the scales of measurement?
Categorical - nominal (e.g. gender):
- Contains labels
- No numerical relationship between values
Discreet or Continuous:
- Ordinal (e.g likert scale):
- Numerical relationship
- Data organised by rank
- Equal/unequal intervals between values - Interval (e.g. shoe size)
- Equal intervals between values
- Numerical relationship
- Scale has no true zero point - Ratio (e.g. distance)
- Numerical relationship
- Equal intervals
- True zero point
What are the descriptives statistics and when is each type of statistic used?
Definition: summarise a set of sample values
Two forms of statistics:
1. central tendency
2. spread
When to use:
1. Discrete/continuous data AND normally distributed -> Mean & SD
2. Discrete/continuous data NOT normally distributed -> Median & Range
3. Categorical data: Mode
Which experimental design can infer causality?
True experimental IVs:
- IVs actively manipulated
- Random allocation possible
=> can make claims about causality
Quasi-experimental IVs:
- IVs reflect fixed characteristics (e.g. smoker/non-smoker)
- Random allocation not possible
=> Cannot be sure about implying causality
Which statistics test to use when:
Experimental design
1. One IV only:
- Only 2 levels:
-> independent vs. paired t-test (parametric)
-> Mann-Whitney U test vs. Wilcoxon test (non-parametric) - More than 2 levels:
-> 1-way independent vs. repeated measure ANOVA (parametric)
-> Kruskal Wallis vs. Friedman test (non-parametric)
- At least 2 IVs:
* 2-way independent/ repeated measure/mixed ANOVA
-> no non-parametric equivalent
All types uses Pearson’s r for correlations
- Normal correlation (non-parametric):
-> Spearman’s rho (N>20)
-> Kendall’s Tau (N<20) - Partial correlation
- Regression
=> The remaining two have no non-parametric equivalent
Categorical data:
- One-variable Chi-Square
- Chi-Square test of independence (e.g. 2*2)
What are the features of a normally-distributed population?
- Features: bell-shaped AND symmetrical about the mean
- Types of kurtosis:
1. Mesokurtic: balance
2. Platykurtic: large s.d.
3. Leptokurtic: small s.d. - Types of skew:
1. No skew: perfect central
2. Positive skew: curve leans to left -> more +ve extremes
3. Negative skew: curve leans to right -> more -ve extremes - Non-normal distribution:
1. Bimodal: 2 peaks
2. Uniform: no peaks
-> Use non-parametric tests
What can be said about sample statistics?
- Sample statistics can be used to infer population parameters
- Sampling error (SE): degree to which sample statistics differ from population parameters
-> Estimated Sampling error (E.S.E): since we don’t know population distributions - Minimalising errors - sample must be:
1. Representative (randomly selected)
2. Sufficient in size
What is confidence interval?
- Confidence Intervals (CIs) are interval estimates of
population parameters - 95% of all sampled means will fall WITHIN the 95% bounds of the population mean (μ ± 1.96 SE)
What are Type I and Type II errors?
- Type I error: reject null when the opposite is true
- Type II: fail to reject null when the opposite is true
-> setting α threshold too low (e.g. α = 0.01)
What are the assumptions of a normally distributed population?
- Normality: the DV should be normally distributed, under each level of the IV
- Homogeneity of variance: the variance in the DV, under
each level of the IV, should be equivalent -> Levene’s test (if significant then VIOLATED) - Equivalent sample size
- Independence of observations: Scores under each level of the IV should be independent
=> 2 and 4 not relevant for repeated measure designs
=> If violated any SHOULD use non-parametric equivalents