oncology in physical therapy Flashcards
what makes cancer patients so different?
Limited prognosis
Extensive medical co-morbidity
High degree of pain
Psychosocial distress
Dynamic disease process
Side effects of antineoplastic therapy
Unique goals of care
what type of professionals might work on this multidisplanary team?
Surgical Oncologist
Medical Oncologist
Radiation Oncologist
Physical and Occupational Therapist
Social Worker
Nurse Case Manager
Plastic Surgeon
what are the effects of exercise before and after treatment?
Exercise post therapy associated w/ reduced:
Shortness of breath
Exercise 6 mos latter associated w/ reduced:
Sleep disturbance
Memory problems
what are the physiologic benefits of exercise during treatments
Increased lean tissue mass
Increased VO2 max
Decreased resting heart rate
Improved training distance
Increased upper and lower body strength
Improved flexibility
Higher physical functioning scores
what are the quality of life benefits of exercise
Decreased fatigue
Decreased nausea
Improved sleep patterns
Lower pain perception
Less emotional and psychological distress
Lower depression and anxiety
How does exercise improve fatigue
slide 7 diagram
how does one treat CRF
Physical Activity
Walking program throughout treatment tends to decrease CRF Mock 2007
Aerobic training
↑ blood flow
↑ hemoglobin
Strength training
↑ muscle enzymes
Enlarges muscle fibers
Too much of a good thing?
Gentle moderate exercise decreased inflammation
Overly aggressive exercise increases inflammation
what is cancer?
a group of disease characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
what does neoplasm mean?
“new growth”- that is not nessarly cancer
what does benign mean
innconcusous harmless to the host unless large enough to compress or obstruct the surrounding tissues
what does malignant mean?
Aggressive, if left untreated will invade other organs and result in death
what does it mean to be in remission?
Operationally defined according to diagnosis, usually associated with being free of symptoms
what does it mean to cure cancer?
No evidence of disease and same life expectancy as person who was never diagnosed
what are the stages of cancer and the invasion and spread
slide 12
what is the medical treatment for cancer?
Strategies include:
Radiation Therapy
Hormonal Therapy