Arterial and venous wounds powerpoint Flashcards
what is the arterial system?
pump; the heart
high pressure, thick walled
gravity assisted
what is the venous system?
no pump at rest
low pressure, thin walled
limited by gravity “going up hill”
what is chronic venous insufficiency?
inadequate venous return over a prolonged period of time- calf pump failures, prolonged standing
Associated with trauma, tumor, DVT, varicose veins, previous ulcers, DM, advanced age
what is chronic venous insufficiency
trauma, tumor, DVT, varicose veins, previous ulcers, DM, advanced age
what are the signs of venous disease?
Often first sign of venous disease is the presence of a dilated long saphenous vein on the medial aspect of the calf
Spider veins
Pain, heaviness and fatigue
Hemosiderin/hyperpigmentation around the gaiter area-red blood cell
Venous (stasis) dermatitis
Pitting edema around the ankle toward the end of the day
Atrophic blanche-smooth white- ivory
Scale and erythema- may indicate coexisting stasis dermatitis
Long history will develop “wood” hardness that is non pitting and sclerotic.. Cause a inverted champagne bottle appearance with edema above and below
Skin may be thin with loss of hair follicles and sweat glands
introduction to venous disorders
venous disorders can be acute or chronic in nature
therapeutic exercise is used to manage patients with venous disorders
venous insufficiency ulcers
anything that results in venous hypertension has the potential top cause venous insufficiency-related tissue damage
what are the characteristics of venous ulcers
skin may be slightly warm to the touch
increased with infection
present and normal
may be difficult to palpate
Concomiant arterial disease
what are the assessments for venous insufficiency?
girth measurement
Hoffman’s sign vs wells criteria
additional special tests
-doppler US; venous duplex scan, venography (phlebography)