Oncology I Flashcards
There are several different kinds of cancer. Cancer can be classified by?
- The tissue or blood cells where it starts.
2. The type
What are the 2 types of cancer?
- Solid Tumors
2. Hematological Malignancies
Solid tumors arise from specific tissue. What are 2 types of solid tumors?
- Sarcomas
2. Carcinomas
Describe Sarcomas
Sarcomas begin in the connective tissues, the tissues that the body uses to connect of support other tissues.
Found in bones, muscles, tendons, cartilage, fat, nerves.
Describe Carcinomas (most common)
Carcinomas originate from the epithelial tissues, and this tissue that lines your organs. These are the cancers that originate in the lining of organs like the lungs, liver, the breast, colon or prostate. Skin in the largest organ!
Where do hematological malignancies originate?
From blood or lymphatic cells. Cancer begins with one abnormal cell that starts growing and dividing out of control. i.e. leukemias, lymphomas, myeloma.
Describe Metastasis.
The “ traveling” or extension of the primary cancer to other sites of the body. Metastasis occurs by:
- Direct invasion
- Thru the blood system, or
- Thru the lymphatic system.
* half of all cancers have metastasized before they are
Cancer prevention includes?
Modifying risk factors such as:
- Tobacco- #1 cause of preventable cancer.
- Alcohol & tobacco = co-carcinogenic = quicker develp
- Dietary causes: low fiber diet, > red meat, >animal fat,
Nitrates, Alcohol, preservatives & additives. - Obesity, physical inactivity and poor nutrition
- > risk in immunosuppressed
- Aging >60
- African Americans greatest risk then caucasians.
- Heredity
- Ultra-violet radiation exposure
- Carcinogens exposure
- Stress
- Chronic irritation can caused uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.
- Previous hx. of other types of cancer or chemotherapy
Prevention and Screening: Primary Prevention includes?
Preventing actual occurrence of cancer by:
- No smoking
- Exercise and Nutrition
- Maintain normal body weight
- Limit or eliminate alcohol intake
- Vaccines for preventable viral exposure -Hep B & HPV
- Avoid exposure to known carcinogens - second hand
smoke and sun exposure.
Prevention and Screening: Secondary Prevention includes?
This is when we use screening to pick up on cancer early, when there is a greater chance for cure control.
Prevention and Screening: Secondary Prevention for Females includes?
- Breast self awareness is recommended as secondary prevention.
- Beginning in their 20’s, women should be told about the benefits and limitations of monthly breast self exam (BSE)
- Breast exams should be done on day 7 thru 12 of the menstrual cycle post menopausal.
- Post menopausal or women who have had a hysterectomy should perform the breast self exam on the same day every month.
- Yearly clinical breast exams for women greater than 40 years of age. Women b/w the ages of 20-39 need one every 3 years.
- Mammogram-annually starting at age 40, with 2 views of each breast. No lotion, powder or deodorant - can show up as calcium deposit which = cancer.
- Pap smears beginning at the age 21 and performed every 3 years if there have been no problems.
- Testing stool for fecal occult blood should be done yearly beginning at age 50, unless previous problems or a positive family hx.
Prevention and Screening: Secondary Prevention for Males includes?
- Provide yearly information on self breast self awareness and have yearly clinical testicular exams.
- Testicular tumors grow very fast, so many clinicians recommend monthly testicular self exams (TSE). Teach early the major age group that gets testicular cancer is b/w 15-36 years.
- Digital Rectal exam and prostate specific antigen ( PSA) may be checked annually for men over 50.
- Colonoscopy at age 50 and then every 10 years, and yearly fecal occult blood testing.
Prevention and Screening: Tertiary Prevention includes?
- Focus on the management of long term care for pt. with complex treatments for cancer. i.e. support groups and rehabilitation.
- Diagnosis: General S&S’s - CAUTION
- Change in bowel/bladder habits.
- A sore that does not heal.
- Unusual bleeding/dischange.
- Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere.
- Indigestion or difficulty swallowing.
- Obvious change in wart or mole.
- Nagging cough or hoarseness.
Diagnosis: Other S&S’s
- Cancer can invade bone marrow which can lead to
anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. - Unexplained weight loss.
- Cachexia-means extreme wasting and malnutrition.
- Fever
- Fatigue is the #1 symptom that clients complain of - exhaustion that never goes away with sleep.
- Pain- In bone, testicular, brain, back = cancer never ignore pain. Caused by anemia or tumor is growing and taking all energy x10 tired than usual.
2.Diagnosis: Blood Tests
- Abnormal CBC & Diff = # diff WBC in the blood
- Most concerned about the neutrophils - basilphils lymphocytes, esosonophils, monocytes, . (BLEM)
- Elevated liver enzymes- monitor closely.
- AST and ALT
- Tumor markers - AKA: blomarkers substances found in the blood, higher than normal in the blood, urine, or body tissue of some pt. with cancer.
- List the positive diagnostic studies
- Chest x ray
- CT Scan
- PET Scan
- Bone marrow biopsy
- Tissue biopsy
- Imaging studies
What is a total laryngectomy?
-Removal of vocal cords, epiglottis and thyroid cartilage =
while larynx. Therefore this pt. will have a permanent
tracheostomy or laryngectomy = breathing out of stoma
rest of their life. No straws, no whistling.
- Position pt. post op mid fowlers 35-45
- Require NG feedings to protect the suture line -
(peristalsis can disrupt the suture line) - Monitor drains-prevents fluid build up near airway.
- Watch for carotid artery rupture & rupture of the
innominate artery - Frequent mouth care to decrease bacterial count in
mouth - NPO people tend to get pneumonia
- When pt. leaves the hospital, a bib will be used to cover
the trach because it acts like a filter. - A humidified environment helps b/c air going in is dry and irritates trach so humidified enviornment helps
Trach Care
-Pt. body image changes - pt feels more comfortable to
cover air must be able to escape- dont pick cover with a
lot of fiber i.e face cloth
-Reinsert a dirty trach if sterile one is not available - better to have an infection than DIE!