Oncology Flashcards
What is the 2WW criteria for lung cancer?
Refer to specialist if:
- CXR findings suggestive of lung cancer
- Aged 40 or over with unexplained haemoptysis
Urgent CXR if 40 and over if 2 or more of below or 1 if have ever smoked/been exposed to asbestos:
- Cough
- Fatigue
- Chest pain
- Weight loss
- Appetite loss
Consider if persistent chest infection, finger clubbing, lymphadenopathy, chest signs, thrombocytosis
What is the 2WW criteria for oesophageal cancer?
Refer for 2WW OGD if:
1. Dysphagia
2. Aged 55 or over with weight loss and upper abdo pain/reflux/dyspesia
What is the 2WW criteria for pancreatic cancer?
Refer to specialist if aged 40 or over with jaundice
Consider urgent 2WW CT scan if aged 60 or over with weight loss + any of the following:
- diarrhoea
- back pain
- abdominal pain
- nausea
- vomiting
- constipation
- new onset diabetes
What is the 2WW criteria for stomach cancer?
Refer to specialist if upper abdominal mass consistent with stomach cancer
Refer for 2WW OGD if:
- dysphagia OR
- aged 55 with weight loss + upper abdo pain, reflux or dyspepsia
What is the 2WW criteria for gallbladder cancer?
Consider 2WW USS in patients with an upper abdominal mass consistent with an enlarged gall bladder
What is the 2WW criteria for liver cancer?
Consider 2WW USS in patients with an upper abdominal mass consistent with an enlarged liver
What is the 2WW criteria for colorectal cancer?
FIT testing for patients with any of the following:
- upper abdominal mass
- change in bowel habit
- iron deficiency anamiea
- aged 40 + with unexplained weight loss/abdo pain
- aged <50 with rectal bleeding + abdo pain or weight loss
- aged 50+ with rectal bleeding OR abdo pain OR weight loss
- aged 60+ with any anaemia
Refer to specialist if FIT 10micrograms or over
Refer to specialist if rectal mass at any age
What is the 2WW criteria for anal cancer?
Consider referral to specialist if unexplained anal mass/ulceration
What is the 2WW criteria for breast cancer?
Refer to specialist if:
- Aged 30 or over with unexplained breast lump
- Aged 50 or over with unilateral discharge, retraction or any other change of concern
Consider 2WW referral in those with skin changes or unexplained axillary lump
What is the 2WW criteria for ovarian cancer?
Refer to spcialist if:
- ascites
- pelvic/abdominal mass
Check Ca125 in primary care if persistent:
- abdominal distension
- early satiety or loss of appetite
- pelvic/abdominal pain
- increased urinary frequency/urgency
If Ca125 is 35 or over, arrange USS of abdo/pelvis and:
- refer to specialist if abnormal
- assess for other causes of symptoms
What is the 2WW criteria for endometrial cancer?
Refer to specialist if aged 55 or over with post menopausal bleeding
Consider USS/referral if under 55 with PMB or over 55 with unexplained discharge/haematuria
What is the 2WW criteria for cervical cancer?
Consider referral to spcialist if abnormal cervix seen
What is the 2WW criteria for vulval cancer?
Consider referral to specialist if unexplained vulval lump, ulceration or bleeding
What is the 2WW criteria for vaginal cancer?
Consider referral to specialist if unexplained palpable mass
What is the 2WW criteria for prostate cancer?
Refer to specialist if malignant feeling prostate on DRE
Consider PSA +DRE if:
- persistent LUTS
- ED
- Visible haematuria
What are the normal thresholds for PSA based on age?
Below 40 - clinical judgement
40 to 49 - >2.5
50 to 59 - >3.5
60 to 69 - >4.5
70 to 79 - >6.5
Above 79 - clinical judgement
What is the 2WW criteria for bladder cancer?
Refer to specialist if >45 with:
- unexplained visible haematuria (that persists post UTI treatment)
Refer to specialist if >60 with:
- unexplained non visible haematuria + dysuria or raised WCC
What is the 2WW criteria for renal cancer?
Refer to specailist if >45 and:
- unexplained visible haematuria (after treatment of UTI)
What is the 2WW criteria for testicular cancer?
Cosnider referral/USS if testicular symptoms/changes
What is the 2WW criteria for penile cancer?
Consider referral if ulcerated lesion on penis (without STD or after treatment for STD)
What is the 2WW criteria for skin cancer?
Refer to specailist for suspected MM if 3 or more points of:
- change in size (2)
- irregular shape (2)
- irregular colour (2)
- largest diameter 7mm or more (1)
- inflammation (1)
- oozing (1)
- change in sensation (1)
Consider referral for SCC/BCC if appearances are suggestive!
What is the 2WW criteria for laryngeal/thyroid cancer?
Consider referral if aged 45 with:
- persistent unexplained hoarseness
- unexplained neck lump
What is the 2WW criteria for oral cancer?
Consider referral if:
- unexplained ulceration for >3 weeks
- persistent lump in neck
- lump on lip or oral cavity
- leukoplakia/erythroplakia
What is the 2WW criteria for brain/CNS cancer?
ADULTS: consider 2WW MRI in progressive, sub acute loss of CNS function
CHILDREN: Consider referral to specialist in 48h if newly abmormal cerebeller or other central neurological function