Oncology Flashcards
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 is associated with which type of CNS tumor
Optic gliomas
Which tumor is associated with NF2
Bilateral vestibular schwannomas
Tumours seen in TS
Subependymal giant cell tumor
Tumour in von Hippel Lindau disease
Hemangioblastomas in cerebellum, medulla and spinal cord
Tumours in Li Fraumeni
Gliomas, ependymomas, choroid plexus carcinomas
Gorlin syndrome tumours
Cranial nerve finding in children with brain tumours
Diploplia, due to 6th nerve palsy
What clinical finding is important to look for in an infant you suspect has a brain tumour
Irritability, anorexia, vomiting
Sun setting sign
Impairment of upwards gaze - early sign of increased ICP
Infratentorial vs supratentorial tumours
Infratentorial (cerebellum and below)
- coordination and cranial nerve dysfunction
Supratentorial (above cerebellum)
- headaches, weakness and seizures
What is parinaud syndrome
Impaired upwards gaze
Dilated pupils with better reactivity to accomodation than to light
Retraction or conversion nystagmus with lid retraction
Compression or infiltration of the midbrain tectum - pineal tumours
what symptoms can occur if a brain tumor has spread to the leptomeninges
Intermittent mental status changes
what is the mainstay of treatment for most CNS tumours
Which age group is not treated with CNS radiation therapy due to increased risk of toxicity
What are the most common presentations for medulloblastoma
Morning headache, vomiting and lerthargy
Head tilt (4th CN palsy)
If ependymoma tumors involve the 4th ventricle, what complication can occur
CSF flow blocked
Nausea, vomiting, morning headache, diplopia
Most common primary CNs timor in children
Clinical features of astrocytomas
Most common posterior fossa tumor, best prognosis
Climsiness, unsteadiness of arms and legs, headaches and vomiting
Which type of astrocytoma has the most aggressive clinical behaviour
Glioblastoma multiforme
How do pineal tumours present
Parinaud syndrome
NAme some of the complication sfrom craniopharyingomas
Visual changes
Endocrine changes
Personality and sleep patterns
Calcifications on MRI
Meningiomas aere more common in which patients
Neurofibromatosis type 2
What is the most common malignancy diagnosed in infancy
From where do neuroblastomas arise
Abdomen - adrenal medulla
30% in nonadrenal abdomen
20% paravertebral column of neck / chest