Oncology Flashcards
Review the most common pediatric oncology diseases.
What vaccinations should a child with cancer and neutropenia NOT get?
Live vaccinations such as:
- varicella
- rotavirus
- intranasal influenza
The child will get the disease.
Nephroblastoma (Wilm’s tumor)
The most common intra-abdominal/kidney tumor of childhood.

It can be genetic or congenital.
What is the characteristic symptom of a nephroblastoma (Wilm’s tumor)?

Swelling or mass within the abdomen that is firm and non-tender on one side.
Client can also get hypertension due to effects on the kidneys.
What should be avoided in the child with a Wilm’s tumor?

Do NOT palpate the abdomen due to risk of rupture and sending cancer cells throughout body.
Put a sign up next to bed that says “Do Not Palpate Abdomen”.
Nephroblastoma (Wilm’s tumor)
- monitor intake and output
- monitor blood pressure
Osteosarcoma (osteogenic sarcoma)
The most common bone cancer in children usually occurring in the legs.
What is the characteristic symptom of osteosarcoma?
Vague pain, usually attributed to “growing pains”.
What are the interventions due to possible amputation of the leg from osteosarcoma?
- pain control for phantom limb pain
- get fitted for a prosthetic limb
Where is the most common type of brain tumor in a child located?
In the posterior part of the brain in the cerebellum or brainstem.

The location of the tumor contributes to increased intracranial pressure.
What are the signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure with a brain tumor.

- headache that is worse when waking up and improves during the day
- vomiting unrelated to feeding or eating
- General neuro changes - ataxia and clumsiness, seizures, double vision, facial weakness
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