Milestones Flashcards
Review milestones for children.
What are the normal vital signs for a newborn?
- HR 120-160
- RR 30-60 breaths per min
- BP 85/45
What are the normal vital signs for a 1 year old?
- HR 90-130
- RR 20-40 breaths per min
- BP 90/55
What are the normal vital signs for a toddler?
- HR 80-120
- RR 20-30 breaths per min
- BP 90/55
What are the normal vital signs for a preschooler?
- HR 70-110
- RR 16-22 breaths per min
- BP 90/55
What are the normal vital signs for a school-aged child?
- HR 60-100
- RR 18-20 breaths per min
- BP 105/56
What are the normal vital signs for an adolscent?
- HR 55-90
- RR 12-20 breaths per min
- BP 120/70
At what age can a baby be started on solid foods?
Between 4 - 6 months.
Examples: mushy rice cereal, fruits and vegetables.
At what age can whole milk or honey be given?

After the child turns 1 year old.
Milk doesn’t have the correct nutrients before 1 year old.
There is a risk of botulism with honey before 1 year old.
What foods are prohibited before 3 years old?
No small or hard foods before 3 years old due to risk of choking.
At what age does the birth weight double?
At 5 - 6 months.
At what age does the baby’s birth weight triple?
At 12 months.
When does separation anxiety begin, peak, and begin to end for babies?
- starts at 6 months
- peaks at 10 - 18 months
- starts to decrease by 2 - 4 years old
Allow parents to stay at hospital as much as they’d like.
What is object permanence?
The understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen or perceived.

At what age does object permanence begin?

At 8 - 9 months.
Before 8 months, if an object is covered, the baby thinks the object doesn’t exist.
What is the best toy for an infant?
A musical or visual mobile.

What age is appropriate for toys such as rattles, stuffed animals or a large picture book?

3 - 6 months old
Discourage stuffed animals in the hospital due to risk of infection.
At what age is it appropriate to play peek-a-boo, and play with large plastic rings or a ball?
6 - 9 months old
At what age do children start to build with blocks?

9 - 12 months old
What do 1 - 3 years old like to play with?
Wagon, push-pull toy or a large ball.

What is parallel play?
When children play next to each other, but not with each other.

It occurs at age 1 - 3 years old.
What do 3 - 6 year olds like to play with?
“Imaginative play”.

Dress-up, puppets, playdoh, large trucks, coloring books/crayons, chalk, large puzzles, dancing, jumping, swinging.
What is cooperative play?
Playing with others.

It starts at around age 3.
How do 6 - 12 year olds like to play?
- collect things like cards or rocks
- very creative and like to build
- competitive with winners and losers
What do 12 - 20 year olds like to do?
They like to be with their friends and develop independence.
What age can toilet training start?
At 1 - 3 years old.
Children usually don’t become fully toilet trained until 5 - 6 years old.
When is a child ready to start toilet training?
- understands why they need to use the toilet
- has good sphincter control
- walks well
- can pull pants up and down
What is the average age for the start of menstruation?
12 ½ years old.
Why do adolescents need extra sleep?
There are growth spurts during adolescence so they sleep a lot.
What are adolescents at higher risk for?
Accidents and getting sexually transmitted diseases due to risk-taking behavior.
Teach to be safe by using seat belts, helmets, and contraceptives; and to stay away from drugs and alcohol.
What is therapeutic play?
Used with children to help them feel in control, release tension, and to understand the situation.
Example: Playing with puppets to understand what to expect when having a surgery.
What is regression in regards to children?
When the child reverts to an earlier development stage in order to cope with a medical problem.
Example: A school-aged child starts bedwetting or playing with baby toys.
What are some home safety interventions for toddlers?
Childproof the home due to toddlers becoming mobile:
- cover electrical outlets
- use gates on stairs
- pad corners
- locks on toilet lids and cupboards
- medicines/poisons are put on high shelves or in locked cabinets
- hot water heater set a < 120 F (49 C)
- no hot liquids within reach
- turn handles in on stoves
How much sleep does a neonate need daily?
14-17 hours a day.
How much sleep does an infant need daily?
12-16 hours a day.
How much sleep does a toddler need daily?
11-14 hours a day.
How much sleep does a preschooler need daily?
10-13 hours a day.
How much sleep does a school-aged child need daily?
9-12 hours a day.
How much sleep does a adolescent need daily?
8-10 hours a day.
How much sleep does an adult need daily?
7-9 hours a day.
How should the nurse respond to a dying child that is asking about death?
- explain the reasons for death
- encourage the child to talk about the death
- provide explicit permission to die
At what age can a baby attempt to hold their head up and gaze into their primary caretaker’s face?
1 month old
At what age can a baby gain head control, hold a rattle, make cooing sounds, smile and recognize faces?
2 - 3 months old
At what age can a baby switch objects from hand to hand, roll over, put things in mouth, laugh and can be calmed by a parent’s voice?
4 - 5 months old
At what age can a baby wave bye-bye, the first teeth come in and starts to develop separation anxiety and a fear of stranger?
6 - 7 months old
At what age can a baby sit without support, stand up straight, crawl, use a crude pincher grasp and develop object permanence?
8 - 9 months old
At what age can a baby go from prone to sitting, walk while holding on to furniture and say 3-5 words?
10 -11 months old
At what age can a child walk alone, crawl up stairs, and make a tower of 2 blocks?
14 - 15 months old
At what age can a child turn the pages of a book?
2 years old
At what age can a child skip, hop, jump on one foot and put their own clothes on?
3 - 4 years old
At what age can a child drink from a cup, take a few steps without falling, use a 2-finger pincher grasp and obey simple commands?
12 - 13 months old
What is used to track height and weight of a child?
Growth chart