Oncology Flashcards
Prostate cancer risk factors
Family Hx
BRCA2 gene
Clinical manifestations of prostate cancer
Hx: often asymptomatic, non specific urinary symptoms, haematuria, haematospermia, bone pain if metastasised, constiutional sx
DRE: assymetry, nodularity, induration of prostate
Transrectal core needle biopsy with imaging guidance (US/MRI)
Can track PSA over time - IF >0.75ng/mL rise over 1 year indication for biopsy (also PDA density/doubling time/MRI imaging for characterisation)
Other indications: abnormal DRE, must have good QOL
TNM (T is clinical or pathological) + PSA + GLEASON SCORE
Gleason score
- Used in staging of prostate cancer
- Gleason grade: grading of architectural changes on biopsy (1-5)
- Gleason composite score: sum of 2 most prevalent grades of differentiation pattern
Grade: 1-5: correlates with a gleason composite score
Grade 1: <=6
Grade 2: 7 (3+4)
Grade 3: 7 (4+3)
Grade 4: 8
Grade 5 : 9/10
Treatment of prostate cancer
Active surveillance (very low risk, localised)
Low risk/int risk localised: radical prostatectomy, external beam radiation, brachytherapy (only by itself in low risk)
High risk, loclaised: RT+ ADT or RP
Very high risk, localised; RT +/- brachy + long term ADT
Metastatic: RT + ADT (can have RP in younger men)
Disseminated disease (stage 4): ADT, may be combined with chemo e.g. docetaxel
Term for prostate cancer that has relapsed after initial systemic hormone replacement (+ Mx)
Castration resistant prostate cancer
- ADT +/- chemo + bilateral surgical orchiectomy/medical orchiectomy (GnRH agonists)
Examples of androgen deprivation therapy
LHRH agonists (GnRH agonists) Antiandrogens
Side effects of ADT
Sexual • Erectile dysfunction
• Loss of libido
• Genital shrinkage
Physical • Weight gain
• Gynaecomastia
• Muscle weakness and atrophy
Metabolic • Osteoporosis • Anaemia • Hot flushes • Hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, lipid abnormalities
Emotional/cognitive • Depression
• Emotional lability
Systemic • Fatigue
• Lack of energy