Onas mamon Flashcards
What does the mitzvah of Onas Mamon mean?
Honest transaction
What is the mitzvah of Onas mamon?
Not to cheat in regards to buying and selling
What should you make sure to do in this mitzvah?
when you make a sale to your neighbor or make a purchase from the hand of your neighbor do not cheat one another.
Where does this mitzvah apply?
all people at all places at all times
Is there a punishment for this?
What is the second mitzvah for Onas mamon?
not to cheat a convert in money matters.
What should you do in the second mitzvah?
You should not cheat a ger in money matters.
Where does the second mitzvah apply?
This mitzvah applies to all people in all places at all times
Is there a punishment for the second mitzvah?
What does Onas mamon mean in details?
dishonesty with money. It is forbidden to cheat another person whether you are the seller by overcharging or the buyer by underpaying. Someone who cheats another person violates this love if the person cheated is a ger additional mitzvos are transgressed
How do we know when the money should be returned?
If the price deviates by 1/6 of the third price that money needs to be returned. This is called a shtoos, a 6th. if the amount being cheated is less than 1/6th of the 3rd price, the person does not have to return the money. Less than 1/6 is an amount usually forgiven by people. If the amount being cheated is more than 1/6th of the 3rd price the sale is no longer binding and the one who is cheated can back out of the sale.
Anoling a sale
A person who is cheated has a time limit in which he can back out of the deal. This time frame is the amount to show what he bought or discuss the payment received with another merchant or to his family, If he waits longer than that the sale is final and it is assumed that he agreed to the price even though he knows that it was incorrect.
Example for this
Example - If you sold a $10.00 Harry Potter wand for $12.00 and later the market price changes drastically and now it sells for $14.00 I still have to return the extra $2.00 to the buyer who paid $4.00 for the hat. This applies in reverse to a buyer who underpaid the market value.
Different views on this
Although it is forbidden to cheat in any transaction, the chachamim learn from certain pasukim that a sale is not validated in cases of slaves, land, and contracts. However according to some opinions this is only up to a 100% increase. Beyond that the sale is invalid and is considered an avon , even in regards to these items.