On The Road 2 Flashcards
Koľko km je do najbližšieho mesta?
How many km is it to the nearest town?
Mám ešte v aute voľne miesto.
There is one free Seat in my car.
Mám niekde odbočiť?
Should i turn somewhere?
Mame pred sebou ešte dlhu cestu.
We have a Long way to go.
Môžeme tu nechať auto?
Can we leave our car here?
Na prvej odbočke doprava/dolava.
Take the First right/left.
Naše auto uviazlo v snehu.
Our car stuck in the snow.
Odbočte do ľavá.
Turn left.
Pôjdeme najkratšou cestou.
We will take the shortest route.
Prešli sme 20km.
We covered 20km.
Sedí sa Vám dobre?
Do you sit comfortably ?
Zablúdila som autom v meste.
I have got lost with my car in the city.
Is out of order
Opravili by ste mi toto prosím?
Could you repair this please?
Umyté mi auto prosím
Wash my car please