Hibˇ Flashcards
I would like some water
Dal by som si vodu
I would like to eat something
Niečo by som zjedol
What time is my flight?
Kedy mám let?
Where is my gate?
Kde je môj terminál?
Where is the toilet please?
Kde sú záchody ?
Do you have a map?
Máš mapu?
Where is the bus stop?
Kde je autobusová zastávka?
Where can i find a taxi?
Kde možem nájsť taxík?
I would like to go to ..
Rad by som išiel…
I dont speak English very well.
Nehovorím dobre anglicky
Please speak slowly
Prosím hovorte pomalšie
Does the room have a bathroom?
Má izba kúpeľnú ?
How many beds are in the room?
Koľko posteli je v izbe?
What floor am I on?
Na akom som poschodí ?
Where is the elevator?
Kde je výťah ?
Could you give me the password for the Wifi?
Mohli by ste mi dať heslo od Wifi?
When are the breakfast?
Kedy sú ranajky ?
My room needs towels/ toilet paper/bed sheets.
Potrebujem uteráky/wc papier/ posteľnú bielizeň.
Where can i find a grocery store/restaurant?
Kde nájdem potraviny/ reštauráciu?
Where is the hospital?
Kde je nemocnica?
How do i get to?
Ako sa dostanem do?
Its to the right/left
Je to na pravej/ľavej strane
Go straight ahead
Chod rovno
A table for two/three/four, please
Stôl pre dvoch/ troch/štyroch prosím
I would like to drink water/beer/wine
Na pitie by som si dala vodu/pivo/vino