On the border with D&G Flashcards
How do Woodward and Jones to rethink the border?
Outside the border’s material preoccupations
How do Woodard and Jones follow on from Smith and Katz (1993: 68)?
In respect to spatial concepts that “a new spatialised politics is to be coherent and effective, it will be necessary to comprehend the interconnectedness of material and ideational space”
How can D&G be ushered in to enact the call made by Smith and Katz to dismiss the border?
- Dismiss the idea of the border as a metaphor
- Aka the conveyor belt par excellenceof representation)
- Highlight the productive materialism of D&G’s “becoming”
- Theorise the becoming-border through the concept of (de)territorialisation
WHy are borders never truly static or fixed?
- They should be conceived as fluid and manifold in nature
- Ontological multiplicity of borders (Sohn, 2016)
What is Balibar’s issue with D&G over issues of the state, instiutions and borders and how do Woodward and Jones dismiss these?
- Questions their insistence on doing away with the state and on espousing smooth space that are too abstract
- Woodward and Jones (2005) show this to be a false act with the example of La Resistencia
What is the continued importance in undoing physical barriers?
- Continued importance to make connections, open up spaces and undo fixed mental and physical barriers
- Travel in space, between identities, not so much to undo them but rather question the subject, identity and the state
- Only then can we make dashed and dotted lines of borderlines
What is the problem of conceiving the border in a metaphoric sense?
- Absolutist versions of spatial thinking that may de-materialise and therefore de-politicise social space
- Act as if borders did their work solely within the nether-land of abstract neutrality (Woodward and Jones, 2005)
What is the key to overcoming the division between metaphor and materiality in D&G’s work?
- Explicitly rejection of the term metaphor
- Metaphor for them as an idealist relation that uses ‘series and structure’ to produce degrees of resemblance and difference between a set of terms (ATP)
Why is the border metaphor problematic?
Problematic because it presupposes on a unified transcendental identity on either of its sides
(Woodward and Jones, 2005)
What is more productive then using the metaphor border?
- Therefore, more productive to begin with the fragmented pieces as they are already assembled; ‘in the middle’ as Doel (1999) often says
- For D&G the pieces produce a whole that is immanent to the multiplicities that constitute an assemblage
- Indicates not Identity or essence but rather a temporary stabilisation
How do Woodward and Jones (2005) apply D&G’s philosophy of concepts as material and productive?
Woodward and Jones (2005) apply their efforts to unhinge calcified language regimes that are aimed at remapping the terrain of thought so as to welcome in a host of new becomings
How should the concept and process of bordering should be understood?
As an event of becoming
What does bordering describe?
- Bordering describes vast array of affective and transformative material processes
- Rhizomatic connections that form open territories that are not constricted by the enclosing frame of rigid borderlines (Conley, 2005)
- Follows D&G critical view of spatial models defined by vertical orderings that have dominated the West -> Space as a pre-existing and a simple décor for human action
How does bordering produce an escape from insititutionalisation?
- Does this by producing affects that operate outside of the influence of surviving organised assemblages
- Lines of escape are productive bodies that are capable of new affects
What does deterritorialisation and the heterogenesis it produces do?
- It produces are processes that bring forth socio-spatial complexity that was disguised by the function and categorical divisions of institutionalisation
- Deterritorialisation facilities new forms of bordering