On Creative Industries: Tritschler, 2013 Flashcards
Argues that
…although we all know and assume that workers in the creative industries rely
heavily on networks and social relations in their careers we don’t really know the answer to two important questions.
1) whether face-to-face networks and interaction are still important in the current digital age and
2) whether improvements in the Internet and other
1 of 12 forms of information technology will reduce the significance of location and the demand for face-to-face contact altogether.
Where did Tritschler conduct her research?
On the advertising industry in London, and specifically the cluster located in Soho.
Why does advertising tend to cluster in space?
For several reasons. On page 53, for example she tells us that “Soho offers a range of services from graphic
design, photography, music to film direction, production, bars and cafes which are critical physical inputs and services needed to keep the entire advertising
industry operating.”
Why is somewhere like Soho good?
Idea of Soho as ‘ad land’ or ‘ad village’ as she puts it. It is a hotbed for the creative industries because it is a multicultural area in the central part of London which offers many bars, restaurants, late night coffee
shops and fashion boutiques.
But importantly it doesn’t just have advertising but a number of related activities as well which may help to service the advertising cluster or serve as vital sources of inspiration, collaboration and perhaps most importantly the clients.
So Soho also houses London’s independent film cluster and video industry.
One account director said…
‘this industry is about working hard and playing hard…you are constantly socializing. That is very much the norm.’
Clare argues that workers and firms still want to locate in Soho for three main reasons despite the high cost…
Suppliers and photographers and other services that are key to advertising firms are based in this area and it helps to be in close geographical proximity to those services because this is a project-based industry which is fast
moving and employees have tight deadlines.
Soho is a central London location, which makes it an ideal place for workers and clients to get to.
Firms choose to locate in Soho to benefit from the rapid exchange of ideas, buzz and interactions. Essentially, firms are paying a premium to remain ‘in the loop’ of the informal knowledge exchange that are fuelled by the dense web of multiple interactions.
(Clare 2013, 54)
“a cosmopolitan atmosphere justifies an otherwise high cost”
Opinion on technology over face to face communication
The most important communications still take place in
person, and electronic access is no substitute.
Despite the technological breakthroughs that have caused the death of distance, it turns out that geography is still important. (Clare 2013, 57)