Global cities x 5
Sassen, 1991- decentralisation... Massey, 1995- activity spaces... Massey, 1994- reactionary sense... Smith, 2001- Korea town... Beaverstock, 2002- expatriates...
Globalisation x 7
Harvey, 1989- time space, origins... Giddens, 1990- time space, causes... O'Brien, 1992- death of...? Toffler, 1970- future... Potter et al, 2008- income gap... Robertson (2003)- consciences... Ohmae, 1995- technology...
Sense of self x 5
Sydney Morning Herald, July 3rd 1999, P12 Boorstin, 1964, P7- lost... MacCannell, 1976- futile... Clarke, 2004- British WHM... Elsrud T, 2001- risk...
Non-places x 6
Urry, 2004- enables... Miller, 2004- singing... Edensor, 2004- hook... Thrift, 2004- training... Laurier, 2004- command... Adey P, 2008- airport...
Globalisation, transnationalism & mobility x 6
Harvey 1989- time space... Giddens 1990- time space... Buraway et al, 2000- high flying... Massey, 1993- relationship... Brenner, 2004- territorialisation... Wallerstein (1980)- world systems...
Nation states x 3
Delanty (2000)
Appadurai (1996)
Keating M (1997)
Global production chains x 5
The Economist, 2015- scrap cars…
Leslie and Reimer (1999)- dikea, meanings…
Murray and Overton, 2005- brands, nature, characterised
Coe et al. (2008)- nation states, role of place
Lepawsky and Mather (2011)- Dhaka…
Fashion x 2
Crew, 2008
Tokatli, 2007
Ideas and knowledge x 5
Bathelt et al (2004)- even world class….
Grabher and Ibert (2014)- instead of being less rich…
Maskell (2006) and Power and Jansson (2008)- temporary…
Maskell et al. (2006)- gatherings…
Power and Jansson (2008)- milan…
Jobs and labour x 8
(Herod 2000)- impact of, shift in... (Jones 2007)- 'local worlds'... (Economist 2013)- general electric... (Economist 2015)- reshoring, manufacturing jobs... Vosko (2000)- the ideal, they feel... (Leslie 2002)- GAP... Allen and Henry (1997)- big factories... Bryson (2007)- india...
Sassen, 1991- decentralisation... Massey, 1995- activity spaces... Massey, 1994- reactionary sense... Smith, 2001- Korea town... Beaverstock, 2002- expatriates...
Global cities x 5
Harvey, 1989- time space, origins... Giddens, 1990- time space, causes... O'Brien, 1992- death of...? Toffler, 1970- future... Potter et al, 2008- income gap... Robertson (2003)- consciences... Ohmae, 1995- technology...
Globalisation x 7
Sydney Morning Herald, July 3rd 1999, P12 Boorstin, 1964, P7- lost... MacCannell, 1976- futile... Clarke, 2004- British WHM... Elsrud T, 2001- risk...
Sense of self x 5
Urry, 2004- enables... Miller, 2004- singing... Edensor, 2004- hook... Thrift, 2004- training... Laurier, 2004- command... Adey P, 2008- airport...
Non-places x 6
Harvey 1989- time space... Giddens 1990- time space... Buraway et al, 2000- high flying... Massey, 1993- relationship... Brenner, 2004- territorialisation... Wallerstein (1980)- world systems...
Globalisation, transnationalism &; mobility x 6