OMB Criteria (from Dashboard FAQs) Flashcards
OMB Criteria for - Requirements Management
Investment objectives are clear and scope is controlled
Requirements are complete, clear and validated
Appropriate stakeholders are involved in requirements definition
OMB Criteria for - Contractor Oversight
Acquisition strategy is defined and managed via an Integrated Program Team
Agency receives key reports, such as earned value reports, current status, and risk logs
Agency is providing appropriate management of contractors such that the government is monitoring, controlling, and mitigating the impact of any adverse contract performance
OMB Criteria for - Historical Performance
No significant deviations from planned cost and schedule
Lessons learned and best practices are incorporated and adopted
OMB Criteria for - Human Capital
Qualified management and execution team for the IT investments and/or contracts supporting the investment
Low turnover rate
Other factors that the CIO deems important to forecasting future success
DOC Internal Rating Factors - Transparency
Clear, timely, responsive communication
Investment documentation and content is up to date,
Complete and allows for transparent oversight of investment
Information provided is sufficiently detailed to assess project health
DOC Internal Rating Factors - Risk Profile
Degree of risk based on risk register and other documentation
Quality of risk mitigation strategy including sufficient mgt reserve
Success in implementing strategy for realized risks
Experienced, qualified and stable project management team
Adequate IT Security Planning and implementation
DOC Internal Rating Factors - Historical Performance
Cost and schedule variances overall and for key elements, within 10%
Operational performance metrics meet target
CITRB and other evaluation (OIG, GAO, …) results
OMB 300 Artifacts - ROI Artifacts
Requirements document
Operational analyses for steady state or mixed lifecycle systems. Periodic requirement satisfied by monthly quad charts. Annual Operational Analyses report still required
Investment acquisition plan
OMB 300 Artifacts - PAIR Artifacts
Post implementation review results, if applicable:
Appropriate/documented requirements control board processes
Investment charter, including IPT; and,
Risk Management Plan
OMB 300 Artifacts - PI2 Artifacts
Project charters, as available
Investment alternative analysis and benefit-cost analysis
Investment re-baseline decision approval(s)
IT Security Assessment Criteria
Principles followed in selecting criteria:
- Are applicable whether in-house DoC programs or cloud-based Software as a Service.
- Metrics are tangible and measureable vs. C&A process.
- Single metric identified for each of the three DME phases.
IT Security Assessment Criteria - the three DME phases.
Phase 1 Initiation: Performed FIPS 199 System Impact Analysis (low, moderate, high)?
Phase 2 Acquisition and Development: Completed IT Compliance in Acquisition checklist (see attachment)?
Phase 3 Implementation/Assessment: Have obtained an Authorization to Operate? (ATO)
IT Dashboard Security Scoring
Score 0: No Documentation
Score 3: In Phase 2 and FIPS 199 completed
Score 3: In Phase 3 and FIPS 199 and Acquisition checklist completed
Score 5: ATO completed
When is all investment data due for IT Dashboard Security Scoring?
All information is due by 10am on the 10th of the month or by 10am on the first weekday before that when the 10th falls on a weekend)
List of all investment items due for security IT Dashboard review on or near 10 AM on the 10th of every month:
Self Assessment rating and comment for each investment
Updated Exhibit 300 information including:
Formal Baseline Change Request in eCPIC; supported by project plan
Exhibit 300B Project, Activity, Risk and Operational Performance data
Exhibit 300A Contract table data
Exhibit 300 Information Security questions
Monthly Quad Chart
Under Quad Chart “Issues” note departure or replacement of Project Manager
Current Risk Register (if changed)
Current Project Plan(s) (if changed or not previously provided). Must accompany any proposed Replan or Rebaseline.
Latest Earned Value data
Define a security risk level 5 on the ITDB:
5- Low Risk
Investment documentation is up-to-date. Information provided is complete and allows for oversight of investment. No major risks, proper risk register. Within 10% variance, operational performance metrics meet targets. Project is performing well, no major issues. Investment objectives and scope are clear. Project management team is qualified and stable. No POAMS. Quad Chart is timely, specific deliverables are listed. Investment has dependencies and schedules align. Dependency fully managed and reported. Data provided allows assessment of investment health.
Define a security risk level 4 on the ITDB:
4- Moderate Low Risk
Investment document is up-to-date. Some degree of moderate risk but being addressed. Variance within 10% or possible small schedule slippage. Some issues, but being addressed and communicated to DOC OCIO. Investment has dependencies and schedules align. Dependencies fully managed and reported. Proper risk register. Exhibit 300 data is up-to-date, project is performing well. Investment objectives and scope are clear. Project management team is qualified and stable. No POAMS. Quad Chart is timely, specific deliverables are listed. Data provided allows assessment of investment health.
Define a security risk level 3 on the ITDB:
3- Medium Risk
Major medium and high risks, weak mitigation plan, lacking documentation, little transparency into project. Some key activities are outside of variance. Missing some Exhibit 300B data, rebaselining frequently. Investment has dependencies and schedules do not align. Investment objectives and scope are not well defined. Dependencies not fully managed or reported. Issues not reported to DOC OCIO. Some POAM delays.
Define a security risk level 2 on the ITDB:
2- Moderately High Risk
No transparency into project, lack of communication and responsiveness from project manager. Project documentation is dated. Poor quality or missing Exhibit 300 data. Quad Chart does not identify specific deliverables and is not current. Major risks are not being addressed. Investment objectives and scope are not clear. Several key activities are outside of variance with no clear corrective action plan. Investment has dependencies and schedules do not align. Dependencies not fully managed or reported. Performance measures not met. Unresolved issues from OIG or CITRB. Issues not reported to DOC OCIO or OU. Significant POAM delays and security issues. Project management team frequent turnover and lacking qualifications. Data provided does not allow assessment of investment health.
Define a security risk level 1 on the ITDB:
1- High Risk
Project documentation is lacking or dated. Poor quality or missing Exhibit 300 data. No transparency into project. Frequent turnover in project management team and lacking qualifications. Performance measures not met. Frequent rebaselines. Multiple key activities have significant cost and schedule variance with no clear corrective action plan. Investment objectives and scope are not clear. Investment has dependency and schedules do not align. Dependency not fully managed or reported. Quad Chart does not identify specific deliverables and is not current. Major risks are not being addressed. No mitigation plan. Lack of communication and responsiveness from project manager. Project objectives are not clear and scope is not well defined. Unresolved issues from OIG or CITRB. Ongoing issues with no clear resolution. Issues not reported to DOC OCIO or OU. Major POAM delays and security issues. Project management team frequent turnover and lacking qualifications. Data provided does not allow assessment of investment health.
OMB Criteria for - Risk Management
Risk management strategy exists
Risks are well understood by senior leadership
Risk log is current and complete
Risks are clearly prioritized
Mitigation plans are in place to address risks