OMB Flashcards
Bank angle limitation in normal flight
30 degrees
What surface conditions is a T/O or LDG NOT permitted? (3)
Wet Ice
Water on top of compacted snow
Dry snow or wet snow over Ice
Are you allowed to take off on RWYCC0?
NOT permitted
Partial snow removal, minimum cleared width
I) 45m
2) >45m
1) 30m cleared
2) 45m cleared
Taxi speed on contaminated runways?
At speeds below 20kt what deactivates?
Anti skid
When is a OETD prohibited?
3 operational reasons
4 technical reasons
Taxi surface is slippery
Main gear power push
HYD Y pump serviceable
ELEC gen 1 serviceable
PACK 1 serviceable
No steering/braking capability
FO handling limits
Max 20kt xwind inc gusts No planned tailwind ldg *** FO No Flap 3 *** FO T/O min RVR 400m Minima: -Cat 1 ILS - minima for NPA - 5000m for circling 45m wide runway No contaminated or slippery runway conditions (Declared by airport) No reported windshear No autoland normal ops
Latest point to take Flaps 2
2000ft TDZE OR 6nm
2 regulated calcs to do
Dispatch RLDW
What do you do if parking brake chocks are not in place on walk around?
Ensure parking brake is set
Sufficient accumulator pressure
Battery voltage check - above what?
Charging cycle procedure:
Above 25.5V (charge above 50%)
Bat auto Ext power on After 20min Batt off Above 25.5V?? Auto
Apu fire test - what happens?
Squib and disch light on
How many sec do you wait before pushing APU Start pb sw?
3 sec
When must you NOT use APU bleed air?
When a LP or HP ground air unit is connected to the aircraft
Zone temp range
24 +- 6 C
ECAM recap button - how long press for and why?
3 sec
Recalls all warnings cleared or cancelled during last flight
HYD RES fluid level
Why can it sometimes vary?
Varies with OAT
CEO eng oil Q
9.5 + 0.5 qt/hr
NEO oil Q
Highest of:
8.9 + estimated consumption 0.45 qt/hr
How to check relevant OEBs
BNTC section of tech log
Standard aircraft spec
Emergency equipment FLT deck
10 items
Life jacket (correct no, stowed correctly)
Axe (stowed correctly)
Smoke hood (stowed correctly)
Portable fire ext (stowed correctly, safety catch in pos, red disc ind present, pressure in green arc)
Ox mask stowed
Torch (correct no, stowed correctly)
Escape rope (stowed)
Protective gloves (correct no stowed correctly)
ELT (ARMED) stowed correctly
FAK (stowed and sealed)
Purpose of walk around
No impact damage to structure
No evidence of fuel, oil or HYD leak
All ground chess doors are closed
Complete IRS alignment following cases
First flight of the day
Crew change
GPS not avail, nav aid coverage poor on expected route
GPS not avail flight > 3hr
Fast alignment
When complete alignment not necessary.
IRS FMGC difference >5nm
ELEC Battery check
Off then ON (Initiates charging cycle of the battery)
10sec later
Check ELEC SD page for
Below 60A and DECREASING
Batt test - what if one batt not below 60A
Wait until end of charging cycle and do the test again
When is navaid deselection not required?
When you have GPS primary
FMS R2 asks for ground temp during route entry - why is this?
Optimise climb
Use preliminary WX
MEL/CDL items
Verify against planned LDW
Baro max differences
20ft between PFD
100ft between ISIS
Check PFD alt indic vs airport elevation less than 75ft
A319 loading policy
Up to 150 bags in REAR HOLD
Overspill in CP1
A320 loading policy
Load CP1 (approx 85 bags)
Remaining in CP4
Then use CP3
CP5 non normal situations
Engine Idle parameters
CEO 2/6/4/3 19.5%/58.5%/390c/275kg/h
NEO 2/7/5/3 19%/68%/520c/290kg/h
OETD considerations
Ramp and slope
Thrust/ jet blast effect
Direction taxi routing
Icing conditions definition
OAT (ground) TAT (flight) below 10C
Visible moisture of any form
Clouds, fog <1600m vis, rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals
CEO Ice shedding
What about in freezing precipitation
Ground ops OAT +3C or less for more than 30min
70% N1 for 30sec not greater than 30min Intervals
Perform just before T/O - ensure normal eng parameters
FZ RA, DZ, FG, +SN ice shedding maybe be enhanced: not exceed 10min, 70% N1 momentarily (no hold time)
NEO ice shedding proc
50% N1 5 sec
interval not greater than 60min
120min in ground icing conditions - MAINTENANCE action
Why do you wait for start pressure before starting eng no 2?
Ensure bleed system valves are no longer in transit
Prevent eng 1 stall
TREF values
A319 ISA +30
A320 CEO/NEO ISA +29
WX RADAR RDR400 mode during taxi out?
ENG MOD sel on T/O
Runway is standing water
+RA is falling
+RA or severe turbulence is expected after T/O
Tailwind or crosswind >20kt technique
Full forward sidestick
Rapidly increase thrust from 50-70 % N1
Progressively increase thrust to T/O setting by 40kt GS
Sidestick neutral by 100kt
MAX REC FL - what buffet?
At least 0.3G buffet margin
When is a nav accuracy check required?
Give 4 answers
IRS only Nav
PROG page says accuracy low
How do you manually check nav accuracy
Compare FMS pos with radio pos
Ie TO waypoint vs DME distance
<3nm reliable
>3nm not reliable
Massive difference - disengage managed NAV - USE RAW DATA
How often should you check RVSM in flight?
Intervals of approximately 1hr
In flight landing perf requirements
Factored landing distance is less than LDA for the selected conditions.
If it exceeds parameters - re computation with different input parameters will be required
Max addition to VAPP in gusty conditions
VLS +15
Stable criteria
Landing Config
Correct lateral vertical flight path (g/s, FMS, pApi)
+10/-5 speed
Bank angle max 15 deg
MUST go around at 1000ft RA if?
Not in landing config
> Vapp + 30
Go around at 500ft RA
Not stable
Landing checklist not complete
Circling stability differences
Bank angle max 15 within +/- 30 deg of track
Discontinued approach procedure
Cancel approach
Disarm approach mode (ILS or final app)
Lateral mode as required
Vertical mode as required (v/s or level off)
Adjust speed
What do you do?
Do not use FINAL APP guidance for app - USE NAV FPA or TRK FPA
Acceptable difference between MCDU and chart for VERTICAL PATH
0.1 deg
Final app approach when can you press APP pb?
FDP is to waypoint
Aircraft is cleared for the approach
Management of degraded Nav
VOR/NDB approach
Revert to appropriate raw data
Management of the degraded navigation
When can you continue with other system?
GPS PRIM lost on 1 ND
Nav acc downgrade on FMGS
5 reasons to discontinue an RNP approach
GPS PRIM lost on both NDs
75ft below vertical path
Circling approach
Circling minima 100 above level off
45 deg turn, 30sec wings level
Turn downwind, act sec
Abeam threshold start timer
3sec 100ft AAL
+10 -5
“Sink rate”
V/s > 1000fpm
Greater than 7 deg
Below -2.5 deg
Above 10 deg (A320/A319)
“LOC” or “GLIDE”
Half dot
“Cross track”
0.1nm deviation final app mode
Half dot
1/2 dot VOR
5 deg ADF
+10 deg a319/a320 during landing
“PITCH” during G/A
Greater than 20 up
Less than 10 up
“SINK RATE” during G/A
If there is no climb rate
What is a steeper angle approach?
3.5-4.5 degrees
What approach angle is the A320 certified to fly to?
4.5 deg
When is a stabilised approach required?
> 3.5deg
An unplanned emergency landing in Imminent
Attention crew brace brace
Cabin crew take up landing pos
Passing 2000ft in Des for a planned emergency landing
Brace brace
500ft Des for a planned emergency landing
Climb gradient requirement
Second segment
Final segment
Second 2.4% gross
Final 1.2% gross
Obstacle clearance take off path
35ft above the end of the take off distance
Net take off path must clear all obstacles by
35ft vertically
90m +0.125*D
When is an engine considered secure?
Engine master off
Fire or damage fire switch is pushed and first agent discharged (or second agent if light still illum)
V2 may be increased (by efb calc) when and why?
Excess take off distance available
Improve second segment climb
Flex - why do you have longer stop distances than efb says
1) lower TAS at ambient temp than assumed flex temp
2) thrust delivered by eng is sig higher at ambient temp than assumed flex temp (higher air density)
2 reasons flex take off is not allowed
Contaminated runway
Dispatch with landing gear extended
Fluid contaminants
Dry snow
Wet snow
Standing water
Depth of more than 3mm
Precipitation drag
Hydro planing
Hard contaminant
Compacted snow
Wet ice
ONLY reduce friction force
Take off perf on a contaminated runway is based on:
TYPE and DEPTH as reported in RCR
contaminated runway screen height
15ft instead of 35
Contamination equivalences
Up to 3mm of dry snow, wet snow, standing water, slush = WET
Snow scenarios see OMB
When can you NOT DISPATCH off a narrow runway?
NWS inop
One or more brakes inop
When is a rolling take off not permitted?
TOGA due to a perf lim (RWY/OBS)
Calculation reduce ASD for a flex T/O
3% for every 10C temp between flex and OAT
Eg. Flex 50, OAT 10
Difference is 40 = 4 lots of 10
0.03*4=0.12 REDUCE 12% ASD
Purpose of a dispatch landing calc
Determine max allowable landing weight
Anticipated wx and surface conditions
In flight landing per purpose
Determine factored landing distance to assess actual margins on LDA
Actual conditions
Allow crew to select appropriate flap, rev, autobrake
When must an RCR be supplied?
When a runway is not DRY
Take off and dispatch planning, crew shall use
Type of Contam and DEPTH
In flight landing perf crew shall use?
RCR actual conditions
When can you NOT do a FLAP 3
Tailwind greater than 10kt
Technical defect affecting landing perf
No runway contamination
If brake mode MANUAL is used to ensure FLD < LDA
Select MED autobrake
Max reverse
PF over ride and brake manually at nose wheel touchdown
Taxi fuel burn
7kg/min OETD
Approach fuel burn
Holding fuel burn
Adequate aerodrome distance
A319 380nm
A320 400nm
Take off alternate
OEI still air