OM B Chapter 4 Performance Flashcards
What is the climb gradient requirement on take off with OEI ?
Second segment 2,4%
Final segment 1,2%
What is the net takeoff flight path ?
It’s the actual flight path minus 0,8% for two engine A/C. It’s start at 35ft above the end of take off distance.
Must clear all obstacle by a vertical distance of 35ft
What is taken into account as obstacle on the net takeoff flight path ?
If the track doesn’t change by more than 15° then the obstacle with a lateral distance of 600m are not taken into account.
all other, lateral distance of 900m
when can you not follow the EOSID ?
once above MSA or in VMC
When is the engine secured ?
• Engine flameout………Engine Master OFF.
• Damage…………………..Discharge of Agent 1.
• Fire………………………….Discharge of Agent 1 (and Agent 2 if necessary).
What is the maximum time at takeoff thrust ?
10min OEI
5min all engines
What is the standard EOSID ?
Climb straight head until 1000ft AAL push to level off then clean up
accelerate to green dot then OPEN Climb MCT and at 1500ft AAL then turn to HP
What should you do if you have an eng failure below the one ENG Acceleration alt ?
follow the ENG out procedure
After an eng failure and above 1500ft AAL Can you turn to nearest HP ?
Yes, a radius of 30NM is survey for obstacle and allow you to turn toward an holding above 1500ft
Above 1500 ft, a radius of 30 NM is surveyed for limiting obstacles. This ensures that obstacle clearance is available for engine failure in the SID routing as well as transition to the ENG FAIL HP. All SID routes are normally included in the calculation of the engine failure procedures. If the engine fails when already established on a SID, turn the nearest way to the ENG FAIL HP
What is the first segment ?
First Segment - at the end of the takeoff distance at a screen height of 35’ and a speed of V2. On a wet runway, the screen height is reduced to 15’. Operating engines are at takeoff thrust, the flaps/slats are in takeoff configuration and landing gear retraction is initiated once safely airborne with positive climb. The first segment ends when the landing gear is fully retracted.
What is the second segment ?
Second Segment - begins when the landing gear is fully retracted. Engines are at takeoff thrust and the flaps/slats are in the takeoff configuration. This segment ends at the higher of 400’ or specified acceleration altitude. In most cases, the second segment is the performance limiting segment of the climb.
when is a runway considered Wet ?
When there is any visible dampness or water up to 3MM.
Is the benefit of thrust reverser for takeoff perf taken into account on a dry runway ? Wet runway ?
Takeoff performance is calculated without the benefit of thrust reversers.
takeoff performance on a wet runway can be calculated with the benefit of thrust reversers. However, it is not allowed to take off at a weight higher than the weight on dry runway. Flexible takeoff and derated takeoff are allowed for a takeoff from a wet runway.
What is the maximum allowed thrust reduction on a Flex takeoff ?
Not more than 25% of the rated thrust
When is a flex takeoff prohibited ?
On a contaminated runway
dispatched with landing gear extended