Olympia Flashcards
What was the Leonideum?
A hostel for the reception of distinguished visitors
What was the Bouleuterion?
An assembly house for local legislatures and other meetings
What was the Theokleon?
The seat of the theokoloi- priests of Olympia
What was the purpose of the Prytaneion?
Where the officials of the Olympic Games lived
What were the Zanes?
Bronze statues on the entrance to the stadium of Zeus hurling a thunderbolt. Paid for by and inscribed with names of those caught cheating or unfairly judging in Olympic Games
When was the Temple of Zeus built?
Before 456 BC
What statue did the Temple of Zeus contain?
Chryselephantine statue of Zeus
Who made the chryselephantine statue of Zeus?
What is the temple that surpassed the Temple of Zeus for largest in Greece?
The Parthenon
What was on the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus?
A chariot race between Zeus’ grandson Pelops and Oinamaos- origin story of the Olympic Games, central figure is Zeus, helping Pelops to win, 2 main rivers of Olympia either side
What were the 2 main rivers of Olympia?
Kladeos and Alpheios
What is the Pelops founding myth of the Olympic Games?
Pelops wanted to marry Oinomaos’ daughter, all suitors were challenged to chariot race and beheaded if lost. Pelops cheated by bribing charioteer to sabotage chariot. Won and killed Oinomaos, married his daughter, his family was then cursed but he was worshipped as a hero
What is depicted on the West Pediment of the Temple of Zeus?
The Centauromachy, with Apollo in the centre
What was depicted on the Metopes of the Temple of Zeus?
The 12 Labours of Heracles
How was Zeus portrayed by the chryselephantine statue at Olympia?
Seated on a throne, holding a sceptre with an eagle atop it in his left hand, holding Nike in his right hand
What is the founding myth of the Olympic Games relating to Zeus?
He struck the area with a lightning bolt to show he wanted a sanctuary there
What is the founding myth of the Olympic Games relating to Dactyl Heracles?
One of 5 daimones who founded the Olympic Games- specifically connected to the race in armour
What was the Ash Altar at Olympia?
Pile of ashes left from sacrifices- second level was thigh meat of sacrifices. Women could only sacrifice on lower level. Enormous
How many treasuries were there at Olympia?
How many treasuries at Olympia were dedicated by city-states from outside the Greek mainland?
All but 2
What did the location of the treasuries at Olympia allow for?
Maximum visibility and self-promotion
What did all competitors and judges have to do on the first day of the Olympic Games?
Swear an oath to Zeus Horkios not to cheat and to judge fairly
What was the function of the Echo Stoa?
Where the competition for trumpeters and heralds was held on the 1st day of the Olympic Games
What was the reward for the winners of the trumpeter and herald competitions in the Echo Stoa?
Would be the official trumpeter and herald for the rest of the Olympic festival
Why was the Echo Stoa called this?
Because it was believed a single word would echo 7 times within it
What was the other name for the Echo Stoa and why?
Painted Stoa- due to the paintings that once decorated the inside
What reinforced the religious element of running races at the stadium?
Always finished facing the Altis to Zeus
How long was the stadium and what were the origin myths for this?
192m- length Heracles believed to have run in a single breath// 600 Olympic feet measured by Heracles’ feet
How many spectators could the Olympic stadium accommodate?
How long were the Olympic Games?
5 days
Who was the only woman who could enter the sanctuary during the Olympic Games?
The Priestess of Demeter