Old Testament Review Questions Flashcards
The Bible is a growing ____________ of God and His plan of salvation for humanity.
The New Testament can be considered in the _________ and the ___________that give an account and explanation of God’s work through Jesus Christ, the Church, and of bringing His creation to completion in eternity.
historical books; epistles
The Pentateuch is composed of the first five books of the Bible: __________________________________ _______________________________.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
The Pentateuch was written essentially by _________.
Some of the significant Scriptures about creation are __________, Isaiah 40:26-28, ____________, and Hebrews 11:3.
Genesis 1:1, John1:3
__________ is the act of God whereby he brought forth the visible and invisible universe (______________) without the use of preexisting materials and gave the world an existence distinct from Him but always dependent on Him.
Creation, Colossians 1:16
Adam and Eve were judged for their disobedience, but God gave them a _______________________.
promise of redemption (Genesis 3:15)
Seth’s firstborn was ___________, and then, the people began to call upon God (Genesis 4:26)
__________, one of the descendants of Enosh, walked so close with God that he was brought to be with Him (Genesis 5:24).
Noah and his family were saved from the Flood because of Noah’s ___________________________ with God (Genesis 4:26).
right relationship
The Abrahamic Covenant is found in Genesis 12:1-3 and was established as a _______________________ ________.
blood covenant (Genesis 15: 1-21)
The Abrahamic Covenant is the foundation for the _______________________________and the _____ ____________________________.
Palestinian Covenant (Deuteronomy 30: 1-10); Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7: 12-16)
At a burning bush, God chose Moses to deliver His people and revealed the revelation of His name: ___________.
_____—__________, which means the owner and ruler of all things, is the most frequently used name when addressing God.
Adonai-the Lord
At the time of the tenth plague against Egypt, the __________ was instituted.
The purposes of the Law are (1) ___________________ ____________, (2) to reveal the sinfulness of humanity, (3) _________________, and (4) to preserve the people.
to reveal the holiness of God; to reveal the need of salvation
The Ten Commandments are …
- You shall have no other gods before me.
- _______________________________
- You shall not misuse the name of the Lord.
- _______________________________
- Honor your father and mother.
- You shall not murder.
- _______________________________
- You shall not steal.
- _______________________________
- You shall not covet.
- You shall not make any idols.
- Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
The Sabbath year occurred once every _____________ years and was a _______________________, especially for the land.
seven; time of rest
The _________________________ was a Jewish celebration that occurred every 50 years and was a time for everything to be restored back to its proper order.
Year of Jubilee
The ___________________ was the beginning of the Jewish religious year and is a symbol of Jesus Christ.
The ____________________ was a celebration that came 50 days after the Passover and celebrated the gathering of the whole harvest.
Festival of Pentecost
The ________________________followed ten days after the Feast of Trumpets and was a day of fasting and atonement for the collective sins of the nation.
Day of Atonement
The ________________________was a celebration that reminded the Israelites of the time they wandered through the wilderness and had no permanent dwelling place.
Festival of Tabernacles
The ___________________________was an act of worship as a fellowship offering with God.
peace offering
Moses was not allowed to enter into ___________; he went up on Mt. Nebo where he died at the age of 120.
The Exodus began 400 years after Joseph’s death and concludes with the Israelites at__________________.
Mount Sinai
________________was written during the year that the Israelites camped at Mt. Sinai.
The full revelation of the Law, the priesthood, the sacred calendar, and the sacrifices are recorded in ________________.
The first ten chapters of Numbers occur during the year at __________________, and the remaining chapters are a record of the _____________ and_______________________.
Mount Sinai; Kadesh-barnea rebellion; wilderness wanderings
The Book of _________________is given that title because it records two censuses.
__________________means “second law,” which was four addresses that Moses gave to the Israelites at the end of their wanderings.
The theme of the Book of Joshua is _____________ __________________.
faith and compromise
The Book of ________intends to show that God did fulfill His promise to give the land of Canaan to Abraham’s descendants.
_______________________is the theme of the Book of Judges.
Failure through compromise
____________records a time of lack in central leadership and general disorder in Israel.
Four of the judges in the Book of Judges who had faith in God were _________________________________ _______________.
Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Ehud
______________delivered God’s people miraculously, and then at the end of his life, he made an idol.
Ruth, a ___________, is the central person in the Book of Ruth.
God’s grace through a __________________________ is the theme in the Book of Ruth.
The Israelite monarchy began in _______________.
1050 B.C.
The northern kingdom lasted until _________and the southern kingdom of Judah lasted until ________.
722 B.C. - 586 B.C.
The Israelites demanded a __________.
Israel had these reasons for wanting a king:
(1) Samuel was old,
(2) _______________________________, and
(3) they wanted to prevent military losses.
they wanted too be like other nations
______________was able to rule all of Israel during his kingship.
The ______________that Solomon built in seven years used the floor plan of the Tabernacle.
The Book of Psalms can be divided into two types of psalms—_______________.
praise and lament
The Old Testament book that best illustrates lament is the Book of__________________.
The Book of Proverbs endeavors to teach youth about how to achieve a good life for
(1) _____________, and
(2) _______________________________.
decision making; responsible leadership
The writer of ____________________has an underlying reverence for God that is deeper than his despair, and he has a faith in God’s control of the world.
___________is an example of a man whose life was above reproach to whom trouble came.
The prophetic tradition began with _______________ (Deuteronomy 18:15-22).
A common phrase, “____________________,” prefaces the messages of God.
Thus says the Lord
God’s prophets spoke and wrote in _________form— in verse.
The primary passion of the prophets was___________.
The Major Prophets were _______________________ _________________________________________.
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel
__________ sowed seeds of division by the way he governed.
Solomon taxed the people very heavily in order to __________________, ____________________, and other buildings in the kingdom.
build the temple; his palace
The people urged _______________to give them tax and forced-labor relief.
_________________, a well-respected administrator in Solomon’s court, became the king of the northern half of the kingdom.
The Northern Kingdom was destroyed because of
(1) _____________________,
(2) _____________, and
(3) its departure from God’s covenant
its unfaithfulness to God, it’s sin
The intermixing of foreigners with the people of the Northern Kingdom created the___________________.
_____________name means “Yahweh is God,” which explains his mission—to confront the threat of Baal worship.
________name means “God saves,” which describes his mission to announce that God was the Northern Kingdom’s salvation.
Most of the books of the Minor Prophets feature their messages; however, the Book of ____________tells a story about the prophet, rather than his message.
The focus of the Book of Jonah is on God’s call for the prophet to go to______________.
The entire Book of Jonah can be considered as a ____________________________of how God deals with His people.
symbolic representation
________means “to carry,” which illustrates that God carried Amos from the Southern Kingdom to the Northern Kingdom.
Amos gave a crucial warning about God’s judgment, which was depicted as not just a slap on the wrist, but as a ________________________, devastating the entire kingdom.
roaring lion
In the Book of Amos, Israel’s sins were ____________ _____________________________________.
social injustice, and religious compromise
Hosea’s contemporaries were __________________.
Amos and Jonah
____________was the prophet to the last generation of the Northern Kingdom—the last messenger of judgment before destruction came.
The Southern Kingdom was comprised of two tribes of Israel—______________________________.
Benjamin and Judah
The six godly kings of Judah were
(1) Asa (911-870 B.C.),
(2) _______________ (873-848 B.C.),
(3) Joash (835-796 B.C.),
(4) ____________ (791-739 B.C.),
(5) Hezekiah (728-686 B.C.), and
(6) _____________ (640-609 B.C.).
- Jehoshaphat
- Uzziah
- Josiah
Four wicked kings of Judah were
(1) Ahaz (748-714 B.C.),
(2) ________________ (697-642 B.C.)
(3) Jehoiakim (609-597 B.C.)
(4) ________________ (597- 586 B.C.)
- Mannasseh
4. Zedekiah
________________not only destroyed false worship, but he initiated constructive programs—such as sending Levites throughout the land to teach the Law of Moses—to help the people.
Jehoshaphat had one major failure in his reign—_____ ____________________, Jehoram, to Athalia, the daughter of Jezebel.
the marriage of his son
When _____________was six years old, Jehoida brought him out of hiding and had him crowned king.
Ahaz promoted ___________worship, even sacrificing one of his sons to Baal.
_________________was the most wicked king in the history of Judah.
____________prophesied to show how God works from one generation to the next to preserve His covenant with the generations.
In the first chapters of Isaiah, God speaks to His people by using_____________________________.
lawsuit imagery
In the Book of Isaiah, the ________________________ is giving His life for the next generation.
Suffering Servant (Messiah)
The theme of the Book of Micah is _______________.
________________prophesied the downfall of Nineveh, which had become a very wicked city that was cruel to God’s people.
Nahum began his message by giving a revelation of God’s nature—God is a __________and ___________ God against the perpetrators of evil.
jealous, avenging
The Book of _________________relates the struggle that goes on between Habakkuk and God, as God gives him a message.
Zephaniah’s message is related to ______________reforms.
The coming of the __________________________ was the theme of Zephaniah’s message.
Day of the Lord
The Book of Zephaniah emphasized ______________ ______________.
judgement and mercy
________________ prophesied in the latter part of the 600s B.C.
The four verbs of judgment in the Book of Jeremiah were
(1) ________________,
(2) to tear down,
(3) _____ _______, and
(4) to overthrow.
to pluck up; to destroy
The two verbs of hope in the Book of Jeremiah were
(1) ____________, and
(2) _______________.
to build; to plant
In Chapters 11–20, the Book of Jeremiah records Jeremiah’s _______________to God.
In Jeremiah 18:1-18, the prophet tells the story of the potter working with clay, which _____________God working in Israel.
In Jeremiah 25:8-12, the Babylonian Exile was prophesied to be _____ years.
The Babylonian Exile occurred because of _______ ___________________ and a __________________ ___________________ against Babylon.
spiritual idolatry, political alliances
Ezekiel has been called “______________________” because of his frequent use of imagery and symbolism.
the strangest of the prophets
________ has been called “the prophet of personal responsibility,” because he emphasized the personal nature of true faith (Ezekiel 18:4).
The Book of Ezekiel records four of Ezekiel’s great visions:
(1) the sovereign God (1-3),
(2) ______________,
(3) __________________(37:1-10), and
(4) the new Temple and the glory of God returning (40-48).
God’s glory departing from the Temple (8-11). the valley of dry bones
The Book of _______________is the shortest book of the prophetic literature.
The ____________________is the theme in the Book of Daniel.
sovereignty of God
The foundation for the rebuilding of the Temple was laid under the leadership of____________________.
Twelve years after Ezra came to Jerusalem, Nehemiah arrived in the city with a mission to ______________________that were destroyed during the Babylonian invasion (Nehemiah 1:3).
rebuild the walls
After rebuilding the walls in Jerusalem, Nehemiah returned to Persia, and then returned to Jerusalem and dealt with
(1) tithing (13:10-14),
(2) reinstituting the Sabbath as a day of rest (13:15-22), and
(3) ____________________________.
strengthening the families (13:23-25).
God’s providential care for His people is the theme of the Book of__________________.
The _________________of a woman is a unique feature in the Book of Esther.
The ___________________never appears in the Book of Esther.
name of God
Haggai was called the “______________________.”
prophet of the Temple
Zechariah, like ____________and________________, was both a prophet and a priest.
Jeremiah, Ezekiel
The Book of __________________consists of eight visions which provide the material for his messages.
In his prophecies, Zechariah set forth the two comings of the Messiah—first as _________________________ (Chapters 9-11) and second as the ______________ ______________ (Chapters 12-14).
Suffering Servant; Conquering King
__________ predicted the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:16-21).
The theme of the Book of Joel is the ______________.
Day of the Lord
____________served as the last of the noted Old Testament prophets.
Malachi said humans can rob God in eight areas:
(1) By neglecting His love (1:2)
(2) By ____________His name (1:60
(3) By presenting blemished offerings (1:7, 8, 13, 14)
(4) By practicing idolatry (2:10-12)
(5) By ____________worship (2:13)
(6) By breaking the covenant of marriage (3:14-16)
(7) By ____________tithes and offerings (3:8-10)
(8) By serving God with carnal motives (3:14, 15).
(2) Dishonoring
(5) Insincere
(7) withholding