The _______________ are the products of the immediate inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
original autographs
The human authors recorded exactly and fully the message of _________________ given by the Holy Spirit.
divine relevation
The Holy Spirit produced an infallible record of God’s saving self-revelation by having men write books of history, law, poetry, _____________________ and _____________.
Gospel; epistle; prophesy
_____________ means “breathed by God” (2 Timothy 3:16).
The agent of inspiration is the _________________.
Holy Spirit
__________________ is God speaking through human beings, empowering them to write under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Divine inspiration
The nature of God as personal and nature of man as personal indicates that the revelation of God by __________ is reasonable.
In ____________, Moses said God spoke the words that he recorded.
Exodus 20: 1
In ____________, David affirmed that his words were inspired.
2 Samuel 23:2
In ____________, Isaiah states that God has spoken.
Isaiah 1:2
In ____________, John said he received the revelation of Christ from God.
Revelation 1: 1
In ____________, Jesus affirmed the Scriptures as inspired.
Luke 24:44
In ____________, Peter wrote that the Scriptures were inspired.
2 Peter 1: 20-21
The Trinity is a way of telling the _______________.
story of God
The _____________ is a way in which God reveals Himself.
_________________ is the root of the doctrine of the Trinity.
Jesus Christ
Having an understanding of the Trinity is important in order to maintain an accurate view of _____________ and _____________ of Jesus Christ.
person; work
The responsibility of Old Testament revelations was to establish the _____________ of God in contrast to the polytheism in its context.
The doctrine of the Trinity is an understanding of the divine nature that becomes apparent in the first act of __________________.
divine revelations
The Trinity is revealed by the _____________ and _____________ of God.
act, deeds
The _____________ of Jesus supports the doctrine of the Trinity.
The ________________________ of Jesus illustrates the reality of the Trinity.
prayer life
The Trinity is seen in the word of _____________.
Hebrews 9:14
_____ affirms the doctrine of the Trinity.
Romans 1: 1-4
God is _____________.
In _____________, Jesus explained his relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Luke 4: 18ff
Creation owes its existence to the _____________ and _____________ of God.
power; will
God’s act of Creation was by ___________________ and _____________.
free act; representation
In the order of creation, we observe that it is an act of God in _____________.
The purposefulness of God came together in the last act of creation— _____________.
Humankind became the _____________of all that God chose to create.
The term _____________ is a generic term used to refer to human nature.
Men and women are equal participants in the ________ and _________ of God.
image, glory
The Fall cannot be blamed on the _____________ or on _____________.
environment; heredity
Although Adam and Eve understood the concept of right and wrong, they did not know evil in the sense of _____________ in it.
The true knowledge of good and evil was not evil; the act of _____________ was deadly.
God wanted ________________ and obedience from Adam and Eve.
The image of God is restored in _____________.
Sin is a _____________ from God’s _____________.
rebellion; Sovereignty
Sin involves all qualities of personal nature: ________ _______________ and ____________.
mind; emotion; will
Sin is a violation of one’s _________ and ___________ with God.
relationship; harmony
In confessing Jesus Christ as Savior, we say the same thing about Jesus as God says: (1) He is the only ______________ of redemption, and (2) He is the _______________ Savior.
route. only
_____________means a change of mind, purpose, or opinion.
Repentance changes a person from being self-centered to _____________.
_____________ is an attribute of divine nature.
Sin introduces a new relationship of _____________ and _____________, because God extends his love and grace to creatures who no longer love him.
love; grace
The center and circumference of God’s grace is found in ___________.
Romans 5: 20
Faith is not primarily a belief in a doctrine but belief in a _____________—Jesus Christ.
The agents by whom faith is given are _____________ and ________________.
the Spirit of God; the Word of God
Scriptures emphasize that faith is based on a fulfillment of the ___________ of God, not on a fulfillment of the law.
The manner by which the just live is that they keep on ___________.
In the experience of the ______________________, the heart is transformed.
new birth
In the new birth, _____________________________ ________________________ are changed.
emotions; human will; direction in life; loyalties
God deals with sin by ___________ the transgression and ___________ the unrighteousness.
forgiving; cleansing
God meant for us to have a ___________ heart so that we can ___________ His words.
perfect; obey
As God became the object and source of our love, our love is ___________ by His love.
Sanctification is ___________ from the world and ___________ of the individual.
separation; cleansing
If we do not remove immorality from our lives, then we will perpetuate a lifestyle like the one described in ___________.
Romans 7
___________ removes the doublemindedness of a believer.
Sanctification “crucifies” the old man—the __________ nature.
Sanctification is the product of the redemptive provision of Christ, given to us by the ___________, the _________________, and the grace of God.
Word; Holy Spirit
Sanctification deals with living out of the __________ with the graces that identify Jesus Christ.
Christian life
Sanctification is the appropriate preparation for the -____________________________________________________.
infilling of the Holy Spirit
The pursuit of holy living is the __________________ of life for the believer.
normal manner
Holy living is characterized by _______________________________ .
freedom from sinning; new life in Christ; cultivation of the fruit of the Spirit
The possibility of maintaining purity depends upon the believer’s ______________________ to live under the control of the Holy Spirit and ___________ to the cleansing power of the Word of God.
continued commitment; response
According to ___________, Jesus has provided for humanity’s ongoing need for forgiveness.
1 John 2: 1, 2
God’s people must take the __________ and _________ steps to maintain purity and holiness of character.
practical; necessary
The call of God is for his people to follow after ______ and ________ of life (Amos 5:14, 15).
righteousness; holiness
The way of righteousness is to ______________ the old man and to _____________________ the new man (Ephesians 4:24).
put off, put on
The righteous person seeks to manifest kindness, tenderheartedness, _______________ and ___________ (Ephesians 4:32).
humility; forgiveness; love
The sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit must not become ___________, but remain ___________.
static, continual
Holiness is a life of ___________ and ___________.
separation; consecration
In ___________, Paul writes that the holiness of life is imparted by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 8: 14
Holiness of life demands that God’s people seek to be ___________ in the Lord and in the ___________ of His might (Ephesians 6:10).
strong; power
The term ___________ is a reference to the _________ of the Holy Spirit, not a statement of impersonal force.
Spirit, personal nature
The term ____________________ refers to the third person of the Trinity.
Holy Spirit
In the Book of Acts, the Holy Spirit does the same kind of things for the ___________ that Christ did for the disciples.
Scriptures make a distinction between baptism into the ______________________ and baptism in the ___________________.
body of Christ; Holy Spirit
When Jesus breathed on the disciples in ___________, it was symbolic of the bestowal of the Holy Spirit.
John 20: 22
The infilling of the Holy Spirit is ________________ ___________ and ___________.
vocational; spiritual; moral
Appropriate preparation for being filled with the Spirit is bearing the __________________________.
fruit of the Spirit
Speaking in tongues is a ___________communication in which the believer speaks in response to the mind of the Holy Spirit.
Speaking in tongues by the movement of the Holy Spirit is a ___________ ministry of the Holy Spirit.
In the ________________, speaking in tongues is consistently related to being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Book of Acts
When speaking in tongues, the speaker’s words are spoken in a language of which the individual has no ___________ in normal circumstances.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit was promised in the Old Testament prophecy of ___________.
Joel 2:28-32
The continuation of the experience of speaking in tongues by the power of the Holy Spirit is evident in the instructions that are given to the ___________.
In ___________, Paul writes that being filled with the Holy Spirit should become a lifestyle.
Ephesians 5: 18
Speaking in tongues is not the same as being filled with the Spirit; it is the ___________ of being filled with the Spirit.
Speaking in tongues enables believers (1) __________, (2)____________ and (3) _____________.
to praise God; to speak to God in mysteries; to be edified
Speaking in tongues is a divinely ___________ experience.
______________________ is the symbolic meaning of the believer’s relationship with the Lord, following Him in cleansing, death, burial, and resurrection.
Water baptism
The word ___________ means that which has been ordained of God as a means of grace, especially those with particular symbolic significance.
The word___________ is used to emphasize the sacredness of an ordinance.
Baptism is a ceremony that ___________ one’s new life in Christ.
By baptism, the believer is symbolizing and telling the story of Christ’s ___________, ___________ and ___________.
crucifixion; burial; resurrection
Baptism is carried out under the instruction of Jesus, which is to baptize in the name of the ___________, ___________ and ____________________.
Father, Son. Holy Spirit
The healing of the body is provided by the ___________ of Christ. (Isaiah 53:4, 5 and Matthew 8:16, 17)
In ___________, Peter explains the relationship of healing to the atonement in Christ.
1 Perter 2: 24
The New Testament does not state that illness is ___________ a direct result of sin.
The gift of __________ was a normal part of the early church.
The Lord’s Supper represents what will happen in ___________ .
The symbols in the Lord’s Supper are (1) ___________ ___________— Christ’s body, and (2) ___________— Christ’s blood flowing out of Him over and into the believers
broken bread; wine
The Lord’s Supper is a ceremony which is considered a ___________ and a ___________.
memorial; celebration
Every time believers participate in the Lord’s Supper; they are celebrating the ___________ of Christ.
The sacrament of washing the saints’ feet is a ceremony of ___________ and ___________.
service; humility
Foot washing is a ceremony that commemorates the ___________________ of Christ’s blood and the ___________ of the Holy Spirit.
cleansing power, working
The term eschatology means __________________.
last days
Eschatology deals with many topics concerning the last days: (1) _________________________________ (2) ___________ (3) __________ (4) __________, and (5) _____________.
death of Christ; resurrection; judgement; tribulation; heaven and hell
An eschatology that is not centered in the ___________ of Christ is a ___________ eschatology.
cross; flawed
The pattern of living for eschatology is ___________.
___________ will bring about the events that will close this sinful world order.
The term ___________ means “that event in which Christ returns.”
Christ will reign on the earth for _______ years.
Premillenial teaching distinguishes between the resurrection of the ___________ and the ___________.
righteous; unrighteous
The first resurrection will be those who ___________ ________________.
know the Lord
Those raised in the second resurrection will be ___________.
The believer’s ___________ in personal resurrection is based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The ___________ of the Holy Spirit is an assurance of the resurrection of the body (2 Corinthians 5:4, 5)
In the redemption of the bodies of believers, Christ applies the ___________ of His own resurrection.
The resurrected body is a ________________.
spiritual body
The life principle of the resurrected body is the _____________________.
Holy Spirit
Believers will be raised up in the likeness of Christ’s ___________ and ___________ body.
resurrection; glorious
The character of heaven has been described as being “________________________.”
a new heaven and a new earth
Heaven is glorious because it is the _____________ of God.
dwelling place
Eternal punishment is _______________.
eternal judgment
Hell is a ___________.
The resurrection of unbelievers is ___________ the millennial reign.
The second death is a ________________. a new heaven and a new earth dwelling place eternal judgment reality after resurrection judgment.
resurrection judgement