Old Testament Introductory Material Flashcards
The word “Bible” comes from the Greek word:
The word biblia means:
little books
The Bible is divided into these two sections:
Old Testament and New Testament
The Old Testament consists of the original Hebrew Scriptures which contain this number of books:
The Hebrew name for the Hebrew Scriptures is the:
The books of the Hebrew Scriptures were originally arranged in the following sections:
The Law
The Prophets
The Writings
This is the Hebrew name for “The Law”, which consists of the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.
The Greek name for the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.
The Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox denominations accept an expanded Old Testament which include additional books known as:
The Catholic Bible contains eleven of the fourteen books found in this text:
The number of books in the New Testament:
The language of most of the Old Testament:
Another language used in the Old Testament:
The language of the New Testament:
The language of the Apocrypha:
The dates covering the Old Testament:
1400 BC to 400 BC
The dates of the New Testament records:
33 AD to 100 AD
The Septuagint:
A translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) into Greek. It is called the “Version of the 70” because it is believed that 70 scholars helped with the translation. Abbreviation: LXX
The Vulgate:
Translation of entire bible into Latin. Done by Jerome and completed in 405 AD (took 23 years). The nickname is “Common Version” because common people could read it because they spoke Latin.
John Wycliffe:
He translated the entire bible to English. He is an Oxford Scholar. Done in 1380’s.
Johann Gutenberg
He invented the movable type printing press in 1450’s in Germany. The first book printed was The Vulgate (Latin translation of bible).
The Geneva Bible:
An English Version that was printed in 1560 in Geneva, Switzerland. Version was used by the earliest American settlers, including those who signed the Mayflower Compact.
The King James Version:
Printed in 1611, it became the most widely used English version for 300 years (Authorized Version).
The Dead Sea Scrolls:
Were discovered in 1947 near the Dead Sea. They proved the accuracy of copies of the Old Testament made a thousand years later.