Old Testament Flashcards
What are the 8 Old Testament steps in order?
- The Beginning
- The Hebrew Fathers
- The Exodus
- The Promised Land
- The Judges
- The Kingdom
- The Exile
- The Restoration
Who are the two prophets of the Exile?
Daniel and Ezekiel
What was the date and how long was the Exile of Judah?
605-536 B.C. (70 years)
What prophet was taken captive in the 1st invasion? What year was it?
Daniel. 605 B.C.
What prophet was taken captive in the 2nd invasion? What year was it?
Ezekiel. 597 B.C.
What prophet was taken captive in the 3rd invasion? What year was it?
Jeremiah. 586 B.C.
The ministry (the first key event) of Ezekiel and Daniel were to who?
Ezekiel was to the captives; Daniel was to the crown
What are the two closing events of the Exile?
- Three returns to Jerusalem from Babylon
- Began with the decrees of Cyrus to rebuild the Temple and Jerusalem
Israel (Northern Kingdom) was carried captive by whom?
Judah (Southern Kingdom) was carried captive by whom?
What book has the subtitle: The Prophet of the Glory of God?
What book has the theme: The Deportation and Restoration of Israel’s Glory?
What chapter in Ezekiel describes the Fall of Satan?
Ezekiel 28
What chapter in Ezekiel describes the Vision of the Dry Bones?
Ezekiel 37
What chapter in Ezekiel describes the Russian/Iranian Invasion of Israel?
Ezekiel 38-39
Who was the wife of Nimrod and instituted a religious system with her and her son as the objects of worship?
Who was the son (and supposed reincarnation) of Nimrod who was worshipped as the sun god?
What book has the subtitle: The Old Testament Book of Revelation?
What book has the theme: The Revelation of Israel’s Prophetic Future?
What is Daniel 1:8?
“But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: Therefore, he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself”
Who is the stone that smotes the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
What is the head of gold on the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
Babylon (Iraq)
What are the breast and arms of silver on the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
Persia (Iran)
What are the belly and thighs of brass on the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
What are the legs and feet of iron and clay on the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
What is the lion with the eagle’s wings?
What is the bear raised on one side with three ribs in its mouth?
What is the swift leopard with four wings and four heads?
What is the terrible beast, dreadful and strong with great iron teeth and ten horns?
Who is pictured by the two horned ram of Daniel 8?
Darius of Persia
Who is pictured by the one horned goat of Daniel 8?
Alexander the Great of Greece
What chapter contains Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy?
Daniel 9
What event begins the 70 weeks?
The decree to rebuild Jerusalem
What is a week in Daniel 9?
Seven years
What happens after the 69th week?
The Messiah was cut off and the temple destroyed. This is followed by a time gap during which the Church Age occurs
What is the 70th week?
The Tribulation
Why did the captivity last 70 years?
To allow the land to rest for the 490 years that Israel had failed to keep the 7th year Sabbaths
How many fulfilled prophecies are in what chapter of Daniel?
100 in Daniel 11
What are the six books of the Restoration?
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
The first two returns from captivity and the rebuilding of the Temple is in what book?
Third return from captivity and rebuilding of the Wall is in what book?
Salvation of the Jews still in captivity is in what book?
The dynamic duo who stirred the people to continue rebuilding the Temple are in what two books?
Haggai and Zechariah
Reviving the people is in what book?
What book has the subtitle: Israel’s Second Exodus and The Hostages Set Free?
What book has the theme: The Restoration of Israel’s Temple and People?
What book has the subtitle: God’s House Comes First?
What book has the theme: The Construction of Israel’s Second Temple?
What book has the subtitle: The Old Testament Book of Revelation II?
What book has the theme: The Preparation for Israel’s Second Temple?
What book has the subtitle: A Jewish Cinderella Stops a Persian Hitler
What book has the theme: The Providential Preservation of Israel?
What book has the keyword Providence?
What book has the subtitle: The Call to the Wall?
What book has the theme: The Reconstruction of the Walls of Jerusalem?
What book has the keyword: The Walls of Jerusalem?
What book has the subtitle: The Final Old Testament Voice of Revival?
What book has the theme: The Preparation of Israel for her Messiah?
What book has the keyword Revival?