New Testament Flashcards
What is the subtitle of 1 John?
The Assurance Epistle
What is the theme of 1 John?
Fellowship with Christ
What is 1 John 1:9?
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
What is 1 John 5:13?
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God”
What is the reference for the verse, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us”?
1 John 2:19
What is the reference for the verse, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one”?
1 John 5:7
What is the reference for the verse, “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren”?
1 John 3:16
What is the reference for the verse, “And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life”?
1 John 5:20
What two verse states that Jesus is God?
1 John 3:16 and 1 John 5:20
What is the subtitle of 2 John?
Reject False Teachers
What is the keyword of 2 John?
What is the theme of 2 John?
The duty to reject false teachers
What is the shortest book in the English Bible?
2 John
What is the subtitle of 3 John?
Receive True Teachers
What is the theme of 3 John?
Our duty to receive and support true teachers
Who was the Praiseworthy Pastor?
Who was the Domineering Dictator?
Who was the Model Testimony?
What is the subtitle of Revelation?
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
What is the theme of Revelation?
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
What verses declare the torments of hell are eternal?
Revelation 14:11 and Revelation 20:10
What is the reference for the verse, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me”?
Revelation 3:20
What is the reference for the verse, “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whatsoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire”?
Revelation 20:14-15
What are the 3 purposes of the 7 letters to the 7 churches?
- These letters were actually written to the churches and should not be spiritualized away
- These letters have a message for Christians throughout the entire Church Age
- The churches and letters have a prophetic purpose in outlining the history of the Church Age (from John’s time until the Rapture)
What verse promises that Church Age believers will be kept from the hour of temptation which is to come on the whole world (the Tribulation) and is used as evidence of a Pre-Tribulational Rapture?
Revelation 3:10
The Tribulation spans Revelation through what chapters?
Chapters 4-19
What verse says the Tribulation is “the great day of His wrath” and that since we are promised deliverance from “wrath”, this indicates a Pre-Tribulational Rapture?
Revelation 6:17
The statements that Christ’s return is “at hand”, coming quickly, shortly, or at the door, all point to what?
The imminency of the Rapture, which best fits with the Pre-Tribulation rapture
What is the judgment of the saved called?
The Judgment Seat of Christ
What is the judgment of the lost called?
The Great White Throne
What judgment occurs on earth after the Tribulation and determines which survivors of the Tribulation enters the Millennium and which are cast into hell?
Sheep/Goat Judgment
What are the 3 Millennium views?
Amillennialism, Postmillennialism, and Premillennialism
What is the Amillennialism view?
The view that states that there is no literal 1,000 year reign; all related prophecies are symbolic
What is the Postmillennialism view?
The view that states that things will get better until Jesus returns to a kingdom already established by believers
What is the Premillennialism view?
The correct view that states that Jesus will return before the literal 1,000 year Millennium to personally rule
Where will Christ return?
On the Mount of Olives
Who are the seven lamp stands and stars?
The angels [pastors] of the seven churches
What are the seven candlesticks?
The seven churches
Who are the 144,000?
12,000 Jews from each of the 12 tribes of Israel sent to preach the Gospel to all the world
Who is the woman with twelve stars in her crown?
The nation of Israel
Who is the dragon with seven heads and ten horns?
What does the sea represent?
The Gentile Nations
Who is the Harlot on a scarlet Beast?
Religious Babylon/the One World Church
What is political Babylon?
One World Government
Who is the Bride?
The Church
Who is the Lamb/Groom?
What is Revelation 6’s ID?
The Four Horsemen
What is Revelation 13’s ID?
The Mark of the Beast
What is Revelation 19’s ID?
The Second Coming
What is the order of the 3 sets of judgments?
The seals, trumpets, and vials
What does the Rider on the White Horse represent?
The Cold War rise of the Antichrist
What does the Rider on the Red Horse represent?
What does the Rider on the Black Horse represent?
What does the Rider on the Pale Horse represent?
When does the Tribulation begin?
With a peace treaty between Israel and the Antichrist, as the head of Unified Europe
When did Israel become a nation?
When did Europe become politically unified (becoming the European Union)?
When did Europe become economically unified?
What is the heresy that taught that Jesus only appeared to have a physical body?
What is the heresy that taught that that man Jesus was different from the Christ spirit?