Old Testament Flashcards
Who were Abraham’s sons?
Issac and Ishmael
Who was Issac born through?
Who was Ishmael born through?
Hagar, Sarah’s servant
What were the three things promised in the Abrahamic Covenant?
Promise of land
Promise of Descendants
Promise of Blessing and Redemption
How was the promise of land fulfilled?
God gave Abraham the whole land of Canaan to become the nation of Israel.
Abraham had to leave Ur and travel to Canaan for this to be fulfilled.
How was the promise of descendants fulfilled?
God gave Abraham two sons, Issac and Ishmael. Issac had a son Jacob, and he went on to have twelve sons, and those sons had children and became the 12 tribes of Israel.
How was the promise of blessing and redemption fulfilled?
Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What was Jacob’s name after God changed it?
Who was Abraham asked to sacrifice on an altar?
Who was the favoured son of Abraham?
What were the names of Issac’s sons?
Jacob and Esau.
What did Jacob inherit from his father Issac?
Everything, including the promise of making his descendants into a great nation.
What were the names of Jacob’s wifes?
Leah (majority children) and Rachael (Joseph and Benjamin)
What happened to Joseph?
He was sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt and thrown into prison, but he then rises to be the right hand man of Pharaoh.
Why did Joseph’s brothers come and reunite with him?
Their land was sticken by famine.
How many sisters did Joseph have?
What happened after the sons of Israel had multiplied into a nation?
They were forced into slavery, still living in Egypt.
How many plagues did God put the Pharaoh and Egypt through?
What was significant about the final plague, the death of every firstborn?
It was the first demonstration of Passover, where God-fearing people could spread a lambs blood on the doorframe to signal the angels to ‘pass over’ them.
How did God give Moses the plan to leave Egypt and go to the Promised Land?
Through the Burning Bush.
What made Pharaoh want the Israelites out of Egypt?
The loss of his firstborn.
How did the Israelites escape Pharaoh’s army?
By Moses parting the red sea.
Where does God make a covenant with the Israelites, and give them the ten commandments?
Mt. Sinai.
What is the purpose of a tabernacle?
To house the Ark of the Covenant/God’s presence
Who did God give the information regarding the boundaries of the promised land to?
Why couldn’t Moses enter the promised land?
He was disobedient to God when he was instructed to speak to the rock for water, he struck it with a stick instead.
Who lead the Israelites into the promised land?
What was Joshua most recognisably responsible for?
The many military victories of the Israelites against the Canaanites, and dividing the land of Israel among the 12 tribes
What is significant about the division of land among the Israelite tribes?
It is the fulfilment of one of God’s promises to Abraham, the promise of Land.
What is the overarching theme of the book of Judges?
The repeated cycle of Israel’s sin, oppression, repentance, deliverance, and peace.
Who was the last Judge?
What do the Israelites demand after Samuel retires?
A king, who Samuel appoints.
Who were Israel’s first, second, and third kings?
Saul, David, Solomon.
Why does God reject Saul as king?
He constantly disobeys God and does things his own way, and is proud. Israel needs a humble faithful king
How does God exalt a humble David?
By empowering him to defeat Goliath, the Philistine champion.
Who was David’s best friend?
Saul’s son Jonothan.
With who did David sin by committing adultery?
What was Solomon’s significance as king?
He was the wealthiest and wisest king of Israel. He also built the temple from the plans God gave to David.
Who destroyed the first temple (Solomon’s) and exiled the Israelites from their land?
The Babylonians
What is the alternate name for Jerusalem?
Who built the second temple?
The Jews, under the permission of Cyrus King of Persia.
Who destroyed the second temple?
The Romans, around 70 CE.
What is the Jewish Diaspora.
The Jewish diaspora is the mass migration of the Jewish people to elsewhere in the world where they couldn’t be persecuted by the Romans, who at the time were framing Jews and Christians for everything going wrong.
What struggles did the Jewish diaspora create for Jews/Christians?
They had to leave their homeland and live in potentially harsh environments, both physically and religiously. They also wouldn’t have much of a community so it would be hard to get by.