Old Facility 2.0 Flashcards
What is the rate of shower and/or bath to facility beds
19.3061:20 -
One for every 20 beds (1:20)
What is the rate of “Water closets/ Toilets” to beds
19.3061:8 -
One for every 8 beds (1:8)
Can folding or sliding doors be used in bathrooms/toilet facilities?
ONLY if it can be established that no SAFTY HAZARD exists.
Negative air pressure must be in:
1) Bathrooms or Toilet 19.306
Hand washing lavatories must be provided with
hot and cold running water,
a sanitary soap dispenser, and paper towel dispenser (or hot air dryer).
What must the height of the toilet seat for persons with
disabilities must be:
17-19 inches from the floor.
Mirrors and dispensers must for disability persons must be:
No higher than 40 inches above the floor.
What is the rate of water closets to facility beds?
The total number of beds in ward rooms with _____
or more beds must not exceed ___ of the total facility capacity in existing facilities unless approved by the Texas Department of Human Services (DHS).
3 or more; 50% Capacity ** New Construction is 3 ; 25%**
Resident Rooms MUST have DIRECT ACCESS to an EXIT corridor?
Resident Window MUST have a shade, blind, or curtain that is:?
Minimum Size for width for a bed?
36 inches , (must be of proper size and height of resident.)
Bed must include a head board?
Closet must have ____ of hanging space?
16 inches ** New Construction is: 22 inches ** 19.334-a-9
Each room must have _____ waste basket that is _____
1 / noncombustible
Bedroom should not be smaller than ____ in any direction
10 feet
Beds should be ___ apart and ____ from the wall
36 inches / 18 inches ** New Construction is: ** 36 / 24 inches
Minimum height requirement for bed light fixture?
5ft 6inches above the floor
At least ___ outlet fixture (duplex receptacle)
must be provided for each bed
**2 or (1 fourplex) for New Facility/Construction 19.334-a-7
Maximum gap between resident door and bottom of floor?
3/4 of an inch
Are door locks permitted on Bedrooms?
Yes, only when
(A) married couples whose rights of privacy
could be infringed upon unless bedroom door locks are permitted
B) Doctors orders for enhance sense of security
C) Restraint for personal and others safety (doors must be Dutch)
Nurse Call system must be able to receive calls from:
- 306
1) Resident room
2) Toilet and Bathing Facilities
What is the combined ratio size per bed for resident living area
(living room)
Can not be less than 10 sq feet per bed
*Recommended 19 sq feet per bed**to be counted in this ratio a room must be bigger than 100 sq feet.
Where must the Room ID (Letters or Numbers) be installed?
4’6-5 feet above the floor adjacent to the latch side. (Handle Side)
How much must the Lettering/Numbering of resident Room ID
be raised off the sgin? ( What is the deapth of lettersing)
At least 1/32 inch.
How high must lettering be in a Resident Room ID Sign be?
(5/8 min - 2 Max) inches
What rooms can have the minimum illumination of 10 foot candle?
Residents Rooms
How often must resident rooms be cleaned?
Once a DAY
Minimum illumination in resident rooms shall be?
10 ft Candel (measured 30 inches above floor)
What is the maximum number of bed in a ward?
4 beds
What is the minimum thikness of a patientroom door?
1 3/4 inch
What is the maximum height of a bedroom window still. (Can not be Higher Than)
36 inches
What is the lighting minimum for overhead lamps in resident rooms?
50 ft candel
Minimum square footage per patient semi-private room:
80 sq feet
Minimum square footage per patient private room:
100 sq feet
Lighting minimum for med prep tables
50 ft candel
Minimum dimentions for a resident room mirror
15X30 Inch ** New Construction = SAME **
Who governs heating and air-conditioning systems?
NFPA 90A and the Heating, Ventilating,
and Air-Conditioning Guide of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
Who governs Electrical and illumination systems?
NFPA 70 and the Lighting Handbook of the Illuminating
Engineering Society (IES) of North America
Radio transceivers that are necessary for emergency use must be
capable of operating for at least ____ upon total failure of both normal and emergency power.
At least 1 hour
If any resident door that has a lock including room/bathroom/ who
must have access to the KEYS?
Keys must be READILY available to STAFF.
How many windows must a living area have?
At least 1 living area must have at least 1 window.
At least ___ electric water fountain must be made available to
residents and at least ___ must be wheel chair accessible.
1 fountain ; 1 wheel chairEx: So I can have only one
but that one must be wheel chair accessible.
When must EXIT signs be lit?
19.312- EgressAt all times
How many flashlights per nurse station must be kept on hand?
1 per nurse station
Elevator must be inspected every:
Every six month for passenger
Every Year for freight.
How many Nurses Stations Must there be in a Facility?
19.318 At least One per floor, -and as long as each corridor is observable by direct line of sight OR by mechanical means OR from a designated auxiliary Station
How far can a room be from a nurses Station?
19.318 150 feet ( Unless build before Aug 10th 1983) then it is 165 Feet) IF greater than 150 feet and adjacent corridors are not in direct line of sight then must have a AUX Nurse Station. (Recommended 85 feet) ** Same for New Construction **
What is required in a Medication Storage Room:
2-Sink with Hot and Cold Water
3-Enough Space for MED PREP. (50 sq feet)
4-Temperature Controlled (59 and 86 degrees)
What is the mounting height for a public phone?
48 inches from coin slot to floor
How high must a drinking fountain be?
36 inches from floor to spout
What rooms can have the minimum illumination of 20 foot candle?
corridors, nurses stations, dining rooms, lobbies, toilets,
bathing facilities, laundries, stairways, and elevators
Heating system must be capable of maintaining a temp of:
71 degrees
What areas can have the minimum illumination of 50 foot candle?
overbed reading lamps, medication preparation or
storage areas, kitchens, and nurse’s station desks must be 50 foot candles
All GAS heating systems must be checked how often?
Once a year, before the “cold season”
What is the proper mix of outside are to
inside air that a air system must provide?
10% outside to 90% inside
Ex: 100% of most areas in a SNF
are not acceptable unless approved by dads
Resident water temp must be:
Between 100-110 degrees , at each fixture.
How much combustion air is required for heaters
1 square inch per 1000 BTU
How many square feet of recreation space per patient
If an area is used for 2 purposes (living/dinning) 19 sq feet
For any ONE particular room by self 10sq feet
What is the maximum distance between smoke doors
150 feet
A general storage room shall be provided to accommodate facility needs.
The recommended size is at least how many square feet per resident bed.
2 sq. ft. Per Resident Bed ** New Construction: SAME **
Lighting minimum in corridor
20 candles (measured at 30 inches from floor)
What is the maximum length of dead end corridors
30 feet
What is the minimum illumination of exit signs
5 foot candles
How much hot water per resident is recommended
6 1/2 gallons per hour in addition to kitchen and laundry use
What is the minimum letter height of exit signs:
6 inches
Heating systems shall be designed installed and can function so that they can maintain a temperature of ___ in resident Areas and ___ in NON Resident Areas.
75 degrees in resident occupied areas 72 in Non Resident Areas ** New Construction: SAME ** 19.340
What is the maximum distance to reach a fire extinguisher
75 feet
Cooling systems shall be designed installed and can function so that they can maintain a temperature of?
78 degrees
Minimum staffing ratios for direct care in
Certified Alzheimer units in NFA are:
7AM-3PM: 1:6, 3PM-11PM: 1:10 and 11AM-7AM: 1:18
What determines window size
8% floor space or 16 square feet, greater of the two
The minimum area of enclosure for Alzheimer’s Units
is square feet unless it meets the criteria of 15 sq. feet per resident for the wing enclosed:
800 square feet
What protection required for carpets
Flame spread of 75 or less
Public assembly, living rooms and dining rooms with a capacity
of 50 or more persons or greater than 1,000 square feet in size must
have 2 means of exit remote from each other.
Duplex receptacles for general use shall be installed in corridors:
Not more than 50 feet apart AND within 25 feet of ends of corridors.
** New Construction : SAME ** 19.341
Handrails must be provided on both sides of resident use corridors
but may be omitted
on wall segments less than 18 inches.
Nurses stations are the focal point for patient care on a ward.
Patient bedrooms cannot be more than 150 feet from a nurse station.
Lighting for Nurse Station
20 foot candle/ 30”
Minimum illumination for Exit sign is:
5 foot Candel
How much clearance must you have for a sprinkler?
18 inches of clearance
How often must the emergency lighting be tested?
LSC 7.9.3
30 day intervals for not less than 30 sec /
and Once a year for not less than an hour and a half.
How long must emergency lighting provide illumination when under
aux power?
1.5 hours
What is the minimum illumination of exit signs under aux power?
1 ft candel.
Facility must be served by a PAID or Volunteer dire dept.
and the Fire Dept MUST
19.3111-They can respond to facility with in appropriate time,(10 min) this must be in a written letter.
2-Facility must have an fire inspection 1 a year by fire marshal.
What is the distance a fire hydrant can be from a SNF?
19.311 -
FIRE 300 feet of the building;
or approved equivalent (storage Tank)
What is the minimum width a fire hydrant service line to a SNF must be?
19.311 -
Fire 6 inches , or an approved equivalent. (STORAGE TANK)
Who must approve the water supply system?
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
What is the maximum distance a fire station can be from a facility:
3 miles
What is the required width of a fire lane off the property:
14 feet wide - 10 roadbed - 2 feet on each side
The TDADS operates the Medicaid Swing Bed Program for
rural hospitals in counties with a population of:
100,000 or less
Line of sight at a nurses station means:
Looking down the hall from with in the Nurse station ,
OR 24 inches OUTSIDE the STATION looking down the hall.
What is meant by “Mechanical means for resident observation”
at a NURSES station?
Mirrors or Closed circuit TV’s
Criteria of using a Mirror at the NURSE station for observation of a
MUST be NO MORE than 6’8 from the bottom of the mirror to the floor.
2-MUST NOT extend more than 3.5 inches from the FACE of the WALL
What is the flame spread rating of building insulation
unless sealed on all sides
Wall and ceilings must have a limited flam spread rating of:
19.314 / 18.3.3
A or B
Fire Alarm systems must be installed / repaired / and maintained by:
agent having a current certificate of registration with the
State Fire Marshal’s Office of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection
How often is must a Smoke sensitivity check be done?
Every other year, after the first year of instillation
When a fire alarm is triggered what must happen automatically (Facility)?
(A) smoke and fire doors must be released to close
;(B) air handlers (air conditioning/heating distribution fans) serving three or more rooms or any means of egress must shut down immediately;
(C) smoke dampers must close
; (D) the alarm-initiating location must be clearly indicated on the fire alarm control panel(s) and all auxiliary panels.
(E) Sound and Lights through out building must go off.
Where is the master control panel located?
It must be with in sight at the nurse station
Remote panels must be located at 2ed or aux nurse station
If the kitchen range hood extinguisher is taken off what will happen?
The fire alarm system will activate.
How often are fire extinguishers inspected?
Once a year.
What is the maximum distance a fire extinguisher can be in a resident corridor?
75 feet
1-Water 2.5 Gallon 2-ABC 5lbs
What is the minimum size an extinguisher can be in a resident corridor?
1-Water 2.5 Gallon 2-ABC 5lbs
Every 75 feet
What are the Requirements for fire extinguishers 40lbs or below?
1-The top of the extinguisher can not be more than
5 feet above the floor.
2-The clearance of the bottom of the extinguisher and the floor must not be less than 4 inches
What are the Requirements for fire extinguishers above 40lbs?
1-The top of the extinguisher can not be more than
3.5 feet above the floor.
2-The clearance of the bottom of the extinguisher and the floor must not be less than 4 inches
Where must the fire extinguisher be placed in a HAZ room?
As close as possible to the EXIT door opening AND on the KNOB side
Smoke Barriers MUST:
BE removable with out tools,
2-ID on wall or celling below the Damper.
How often must the fire alarm system be tested/maintained/inspected?
Once every three moths
How often must the sprinkler system system be
Once every three months
How often must emergency lighting be tested?
Once a week
How often must staff inspect portable fire extinguishers?
Once a month.-
Make sure nothing is out of order, and that they are:
protected from damage, kept on their mounting brackets or in cabinets at all times, and kept in the proper condition and working order.
Facility fire safety plan must include:
(A) use of alarms; (B) transmission of alarm to fire department (C) response to alarms (D) isolation of fire (E) evacuation of immediate area (F) evacuation of smoke compartment; (G) preparation of floors and building for evacuation;and (H) extinguishment of fire;
How often must facility conduct a fire drill?
So one a month per shift
Each shift once a quarter.
How long must an emergency battery system be able to sustain power for?
1 and 1 half hour (so an hour and a half)
What MUST emergency power system supply power FOR?
19.303(a) / 19.1701(2)(a)
1-Lighting of all entrances and exits
How soon must emergency generator come on for the emergency lights?
10 seconds
What minimum fuel capacity for a motor generator?
Not less than 4 hours of operation
How often must the Emergency Generator be maintain, operate,
and tested?
Once a week
When testing how long must a generator run for under load?
30 minutes each week under load
When running the generator what must be documented?
- 326-5-
(i) the total time taken to transfer the load to emergency power;
(ii) the total time the generator operated under load;
(iii) the total time the facility’s emergency system remained on generator power after restoration of normal utility power; and
(iv) the total time the generator operated (without load) after the facility’s return to normal utility power.
Generators must be a minimum of how many feet from the
combustible part of the nursing facility
3 feet ** New Construction: SAME **
Generators must be a minimum of how many feet from a
building opening:
5 feet ** New Construction: SAME **
Auxiliary buildings located on the site within __
feet of the main licensed structure and which contain hazardous operations or contents, such as laundries or storage buildings, must meet the same code requirements for safety as the main licensed structure.
20 Feet. Example: in if your doing laundry in a different
structure on the same property and that structure is 21 feet away then this code does not apply.
How many parking spaces but be marked as handicap?
What must the slope of wheelchair access be?
19.3191:12 –
One unit of rise to 12 units of run. (1:12)
Who is responsible for the Upkeep of the facility outside?
What is the required width of a fire lane on the property:
10 feet wide ** New Construction ** 2 firelanes
(one on each side of building) each being 10 feet wide 19.332 **
Parking space must be provided to residents, staff and visitor needs.
What is the RATIO of parking spaces to beds?
(1:4) One parking space for evry four beds. ** New Construction is SAME **
Grab bars must be provided where?
- 306
1) Water closets
2) Showers
3) Bathing
Handrails measurements:
19.309 1-
1-If a corridor is longer than 18 inches then a handrail is required AND must be
on both sides.
2-Must withstand downward force of 250 lbs ** Same as New **
3-Mounted 33-36 inches off the floor **(34 inch for stairs)
4- Atleast 1 1/2 inches away from the wall *** at a maximum of 3 1/2 inch (new construction)
What is the Thickness of a Grab bar that are in
Toilet/Shower/Tub/Sit Bath locations?
1-1/4 inch to 1-1/2 inches thick ** New with stand 250 lbs of downward force **
What is the minimum height of guardrails
42 inches
What is the minimum load bearing capacity of handrails
250 pounds
What is the minimum height of handrails
33 inches
33-36 inches
What is the maximum height of handrails.
36 inches and 34 inches for stairs.
Stairs: handrail must extend 12 inches
Kitchen Temperatures must not peak over:
must not exceed 85 degrees at the five foot level
In winter Kitchen Temp must be:
Not less than 70 degrees at five foot level.
Ice Machine must be located:
In the Kitchen , or adjacent to the kitchen or Dinning area
Water Temperature in the Kitchen must be at:
140 degrees - Standard - (Laundry as well)
Cleaning water temperature in the Kitchen must be at:
180 degrees or manufacturer’s suggested temperature
for chemical sanitizers
How many hand washing lavatories must there be in the kitchen?
1 in food prep area1 in dishwashing area
(these can be the same area as long as the dishwashing area has ready access to the lavatorie.
What must the shelves in food storage be made of?
- 318-k
- moveable wire, metal, or sealed lumber
* * New Construction is: adjustable wire type ONLY ** 19.334-g-2-
How much food must be on hand at ALL times?
19.318-k- & 19.1107-f-
7 day of Non-perishable foods2 day of Perishable
What must the shelfs in food storage be made of?
moveable wire, metal, or sealed lumber
How often must automatic fixed fire extinguishment systems
mounted in kitchen range hoods be inspected?
Once every 6 months
Maximum temperature for staple food storage in pantry at the five foot level:
85 degrees
** Recommended TEMP.
50-70 degrees fed regulation -NAB1a-
Doors between kitchen and dining or serving areas shall have
what size fixed wire view panel mounted in a steel frame.
1/4 fixed wire
Bathtubs, showers, and lavatories areas must not be used for
cleaning or storage of:
- 306
1) Laundry
2) Mops or Brooms
3) Soiled materials
Laundry facility flow must go from?
Clean to Soiled Meaning air flow, and walk in traffic
Air flow and pressure in Soiled areas must go from:
Negative air pressure in relation to adjacent roomsflow must go from clean to soiled, flow of air must into the soiled area
Air pressure in janitor closets must be
Negative, every closet.
How must CLEAN Linen be transported?
a manner which will produce hygienically clean linen
How much linen must a facility have on hand at all times?
Enough linen essential for the proper care and comfort of residents. Recommened : x3 of the amount of beds you have
How often must non soiled clothes be washed?
Once a week.
Can soiled clothes be washed in a residents bathroom?
(g) Soiled linen must not be sorted, laundered, rinsed,
or stored in bathrooms, resident rooms, corridors, kitchens, or food storage areas, except soiled linen and clothing which is not contaminated with blood may be rinsed in a resident’s bathroom water closet
Medication rooms shall measure a minimum of how many square feet.
50 sq. ft.
Room temperature in medication rooms shall range between:
59 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit
When call light is hit it must:
- 307
1) Activate a corridor dome light above the room
2) Activate light and sound at the Nurse Station
3) Be turned off where light was turned on. (Nurse Station can not turn off light at nurse Station)* Recommended time to answer Call light is 3-5 minutes.
The licensed nurse ratio for each 24 hours in a nursing facility must be
One nurse to every 20 patients. (1:20)
Accessibility for individuals with disabilities must
be designed and installed in accordance with the following laws
the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336; Title 42, United States Code, Chapter 126);
Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations,
Part 35; Texas Civil Statutes,
Article 9102; and Title 16, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 68
Who inspects all boilers not exempted?
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
Waivers are given?
When DHS opinion is such that , it would be impractical for the facility to meet, will not have any adverse effect on resident health and safety, and if not waived, would impose an unreasonable hardship on the facility
What is the minimum distance driveways and parking spaces should be
from a resident bedroom window,or a dinning/living area?
10 feet ** New Construction is SAME **
In new construction how far must a bed be from the wall
and any other bed?
36 inch between beds AND 24 inches between any BED and adjacent WALL
Bedroom door SWING into?
The resident room, NEVER a corridor ?? LSC?
Bathroom door SWINGS into?
Resident bedroom ?? LSC??
When forced air Ventilation is used [SNF] how often should air be changed?
Once every 6 minutes
The space required space for a wheelchair to make a 180 degree turn shall be a clear space of?
ANSI 4.2.3
60 inches in diameter
Distance to the DOOR into a RESIDENT room to the NEAREST EXIT door may be no more than:
100 feet
According to ANSI, all handrails on RAMPS and Stairs must be between: 1-26-30 inches 2-28-32 inches 3-30-34 inches 4-32-36 inches
2-30-34 inches
Medication Rooms must be how many sq feet?
50 sq feet (minimum)
What is the MAX length of a dead end corridor?
30 Feet
Generators must be a minimum of how many feet from the combustible part of the nursing facility and how many feet from a building opening:
3 feet / 5 feet
Resident water temp is regulated by? What is air temp regulated by?
1- the state 100-110
2- the Fed 71-81
How Wide must a DOOR be?
44 inches WIDE
When state measures Light in candles, and Air in temperature. Where do these measurements take place, as a general rule?
1-Light is measured at the 30 inch level (2.5 ft -3ft)
2-Air is measured at the 5 ft level