New Construction Flashcards
New Construction What is considered a re-model?
when you convert the physical space into something different. The removal or relocation of walls or partitions, foundations, ceiling roof assemblies, expanding or altering of safety systems.
New Construction How soon can a LSC inspection of new construction
completion be given?
With in 15 business days , and only after DADs receives a written request.
New ConstructionHow far from the property line must the building be?
110 feet from the property line
New ConstructionCan exit doors exit directly onto a drive for vehicular traffic?
NO, must be back at least 6 feet
New ConstructionWhat is the minimum width of walks?
48 inches
New ConstructionHow far can a handrail project out into a corridor?
3 1/2 Inches ** what about OLD FACILITIES **??
New ConstructionWhat is the percentage of Medicaid beds that may be in a
facility that have with more than 2 beds in one room? (3-4 beds)
25% - New50% - Old
New ConstructionWhat is the ratio or size to windows in a resident room?
Windows must be 16sq feet OR 8% of the area of the room. What ever is bigger.
New ConstructionHow many toilets can serve a room?
One Toilet for 2 rooms
New ConstructionWhat is the minimum area for a medication prep room?
50 sq feet
New ConstructionAt what temp should the medication prep room be?
59-86 degrees
New ConstructionHow far can a shower/bath room be from a residents room?
100 feet
New Construction
How many bathrooms and bathroom accessories must be compliant with the Americans Disability Act?
50% of all the facilities bathrooms and accessories
must be compliant.
New Construction
How big must a window be in a living room?
38% of total floor area skylight can be used for half this calculation
New Construction
In a new kitchen a vegetable prep sink is required?
New Construction
Where must food temp. measurement take place?
At highest food storage point, but no less than at five foot level.
New Construction
If the facility has an auxiliary serving kitchen or another place that serves food that area must:
1-Have a way of maintaining correct food temps
2-Must have a hand wash station
3-All surface finishes must be the same as the kitchen, expect the celling
New Construction
Is it true that the front entrance must have
a drive under canopy
Yes, this regulation may also be a second entrance
New Construction
Can the lobby be included in the minimum area
requirement for resident living area?
New Construction
What must a lobby include?
1-Storage for wheel chairs
2-Recetion/Information area
3-Wating Space
4-Public Toilet
5-One public Telephone6-at least 1 Drinking Fountain-
6-1- One of the Drinking fountains must meet ADA standards
New Construction
Is it a requirement to have a multipurpose room?
Yes, for meetings and conferences.
New Construction
What MUST the therapy room have as part of the room?
19.334-i- PT: 1- at least one Sink 2-cubile curtains around each treatment area 3-Resident Dressing area OT: 1-A sink and lavatory for collection of waste products 2-Storage for equipment and supplies
New Construction
When must a barber/beauty shop be provided
in the facility?
When the facility is larger than 60 beds
New Construction
When it comes to Landry, what is the
recommended location?
In a separate building 20 feet or more
away from the main structure.
New Construction
If laundry is done in the main building what is the minimum construction of that area?
1-Must be separated by 1 hour fire construction
2-Must have sprinkles
3-Must be in a remote area , away from residents
4-Must be attached to a service corridor not a exit corridor
New Construction
What is the recommended space for maintenance?
a workshop of atleast 120 sq feet
New Construction
If a medication cart is in the hall, how must the
cart be positioned?
So, not to block the means of egress.
New Construction
If a common area room (dinning, living room) is 1000 sq feet or more what is true about exits?
There must be two exits remote from each other
The same applies if the area is larger than a 50 person capacity area.
New Construction
When are steps allowed in the interior ways of egress (exit)?
New Construction
Any door with a privacy lock (bathrooms, and showers) must be readily available to staff?
New Construction
Partial and full sprinler systems must be attached to what system?
The fire alarm system
New Construction
What is the rule of thumb for hot water per resident?
AT 110 degrees 6 1/2 gallons per resident per hour
New Construction
what type of cooling system must be installed in
buildings after 1/1/2014
Central Air
New Construction
What is the recommended air Filter rating?
80% or greater
New Construction
How far must a outdoor air intake be?
As far as possible, but rule of thumb normally not less than 10 feet.
New Construction
What is the recommended level for humidity?
60%- for high humidity areas
New Construction
What rooms must have forced air exhaust?
laundry, kitchen, and dishwashing // isolation room
New Construction
How many elevators must be installed if you have a facility that is multiple stories and where things like bedrooms, dining rooms, or recreation areas) and or resident services (such as diagnostic or therapy) are located on other than the main entrance and has 61 resident beds?
19.343 2 1-60 or less 2-61-200 3-201-350 4-351+ study must be determined
New Construction
If the facility has an elevator what must the size be?
It must be a hospital Type elevator Inside minimum
dimensions must be 5 feet wide by 7’6 Deep