ohe, motivation and concordance Flashcards
Why is plaque control important?
Classical studies- bacteria in plaque cause development and progression of perio diseases
What is periodontitis?
Chronic, multifactorial inflammatory disease associated w dysbiotic plaque biofilms and characterised by progressive destruction of the tooth supporting apparatus
~Papapanou 2018
What does BSP recommend?
Steps 1-4 of perio therapy
Emphasise OHE and engage patient in behavioural change
What is compliance?
The extent to which the patients behaviour coincides with medical advice
~Sackett and Haynes 1976
What are factors associated w compliance?
Patient Disease Treatment Operator Support system Facilities
How is motivation categorised?
Already motivated- guidance and reinforcement
Latent motivation- only need a trigger
Lacking motivation- difficult
How can we motivate patients?
Personal problem exists for patient
Unwanted outcome eg. Tooth loss
Practical solution
Serious enough problem to justify inconvenience and effort
Education and communication
Facilitation and support
What is the importance of communication?
Patient trust/motivation/cooperation Inv in decision making Manage expectations Patient satisfaction Prevents medico-legal issues/complaints
What are barriers to communication?
Generally social, cultural, environmental
Patient centered- pain, anxiety, embarrassment, cognitive level
Clinician- interpersonal skills, lack of sensitivity, lack of active listening, time pressures, jargon
What are types of communication?
Verbal- tone, pitch, inflexion
Non-verbal- body language, eye contact, facial expressions, gestures
Other- teaching aids, resources
What is a starting point to OHE?
Explain disease
Explain importance of plaque control
Tailor OHE
Behaviour change for OH improvement
How can you explain disease and plaque control?
Leaflet Pictures/diagrams Photographs Radiographs Perio indices (% plaque score)
What are guidelines to OHE?
Must be repeated and tailored
Recommend powered over manual- cochrane review
Invite patient to demonstrate
Provide positive, non-judgemental feedback and modifications
Set realistic targets
Use Tepes over flossing, should supplement brushing
Demonstrate Tepes in mouth/models
Keep advice specific
Use other devices in inaccessible places
Basis of management is mechanical
Antiseptic mouthwash only in specific cases
Avoid subjective terms- poor, fair, good
What are the 7 components of an individually tailored oral health programme?
- explore beliefs, attitudes, expectations, self efficacy
- behavioural analysis, biofeedback
- practice manual dexterity and skills
- goals and planning for brushing
- self monitoring and feedback
- generalisation of new behaviours in different situations
- relapse prevention