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Class A/B Knowledge test Questions & Answers
- When loading cargo, weight should be placed:
› As low as possible.
A vehicle is vulnerable to tipping over if its center of gravity is too high. To prevent this, you
should distribute the weight of your cargo evenly and as low as possible.
- A second conviction of operating a CMV with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of
0.04 percent will result in:
› The loss of your CDL for life.
It is illegal to operate a CMV if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.04 percent or
higher. A first offense will result in the loss of your CDL for one year. A second offense will
result in the loss of your CDL for life.
- While still below the legal limit, a driver operating a CMV with a detectable amount of alcohol in
their system will:
› Result in an out-of-service order for 24 hours.
If you are found to have any detectable amount of alcohol in your system while operating a
CMV but your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is still below the legal limit of 0.04 percent,
you will be put out-of-service for 24 hours. It is both illegal and dangerous to operate a
motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.
- If you are disqualified from driving
› You must notify your employer within two business days.
You must notify your employer within two business days if your license is suspended,
revoked, or canceled, or if you are otherwise disqualified from driving.
- When performing a pre-trip inspection and looking into the fifth wheel gap, you should:
› Make sure the locking jaws are fully closed around the kingpin.
When inspecting a trailer coupling, you should make sure the fifth wheel locking jaws are
closed around the shank of the kingpin, not the head of the kingpin.
- How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?
› Eight to nine
Being properly rested is essential to the safe operation of a CMV. To maintain alertness, most
people need eight to nine hours of sleep per night.
- When conducting a pre-drive inspection:
› The previous inspection report should be reviewed, if applicable.
The first step of a vehicle inspection is to review the last vehicle inspection report. Only sign
the report if noted defects are certified to have been repaired.
- In low temperatures, bridges usually freeze:
Before other parts of the roadway.
In low temperatures, bridges usually freeze before other road surfaces. When driving in cold
weather, especially when weather conditions have been wet, use special caution on bridges
and overpasses.
- If being tailgated, you should:
› Increase the amount of space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you.
If you are being tailgated, you should increase the distance between your vehicle and the
vehicle ahead of you. This reduces the need for you to make sudden changes in speed or
direction while making it easier for the tailgater to pass your vehicle.
- You will often have to drive your vehicle under bridges and overpasses. If approaching such an
opening, you should:
› Assume the posted clearance height is inaccurate.
Do not assume that posted height clearances are accurate. If the road was repaved after the
sign was posted, or if there is packed snow on the ground, the actual height of the opening
may be different than what is indicated. If you are not confident that your vehicle will be able
to safely clear an upcoming bridge or overpass, you should slow down and find another path,
if possible.
- A ramp’s posted speed limit:
› Is suitable for some vehicles, but may be too fast for a large CMV.
Posted speed limits on exit and entrance ramps often show speeds that are safe to be driven
by cars. However, these speed limits may be too fast for large or heavily-loaded vehicles and
CMV drivers will likely need to slow down to a speed below the posted limit.
- Parked delivery trucks may be hazardous because:
› People are often in a hurry when exiting such trucks and may not look for other vehicles.
Passing parked delivery or postal trucks can be dangerous because the driver may be in a
hurry and pull into traffic without warning, or may they suddenly step out of the vehicle
without checking for other traffic.
- How do ice cream trucks become hazardous to other drivers?
Children often run toward an ice cream truck without looking for other traffic.
Ice cream trucks can create hazardous conditions for other drivers because they attract
children. Children often do not notice or pay attention to other vehicles on the roadway
when running to or from ice cream trucks.
- After two violations of any state law regarding hand-held mobile phone use:
› Your CDL will be disqualified.
If you are twice convicted of violating any state law regarding hand-held mobile phone use,
your CDL will be disqualified. Consequences will become more severe with subsequent
- One way to avoid becoming an aggressive driver is to:
› Set realistic expectations regarding travel time.
To help avoid frustration, which can lead to aggressive driving behavior, you should begin a
trip with realistic expectations about your travel time. Plan ahead to allow time for potential
traffic delays. Other strategies to help prevent aggressive driving behavior include driving an
appropriate speed and keeping a reasonable following distance; avoiding making gestures at
other drivers; and keeping your hands on the steering wheel.
- One way to prevent drowsiness while driving is to:
› Get adequate sleep the night before the trip.
Driving while fatigued can be extremely dangerous. Strategies for preventing drowsiness
while driving include getting a full night’s sleep before a trip; having someone ride with you;
scheduling trips for times during which you are normally awake; and avoiding medications
that may cause drowsiness. Exercising regularly can increase your energy levels and make
you less likely to become tired while driving.
- If driving through flowing water or a large puddle, you should:
Gently apply the brakes.
It is best to avoid driving through large puddles or moving water. If there is no way to avoid
driving through water, you should slow down, shift into a low gear, and gently apply the
brakes. Pressing linings against the brake drums or discs will keep water, mud, silt, and sand
from getting inside the brake mechanisms.
- What is the best way to stop if your brakes fail while you are driving downhill?
› Steer onto an escape ramp.
If your brakes fail on a downgrade, you will need to quickly find something outside that can
stop your vehicle. An escape ramp is the best option. If no escape ramp is available, use the
least hazardous available option, such as driving into an open field or side road that flattens
out or turns uphill.
- Who is responsible for ensuring cargo is loaded properly?
› The driver
A driver is responsible for four things related to transporting cargo. They are responsible for
inspecting the cargo, recognizing overloads and poorly balanced weight, ensuring that the
cargo is secured without obstructing their view, and ensuring that the cargo is not
obstructing access to emergency equipment.
- When loading cargo, it is important to:
› Know the weight capacity rating of the suspension system.
It is a driver’s responsibility to make sure their vehicle is not overloaded. They must be aware
of legal weight limits and the maximum weight that their vehicle is rated to carry, including
the weight capacity rating of the suspension system.
- Cargo should be covered:
To protect people from spillage.
You should cover your cargo to protect people from the cargo if it spills, as well as to protect
the cargo from the weather.
- Laws about securing loads and regulating CMV weights may vary from state to state. During
interstate travel:
› The law of the state the vehicle is in takes precedence.
Commercial vehicle weight, securement of cargo, covering of loads, and where large
vehicles can be driven are all regulated by federal, state, and local laws. These vary from
place to place, so you must be aware of the rules that apply where you will be driving. State
laws in the state in which you are driving take precedence.
- Who is responsible for inspecting a vehicle’s cargo?
› The driver
It is a driver’s responsibility to inspect their cargo; recognize overloading or poorly balanced
weight; know that the cargo is properly secured and not obscuring their view; and know that
the cargo does not restrict access to emergency equipment. The driver is always responsible
for their cargo, even if they were not the one who initially loaded and secured the cargo
- Loading cargo onto a vehicle:
› May be done by a person other than the driver, but the driver is responsible for the
safety of the cargo.
Even if someone else loads cargo onto a vehicle, the driver is responsible for properly
inspecting the cargo, ensuring that it is properly loaded and secured, and ensuring that it
does not obscure their view or access to emergency equipment.
- What is the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)?
› The maximum permitted total weight of a vehicle and its cargo
The Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) is the total weight of a single vehicle plus its load. The Gross
Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) is the maximum combined weight of a vehicle and its cargo
that is permitted and specified by the manufacturer.
- Cargo being transported should be checked
Before the trip and again within the first 50 miles of the trip.
Cargo should be inspected before beginning a trip, within the first 50 miles of the trip, and
every three hours or 150 miles traveled thereafter. Cargo should be inspected every time the
driver stops to take a break. The driver of a truck transporting cargo is responsible for the
cargo being safely secured throughout the trip.
- If transporting 30 feet of cargo on a flatbed trailer, you should use a minimum of ____ to
restrain the cargo.
› Three tie-downs
When transporting cargo on a flatbed trailer, you should use at least one tie-down for every
10 feet of cargo. Any cargo, no matter how small, should be restrained by a minimum of two
- A poor balance of weight in a trailer:
› Can make handling unsafe.
Poorly balanced weight in a trailer can make handling unsafe. For example, either too little or
too much weight on the front axle can make a vehicle difficult to steer. Weight should be
distributed evenly from front to back and from side to side. It should be distributed as low as
- You should always use at least ____ to secure cargo on a flatbed trailer.
› Two tie-downs
When transporting cargo on a flatbed trailer, you should use at least one tie-down for every
10 feet of cargo. Any cargo, no matter how small, should be restrained by a minimum of two
- Bracing is used to:
› Prevent items from moving in a trailer.
Blocking and bracing are used to prevent cargo from shifting in transit. Blocking is used in
the front, in the back, and on the sides of a piece of cargo to prevent movement. Bracing
prevents movement by reaching from the upper portion of a piece of cargo to the floor and
sides of the cargo compartment.
- An item that is 40 feet long placed on a flatbed trailer should be secured by at least ____
› Four
Cargo on a flatbed trailer should be secured by at least one tie-down for every 10 feet of the
cargo’s length. Cargo should be secured by a minimum of two tie-downs, regardless of size.
- If transporting livestock, drivers should be concerned about:
› The vehicle’s weight shifting as the animals move.
Because live animals can lean during curves, and otherwise move in transit, the weight
distribution of a cargo of livestock is unstable. Driving with livestock requires special care.
- A truck may need to be under the legal maximum weight limit when being driven:
› On a mountainous road.
Under some driving conditions, it may not be safe to operate a vehicle at its full legal
maximum weight. Keep this in mind when driving in poor weather or on mountainous
- Too little weight on a steering axle can result in:
› Poor traction.
The weight of cargo in a vehicle needs to be balanced appropriately so that it does not
interfere with the vehicle’s safe handling. For example, if cargo is placed too far to the rear of
a vehicle, the front axle will be under-weighted and the front wheels may not have enough
traction for the driver to steer safely.
- Dry bulk tanks require special care because:
› They have high centers of gravity.
Driving with a dry bulk tank requires special care, both because dry bulk tanks have high
centers of gravity and because their loads often shift in transit. Be especially careful when
taking turns and curves while operating such a vehicle.
- You should cover cargo:
› To protect the cargo from weather.
You should cover your cargo to protect people from the cargo if it spills, as well as to protect
the cargo from the weather.
- When carrying a sealed load, the driver:
Should ensure the weight of the cargo does not violate weight limits.
While a driver cannot inspect sealed loads, they can still ensure that the load does not
exceed gross weight and axle weight limits.
- While operating a CMV:
› You are always required to wear a safety belt.
A safety belt is your best defense in the event of a collision. You must always wear a safety
belt while operating a CMV.
- It is illegal to operate a CMV with a minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of:
0.04 percent.
Operating a CMV with a minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.04 percent is illegal and
will result in loss of license for at least one year for a first offense. If you operate a CMV with
any detectable amount of alcohol in your system while remaining below the legal limit of
0.04 percent, you will be put out-of-service for at least 24 hours.
- If asked by a law enforcement officer to take a test to determine your blood alcohol
concentration (BAC):
› You will lose your CDL if you refuse to take the test.
Most states have an Implied Consent Law, which means that by driving a vehicle on the
state’s roads, you have agreed to undergo a drug or alcohol test if a police officer asks you to
do so. If you refuse to submit to a test, you will lose your operating privileges. Make sure you
are aware of the laws for every state in which you drive.
- Your CDL will be revoked if:
Your privilege to operate your personal vehicle is revoked.
If your privilege to operate your personal vehicle is revoked, canceled, or suspended due to
moving traffic violations, you will also lose your CDL. This does not apply if your license is
revoked due to parking violations.
- If convicted of a traffic violation, you must inform your employer:
› Within 30 days.
If you are convicted of any kind of traffic violation in any type of vehicle, you must notify
your employer within 30 days of the incident. You must also inform your motor vehicle
licensing agency within 30 days if the incident happened in another jurisdiction. This rule
does not apply to parking infractions.
- While driving a CMV:
› You may not hold a cell phone to make a call.
While driving a CMV, you may not make voice calls if you need to hold your phone or press
more than one button to do so. Additionally, you may not send or read text messages while
- During the steering box portion of the vehicle inspection test, you should not:
› Assume all cotter keys are present.
Before a trip, ensure that the steering box is securely mounted. Check for missing nuts,
bolts, and cotter keys. Be sure that there are no power steering fluid leaks and that there is
no damage to power steering hoses.
- During a vehicle inspection, ensure that the landing gear is:
› Fully raised.
When inspecting a trailer during a vehicle inspection test, ensure that its landing gear has no
missing parts and that it is fully raised. The crank handle should be secure and the support
frame should not be damaged.
- Move over laws require:
› All vehicles to vacate the lane closest to an emergency vehicle that is stopped with its
lights flashing.
If an emergency vehicle with its lights on is stopped on the side of the road, move over laws
require drivers to vacate the lane directly next to the vehicle, if possible. If a driver cannot
move over safely, they must slow down and proceed with caution.
- Emergency equipment in a vehicle is:
› Required.
During a pre-trip inspection, you should check for emergency equipment, including spare
electrical fuses; three red reflective triangles, six fuses, or three liquid burning flares; and at
least one properly charged and rated fire extinguisher.
- Mirror adjustment can only be checked properly if:
› The trailer is straight.
On a vehicle with one or more trailers, mirror adjustment can only be checked accurately if
the trailers are straight. Mirror adjustment should be checked before the start of every trip.
- If unable to tell if the road is becoming icy and slippery, a driver:
› May open their window and feel the front of the side mirror for ice.
If you think the road surface may be becoming icy but you are not certain, you can open
your window and feel the front of the side mirror, mirror support, or antenna. If ice has
formed on any of these items, the road is likely becoming icy as well.
- What happens when a vehicle hydroplanes?
› The tires lose contact with the road.
On a wet road, it is possible for a vehicle’s tires to lose traction with the road surface and
begin to glide along on the layer of water. This is referred to as hydroplaning. Hydroplaning
can occur at speeds as low as 30 mph.