2ND DECK Flashcards
- A cardboard box on the roadway:
› May contain a heavy object that could damage your vehicle.
Any foreign object on the road is potentially dangerous. For example, something seemingly
harmless, such as a cardboard box or paper sack, could contain a hard or heavy object that
could do serious damage to a vehicle.
- A stopped bus:
› Is a concern, whether passengers are visible or not.
Always drive cautiously around a stopped bus. Passengers may cross in front of or behind it,
and the bus may prevent them from seeing your vehicle.
- Headlights:
› Should be on the high beam setting whenever possible.
To improve visibility, you should use high beam headlights at night where it is safe and legal
to do so. However, the glare from high beam lights can blind other drivers. You should dim
your lights to their low beam setting when driving within 500 feet of an approaching vehicle.
- What is road rage?
› Operating a motor vehicle with the intent of doing harm to others
Aggressive driving is defined as operating a motor vehicle in a selfish, bold, or pushy manner.
Road rage is defined as operating a motor vehicle with the intent of doing harm to others, or
the intent of physically assaulting another driver or their vehicle.
- Black ice is:
› A thin layer of ice on the road.
Black ice is a layer of ice that is thin and clear enough for the road to be visible through it.
The surface will look like a wet road. Always be alert to black ice if the road looks wet when
the temperature is below freezing.
- Before entering a curve, you should:
› Downshift.
Always downshift before entering a curve. Decreasing your speed before entering the curve
will allow you to maintain better control over the vehicle throughout the curve.
- When driving, it is important to:
› Look to the front, sides, and rear of your vehicle.
For safe driving, it is essential that you are aware of what is happening on all sides of your
vehicle. In addition to watching the road ahead, you should frequently check your mirrors to
monitor the road to the sides and to the rear of your vehicle.
- When making a turn, when should you cancel your turn signal?
› After the turn is completed
When turning or changing lanes, you should signal early and signal continuously. Cancel your
turn signal once the turn or lane change is complete.
- The maximum amount of play that is safe on a 20-inch steering wheel is:
Two inches.
A steering wheel with play of more than 10 degrees may be defective. On a 20-inch wheel,
this is equal to about two inches of movement at the rim of the wheel.
- If you identify a distracted driver on the road, you should:
› Give them plenty of room.
If you encounter a distracted driver, make sure to give them plenty of room. Be very careful
if you pass their vehicle because the driver may be unaware of your presence and drift into
your lane.
- If a vehicle is equipped with power steering, the hoses should be checked:
› For leaks.
When inspecting a vehicle with power steering, you should inspect the hoses, pumps, and
fluid levels. Specifically check the hoses for leaks.
- When a vehicle is started, warning lights and buzzers:
› Should turn off within a few seconds.
After an engine is started, the warning lights and buzzers for oil, coolant, charging circuits,
and the Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) should go out right away.
- When passing another vehicle, you should:
› Assume the other driver doesn’t see you.
It is always safest to assume that other drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians don’t see you. Be
prepared for the possibility that they may suddenly move into your path. It may be safe to
lightly tap your horn or flash your lights as you pass.
- A tread depth of ____ should be in every major groove of a front tire.
› 4/32 of an inch
For safe operation, a commercial motor vehicle needs a tread depth of 4/32 of an inch in
every major groove on the front tires, and a tread depth of 2/32 of an inch on other tires.
- A tread depth of ____ should be in every major groove of a tire that is not in the front of a
commercial motor vehicle.
› 2/32 of an inch
For safe operation, a commercial motor vehicle needs a tread depth of 4/32 of an inch in
every major groove on the front tires, and a tread depth of 2/32 of an inch on other tires.
- If driving so slowly that you could impede other drivers, you should:
› Drive while using your four-way flashers.
If you must drive so slowly that you will impede the flow of traffic, you should turn on your
four-way flashers to alert drivers behind you (as long as local laws allow the use of flashers).
- If one-fourth of the leaves in a leaf spring are missing when a vehicle is inspected:
› The vehicle will be put out-of-service until it is fixed.
When inspecting a vehicle’s suspension, you should look for broken or missing leaves in the
leaf springs. Any defect of this kind is dangerous. If one-fourth or more of the leaves are
missing from any leaf spring, the vehicle must be put out-of-service.
- A broken exhaust system:
› Can allow poisonous fumes to enter the cabin.
A broken exhaust system can let poisonous fumes into a vehicle’s cab or sleeper berth. Be
sure to inspect your exhaust system for any loose, broken, or missing parts.
- What are placards?
› Signs placed on a vehicle to identify cargo hazards
Placards are diamond-shaped warning signs that are placed on the outside of vehicles
carrying hazardous materials. Placards are used to identify the specific hazard classes of the
cargo being carried.
- A pre-trip inspection:
› Should be done in the same way every time.
A pre-trip vehicle inspection should be done in the same way every time. Consistency will
help a driver learn all of the proper steps and decrease the possibility of the driver forgetting
to inspect something.
- Distracted driving:
› Can be avoided by not engaging in complex conversations while driving.
To reduce the risk of distraction, do not engage in complex or emotionally intense
conversations while driving. Pre-programming radio stations before your trip and avoiding
eating, drinking, or smoking while at the wheel can also help you avoid becoming distracted
while driving. Remember that mental distractions that take your attention away from the
task of driving can be just as dangerous as physical distractions.
- If a driver has stopped on the road and is placing triangles to warn other motorists:
› The triangles should be held between the driver and oncoming traffic.
For your own safety, when placing reflective warning triangles, you should carry them
between your body and the oncoming traffic.
- When approaching a vehicle for a pre-trip inspection, a driver should look under the vehicle:
› To see if there are any fresh fluids on the ground.
When approaching your vehicle before an inspection, make note of its general condition and
ensure that it is not damaged or leaning. Look under the vehicle for fresh leaks of oil, grease,
or fuel. Check around the vehicle for hazards to movement, such as people, other vehicles,
or low-hanging wires or tree limbs.
- What is reaction distance?
› The distance you will travel between realizing you must brake and when you physically
hit the brakes
Your vehicle’s stopping distance can be calculated by adding together your perception
distance, your reaction distance, and your vehicle’s braking distance. Reaction distance is
the distance traveled between the moment you mentally perceive a hazard and the moment
you physically hit the brakes.
- A pre-trip inspection should include:
› A check of the engine oil level.
When examining the engine compartment during a pre-trip inspection, you should check the
engine oil level, the radiator coolant level, and the condition of the hoses.
- When starting the engine of a truck with a trailer, you can tell that your vehicle’s ABS is not
working if:
› The yellow light on the left rear of the trailer stays on.
When turning on your vehicle’s engine, the lights on the dash should come on and then turn
off. If the ABS malfunction light stays on, the system is not working properly. In the case of a
truck with a trailer, if the yellow light on the left rear of the trailer stays on once the engine
has been started, the system is not working properly.
- When starting an engine, oil pressure should come up to a normal level:
› Within seconds.
Look at your truck’s gauges when starting the engine. The oil pressure in an engine should
come up to a normal level within seconds of the vehicle’s engine being started.
- How can you check for a leak in hydraulic brakes?
› Pump the brake pedal three times, then hold down the pedal for five seconds. If the pedal
moves, there may be a problem.
Check hydraulic brakes by pumping the brake pedal three times before applying firm
pressure to the pedal for five seconds. The pedal should not move. If it does, there may be a
leak or some other problem in the braking system.
- When passing a row of parked vehicles, a driver should:
› Watch for signs of a person exiting a vehicle.
You should be cautious when passing parked vehicles. A person may step out of a parked
vehicle or out from between parked vehicles without looking for oncoming traffic. A driver
may begin moving their vehicle before realizing you are there.
- When backing with a trailer, turning toward the driver’s side is encouraged because:
› The driver will have the best possible view.
When driving in reverse, it is always recommended that a driver backs their vehicle toward its
left side. This will allow the driver the best possible view of the rear of their vehicle.
- In very hot weather, tires should be checked regularly because:
› Air pressure may increase with the temperature.
Air expands as it gets warmer, so the air pressure in your tires could reach dangerously high
levels while being used in very hot weather. If this happens, stop and let your tires cool. Do
not let air out of the tires, as this could result in the pressure dropping to an unsafe level
once the tires cool down.
- When stopping a manual transmission vehicle, you should:
› Push the clutch in when the engine is close to idle.
When stopping, apply gradual pressure to the brake pedal and stop smoothly. If stopping a
manual transmission vehicle, push the clutch in when the engine is close to idle.
- When driving:
› You should always use turn signals to warn others about your intentions.
It is important to communicate your intentions to others on the road. Make sure to signal
before turning or changing lanes, even if no other vehicles are nearby.
- When backing with a trailer, you should begin by:
› Turning the steering wheel in the direction opposite of the turn.
When backing with a trailer, begin by turning the steering wheel in the direction opposite of
the turn. Once the trailer starts to turn, reverse the direction of the steering wheel to follow
the trailer.
- When backing up, follow a turning trailer by:
› Changing the direction of the steering wheel.
When backing with a trailer, begin by turning the steering wheel in the direction opposite of
the turn. Once the trailer starts to turn, reverse the direction of the steering wheel to follow
the trailer.
- The most important reason to inspect your vehicle before a trip is:
› To ensure safety.
The most important reason to inspect your vehicle before a trip is to ensure the safety of
yourself and others on the road. Safety inspections before every trip are required by state
and federal laws.
- If you remain in neutral for too long while switching gears:
› You may have trouble putting the vehicle into the next gear.
If you remain in neutral for too long while switching gears, you may have difficulty putting
the vehicle into the next gear. If this happens, do not try to force the gear shift. Instead,
return to neutral, release the clutch, increase the engine speed to match the road speed, and
try again.
- If you must stop on the side of a highway, how far behind your vehicle should warning devices
be placed?
› 10, 100, and 200 feet
When stopping your CMV on the side of a highway, warning devices must be placed 10 feet,
100 feet, and 200 feet behind the vehicle.
- Scan the road ____ ahead of your vehicle.
› 12 to 15 seconds
Good drivers scan the road at least 12 to 15 seconds ahead of their vehicles. Looking ahead
will allow you to identify and react to hazards before meeting them. Be sure to specifically
look for vehicles that are coming onto the highway, entering into your lane, or turning.
- In an emergency, if you must leave the roadway to drive on the shoulder, you should:
› Stop safely before returning to the road, if possible.
If a hazard requires you to drive onto the shoulder of a road, you should try to keep one set
of wheels on the pavement to maintain better control of your vehicle. If possible, stay on the
shoulder until your vehicle has come to a complete stop, then pull back onto the road when
it is safe to do so.
- You should check and adjust your mirrors:
› Before driving.
Be sure to check your mirrors before beginning a drive. Your posture may change day to day
and your mirrors may need to be adjusted.
- When inspecting a power steering-equipped vehicle, you should be sure that:
› The fluid is at the proper level.
When inspecting a vehicle equipped with power steering, check the hoses, pumps, and fluid
level. Be sure to check for and repair leaks before operating the vehicle.
- When adjusting your mirrors before a trip:
› Part of your vehicle should be visible in the mirrors.
When properly adjusted, your mirrors should each display some part of your vehicle. Being
able to see your own vehicle in your mirrors will give you a point of reference when judging
the positions of other objects.
- To warn drivers behind you that you will be slowing down, you should:
› Tap your brake pedal a few times to illuminate your brake lights.
To let drivers behind you know that you plan to slow down, lightly tap your brake pedal a few
times to flash your brake lights. It is important to communicate your intentions to other
- When it is difficult to see and you are traveling near other drivers, you should:
› Use low beam lights.
Use your low beam headlights when traveling near other drivers at times when it is difficult
to see, such as at dawn, at dusk, or in poor weather conditions. Using the high beam setting
under certain conditions could make it difficult for other drivers to see.
- When driving on a wet road, you should reduce your speed by:
› About one-third.
Reduce your speed when traveling on surfaces that provide reduced traction. Reduce your
speed by about one-third when driving on a wet road.
- When driving on packed snow, you should reduce your speed by:
› One-half or more.
Reduce your speed when traveling on surfaces that provide reduced traction. Reduce your
speed by one-half or more when traveling on packed snow.
- You should maintain at least ____ of following distance per every 10 feet of your vehicle
when you are traveling more slowly than 40 mph.
› One second
At speeds below 40 mph, you should allow at least one second of following distance for
every 10 feet of your vehicle. Follow the same formula when traveling at faster speeds, then
add one additional second to your following distance. Remember that larger vehicles require
more space to stop than smaller vehicles.
- Accelerating roughly is:
› Discouraged, as it may cause damage to the vehicle.
When accelerating, speed up smoothly and gradually so your vehicle does not jerk. Rough
acceleration can cause mechanical damage.
- When stopping:
› The brake pedal should be pressed down gradually.
Press the brake pedal down smoothly and gradually every time you slow or stop. The amount
of brake pressure you need to apply depends on the speed of your vehicle and how quickly
you need to stop.