Office Survivor Tips Flashcards
Workplace is not a place you can bring your personal emotions so you need to show…… all time
Energy and smile all time
Workplace: do not show negative attitude for tasks you don’t like by how?
Just keep silent and neutral for the tasks you don’t like but add excited elements for tasks you like so people knows your favorite
If you do boring tasks no one knows,
You can add some bright elements so it pops such as adding emoji or.
During meetings or meal meetings, btw quiet or speak up, what would you choose:
Speak up, 勇於发言: make people feel your energy
What if your customers or factories complained your company or other teams,
Say sorry though that is not your fault. You take responsibility will bring you all good than you add your complaints on top of it
Meeting is your performance show time. You need:
Do some homework before meeting; bring up discussion points from last meeting as follow-ups; show your 可靠 一面
Any changes will imply current status no good, will somehow lose people face. What to do to announce changes:
Appreciated all the goods fm the past and then announce the better
Praise people in a smart way:
Ex: lucky we have you!
Last time she helped us …
讓人誤會的力量: outlook, speech, get award