Offer And Acceptance Flashcards
What is an offer?
An offer is a statement of the terms upon which a person is prepared to be bound by a contract.
Who is it made by + case ?
It is made by the offeror to the offeree, and must be communicated (TAYLOR v LAIRD).
IF RELEVANT : What does a bilateral offer require + case ?
A bilateral offer requires both parties to do something .e.g. an offer to pay money for goods (TAYLOR v LAIRD).
IF RELEVANT : What does a unilateral offer require + case ?
A unilateral offer requires just the offeror to do something .e.g. offering a reward for finding a lost cat (CARLILL v CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL).
IF RELEVANT : What is an invitation to tender + case ?
An invitation to tender will be classed as a unilateral offer, if the lowest/best price/bid is to be accepted/all tenders are to be considered (BLACKPOOL AERO CLUB v BLACKPOOL BC)
IF RELEVANT : What is another example of a unilateral offer ?
Auctions without reserves ( as there is only one outcome ) .
IF RELEVANT : What is an invitation to treat ?
An invitation to treat is not an offer and so cannot be accepted. It is an indication that one person is willing to negotiate, encouraging a bilateral offer from another .
IF RELEVANT : What are examples of invitations to treat + cases ?
An advertisement ( PARTRIDGE v CRITTENDEN ) , goods on display ( FISHER v BELL , PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GB v BOOTS ) , an auction with a reserve ( BRITISH CAR AUCTIONS v WRIGHT ) and giving information in response to a request ( HARVEY v FACEY ).
IF RELEVANT : What must be communicated + case ?
An offer must be communicated to the offeree i.e. offeree knows about it ( TAYLOR v LAIRD )
IF RELEVANT : What must the offeree give for the offer to remain open + case ?
For an offer to remain open until a certain time/date, the offeree must give consideration to the offeror , such as a deposit ( ROUTLEDGE v GRANT )
What can an offer end with + cases ?
Usually a rejection or an acceptance , a counter-offer ( HYDE v WRENCH ) , revocation ( BYRNE v VAN TIENHOVEN ) : this must be communicated before acceptance , either by offeror or a third party ( DICKINSON v DODDS ) , lapse of time ( RAMSGATE VICTORIA HOTEL v MONTEFIORE - 4 months ) , death ( BRADBURY v MORGAN ) .
IF RELEVANT : When can unilateral offers not be revoked + case ?
If conduct indicates acceptance , the offer cannot be revoked if the expected conduct continues as in ERRINGTON v ERRINGTON and WOODS.
IF RELEVANT : What also counts as revocation ?
If a party is aware that goods have been sold, this also counts as revocation.
What does “ mirror the offer “ mean ?
The acceptance must “ mirror the offer “ i.e. reflect it exactly without modifications.
IF RELEVANT : What must the acceptance be to the offeror + case ?
It must be unconditional and communicated to the offeror by positive conduct and not silence ( FELTHOUSE v BRINDLEY )
IF RELEVANT : What happens if acceptance is not made in a certain way + cases ?
Where acceptance is required to be made in a certain way, it will generally be sufficient if it is made in any other way , as long as it does not disadvantage the offeror ( MANCHESTER DC v COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL , YATES v PULLEYN )
IF RELEVANT : How else can acceptance be communicated + case ?
Acceptance can also be communicated through conduct ( REVEILLE v ANOTECH )
IF RELEVANT : What is the postal rule + case ?
Under the postal rule , acceptance is communicated at the time of posting , not when the offeror receives it ( BYRNE v VAN TIENHOVEN ). It doesn’t need to arrive for it be effective.
IF RELEVANT : When does the postal rule not apply + cases ?
The postal rule will not apply if the offeree makes a mistake in posting ( GETREID v CONTIMAR ). The rule can be excluded by the agreement of the parties ( HOLWELL SECURITIES v HUGHES ) .
IF RELEVANT : What is the ruling for electronic methods + case ?
For electronic methods , acceptance takes place when the offeror receives it , although the law is unclear and the exact time of acceptance depends on sound business practice and what is the reasonable exception of the parties ( BRINKIBON v STAHAG STAHL )
IF RELEVANT : What if the claimant is unaware of the offer + case ?
An offer can be accepted even if the claimant was unaware the offer existed ( GIBBONS v PROCTOR ) .