Offender Profiling Flashcards
Top down approach
Originated in USA with the FBI from interviews with dangerous murderers
Profiling inputs
All data collected at scene
Decision process models
Data organised into meaningful patterns
Crime assessment
Organised or disorganised classification based on offender type
Organised offenders
Plan crime
Leave few clues
Intelligent and socially competent
Disorganised offenders
Random victim
Leaves clues
Bottom up approach
UK based, data driven on psychological theories and research
Investigative psychology
Using characteristics of the offender
Interpersonal coherence
Personality is consistent which provides clues
Forensic awareness
Experiences criminal will reveal their knowledge e.g. wiping fingerprints
Smallest space analysis
Data from many crime scenes correlated to dons and similarities
This led to the development of 3 themes
3 themes
Instrumental opportunistic: murder to obtain something, took easiest opportunities
Instrumental cognitive: more planned due to worry of being caught
Expressive compulsive: hear of moment, may have been provoked
Geographical profiling
Location of crime provides clues
Circle theory
Criminals commit crimes within a circle
Marauder: lives in circle
Commuter: travels to circle
Criminal geographic targeting (CGT)
3D map that will show probability of offenders residence