Odyssey part 2 quotes Flashcards
Athene at Phaeacia
“in her concern for his welfare, enveloped him in a thick mist”
“look on her as a goddess”
“settles even men’s disputes”
“recognised some clothes that she herself had made”
descriptions of Phaeacia
“large orchard of four acres”
“unlike your royal ways”
“shown themselves to us without disguise”
“sing the famous deeds of heroes”
“hid his face and sobbed”
Odysseus’ hubris on Phaeacia
“biggest discuss of all”
“I’m ready to meet and match myself against all comers”
“remember me sometimes, since it is chiefly to me that you owe your life”
Hubris in Book 9
“the whole world talks of my stratagems, and my fame has reached the heavens”
“your eye was put out by Odysseus, sacker of cities”
Odysseus’ nostos in Book 9
“the clear skies of Ithaca”
“nurtures fine men”
Lotus eaters
“forget all thoughts of return”
“tied them up and dragged them under the benches”
“destroyed its menfolk” “women and the vast plunder”
“fools of men refused” “six of my strong-greaved comrades from each ship were killed”
The Cyclopes being violent
“dashed their heads against the floor” “brains ran on the ground”
lack of civilisation on the Cyclopes island
“fierce, lawless people”
“no assemblies for the making of laws”
Xenia and the Cyclopse
“had hoped of some friendly gifts from my host”
“we cyclopes care nothing for Zeus with his aegis”
Disguise and the Cyclopes
“as for my ship, it was wrecked”
“fuddled his wits”
“I will eat Nobody last”
Justice and the Cyclopes
“drove its sharpened end in to the Cyclops’ eye”
“let him come late… having lost all his comrades… and let him find trouble in his home”
the crew and the Cyclopse
“trying to restrain and pacify me”
Aeolus’ bag of winds
“see people tending their fires, when I fell fast asleep”
“I stayed and endured”
The Laestragonians
“brought my black ship to rest outside the harbour”
“high roof of her father’s dwelling”
“like fishes on a spear”
“my ship was safe, but that was the end of all the rest”
“singing in her beautiful voice”
“noxious drug to make them lose all memory of their native land” “clasped my knees and burst in to tears”
“in making love we may learn to trust one another”
leaving Circe
“a whole year”
“do not stay here unwillingly”
“It’s time you thought of Ithaca”
Hermes on Aeaea
“make you immune from evil”
Odysseus’ cunning on Aeaea
“I am sure you are Odysseus, that resourceful man”
“solemn oath that you have no other mischief in store”
Eurylochus on Aeaea
“it was this man’s reckless folly that cost them their lives”
Odysseus in the underworld
“I myself sat on guard”
Anticleia in the underworld
“still been alive when I left her and sailed for sacred Ilium”
“there he lies in his misery… yearning for you to come back”
Tiresias in the underworld
“A god is going to make your journey hard”
“never be too trustful even of your wife”
Penelope = “loyal in her thoughts and feelings”
Circe’s advice
“call on Cratais”
“again, you are spoiling for a fight and looking for trouble!”
leadership in Book 12
“in this way I explained every detail to my men” “encouraged them with soothing words”
“did not mention the inescapable horror of Scylla”
The crew and Sirens/Scylla
“My good companions were quick”
“pale with terror” “called out to me in their anguish”
“more pitiable sight”
Hubris in book 12
“I put my famous armour on”
“she instructed me alone to hear their voices”
Eurylochus in Book 12
“speech of Eurylochus was greeted by applause from all the rest”
“death by starvation is the most miserable”
Crew eating the cattle
“all had sworn and completed the oath”
“hides began to crawl apart”
Justice in Book 12
“struck the vessel with lightening”
“floated like sea-gulls on the waves”