Odyssey Book 10 Flashcards
Who was Aeolus and what job has Zeus given to him?
- king of the winds
What was unusual about this island?
- floats
- has bronze walls (usually made of stone)
What is unusual about his family?
- married to each other
- no need to work, feasting all day
How did Aeolus help Odysseus?
- hosted him for a month
- gave him bag of winds filled with the bad ones so that only the good ones remained to let him sail home
Why did Odysseus’ men disobey his command and what did they do?
- opened the bag of winds while Odysseus was asleep
- curious about what Aeolus gave to him
- thinks he is hiding gold and silver for himself (unfounded- shared sheep and loot)
Why did Odysseus fall asleep?
- wanted to get home quicker
- stayed up and handled sheets instead of letting crew
How does Aelous react when they return and why?
- rejects helping them
- wasted first gift = gods hating him
- doesn’t want to anger Zeus/ more important gods
What were two strengths and weaknesses of Odysseus’ leadership with dealing with Aeolus?
- was a good guest
- stuck with his men
- didn’t tell crew what was in the bag (lack of trust)
- impatient, wanted to reach home faster but extends journey instead
Where did Odysseus and his crew moor their ships?
- Odysseus = outside of harbour near cliffs
- others = inside u shaped harbour
Who did the 3 men meet once they went onto the Laestrygonians’ island?
- Antiphates’ daughter
- giant
- pointed to father’s house, doesn’t say anything
What happened once the men reach Antiphates’ house?
- finds his wife
- wife call Antiphates
- eats one of the men
- calls the rest of the Laestrygonians
- kills rest of men + ships at harbour
- Odysseus’ ship is only survivor
What was the name of Circe’s island?
Who is Circe’s father?
What does Odysseus do for his men on Circe’s island?
- hunted a stag
- thirsty, went to stream
- kills it with spear, ties its legs onto spear and carry on back to ship for crew to eat
Why does Odysseus want to visit the mysterious house?
- need directions
- recieve xenia + directions